I thought that I had bugs in my bed, ... here's my story

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I thought that I had bugs in my bed, ... here's my story

Post by BuggedGuy »

I was sure the bugs had won, until I came here. Everything is starting to make sense. Ever since I was young I've had the classic "shake" in my leg while sitting down and especially in nervous situations. My grandparents always used to say I should "turn my motor off." When I did mock interviews for jobs I would receive comments like, "You did a fine job but you shook your leg the whole time and you could actually notice your whole body shaking." Funny, cause I didn't even notice it.

I am actually doing it as I sit here typing, shaking my leg. But I had never considered it part of a "syndrome" until I started to experience a new sensation this year.

I lay down for bed and without fail almost every night, it becomes attack of the bugs. I lay there for a few minutes then i get a little twitch on my foot, just quick enough so that am conscious of that spot on my body. Then again on the other leg, now there are two bugs on me. Without moving or scratching the first bug bites even harder, almost stinging now. But I'm quickly distracted by the second again and now the third, eventually they seem to be crawling all over...I've just gotta move, shake out my blanket, turn over, WHATEVER i can do to scare the bugs away.

One night I grabbed a flashlight and thought that I would catch the bugs, see what they look like, tell someone about it, get an exterminator over. I lay in the darkness with the flashlight off and wait for the bugs because I know that they'll come. Ah hah! One is definitely on my leg but I shouldn't move just so that I make sure then as soon as it stings or bites or runs down my leg, or does whatever it does, i can catch it in the act. I tried this numerous times, but with utter disappointment at each go. They must be hiding in the blankets I thought, or maybe behind the bed, or in the crack or somewhere, they have to be somewhere! But how come I've never SEEN any of them?

OHHHHH, I know...now they are microscopic bugs, maybe a parasite living in my body, a virus, worms under my skin, eggs hatching, a whole colony of the worst bugs ever...they've infested my whole body, i thought. But why? Why do they only bother me at night? Why do they seem to go away when i shake my legs, or get up from bed, or turn on the light and seach all over intensely for them???

OHHHHH, I know! I probably have a mental disorder...there's no bugs at all...I've gotta have some sort of delusional disorder...i am probably schizophrenic or even worse just plain crazy.

I am telling you that these are all thoughts that have gone through my head RECENTLY and progressively...until I came to this site and read about how other people experienced similiar (albeit probably not described as I just have) feelings. I have yet to visit a doctor about this, but it is getting to a point where it is very difficult for me to get up in the morning and I get exhausted at work in the middle of the day...i need to drink 2-3 cups of coffee in a row just to say awake.

So either I need to do something about this or find those pesky bugs. Anyone else have similar feelings / stories ... or am I really just crazy?

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Joined: Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:37 am
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Post by ViewsAskew »

BuggedGuy, your post made me smile. I've had those same bugs. There are the ones in my hair. I think I have fleas! They jump around. I've slapped my head to try and catch them. Then there are the bee stings in the hips, legs and feet. They feel like little short lasting stings. Someone else recently was commenting about them, too, but can't remember the thread.

Keep reading; there's a lot of good info here. (And on other sites, too. Look at the Useful Websites thread in New to RLS? and the Starting Out - Links thread in General Topics.) I hope you've found the beginning of the end of your search and can get help. Oh, many of us are self-diagnosed. Welcome!


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Location: Dallas, Georgia

Post by GaAudrey »

Hi BuggedGuy! I too, had a smile on my face reading your post! Not just because you tell your story in a most humerous way, but because I can relate, oh so much!!! I've looked for those same bugs in the middle of the night, thought I was going crazy, and wondered if I was the only person in the world who was like this. Then I found out my sister was having the same problem so I wasn't alone. I did see a doctor - a neurologist and have had some relief with requip. As you'll find there are many meds for many people. No two alike it will seem! Good luck finding what you need to help you sleep and get you a better day without all the coffee!

Be good to yourself,

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Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2004 6:55 pm
Location: pocatello,Idaho

Post by lyndarae »

Hey there bugged!!!!! Get your phone book out and find a doc who knows about rls!!! You are not crazy this is real. With the right meds there can be some relief. Sorry that you have suffered in silence for so long, I did too. But we both found this forum and can be as loud about it as we need to here, in fact we are SHOUTING WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!!!!! Read as much as you can and jump in any time. You have found a home here and a wonderful group of rls sufferes who know what you are talking about WELCOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lyndarae

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