thank god im not crazy

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Hi Miss Jan

Post by becat »

Hi Miss Jan (#2 LOL)
Well, last year I went with treating my symptoms and I'm on the following as of right now:
1 tab of Percodan a day.
split up like this: 1/4 by noon or later if I can handle the morning
1/4 to 1/2 by 5 or 6
well before dinner and well before the nightly walk 1 1/2 miles
1/4 to 1/2 whatever need a bedtime

I'm always allowed a buffer of 5-10 pills for anytime you use pain meds. I think there is a variable involved. I also get that buffer for those special attack days. The ones that dont' allow me to walk at all. Add in there that time of month, which the regular cramps I've got taken care of- non- pharm style. But my legs dont' seems to understand it yet.

The other med I take is Ambien 15 mg. That was upped just after my hubby's surgery this year. First time in almost 2-3 yrs it's been messed with.
I'm actually going in for a sleep study this month. Yes, my first. I dont forsee any changes to medications, but I'm never sure what they will find.
Yeah about the genetic gift thing, I wanted better math skills and maybe green eyes! LOL

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Post by jrowley »

Hum thats interesting becat. My rls gives me pain but doesnt keep me from falling asleep nor wake me. My hubby snoring wakes me more lol. Anywho Im sure the ambium wont do me any good. My neuro has me on depakot and parcopa (same as sinemet but different maker) Still unsure of it working or not as only taken 6 of the parcopa. But this is my 5th pill so i was just wondering since you have the pain. And for the green eyes guess what i have the green eyes and good math skills lol, along with strawberry blonde hair lol ok well thanks for the info. I am getting pretty tired of the trial and error of the pill thing im about ready to go back to taking nothing.
Jan :roll: Can't wait to sleep!

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Post by TxSongBird »

Today is a bad day in the way of pain for me with my Fibromyalgia and RLS. I just popped a Soma muscle relaxer 250 mg here at work and it didn't interfer with my skills, but I am not driving today so I am safe.

The pain is bad in my upper back on my left side as well as my arms today. I slept better last night but still not completely great.

I am currently taking Soma 500 mg at bedtime, Ambien 20 mg when needed at bedtime, Requip .50 mg at bedtime, Xanax at bedtime and when needed and Lexapro 10 mg once a day in the afternoon and Benicar 40 mg for hypertension at night.


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Post by colleen »

anyone try yoga ? or meditation ???
i used to be able to ,but seems that when my rls is active ,it over rides my ability to get in that zone ?

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Post by jrowley »

i never have and i dont think it would work anyway.
Jan :roll: Can't wait to sleep!

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Post by sardsy75 »

Hi Colleen

It will take a little more concentration and practice, but you will more than likely find that you can meditate again.

I meditate every day ... whether i'm having a really horrid day or a really good day. It helps keep me relaxed and free from stress (which we all know is a big RLS trigger!).

I used to do Tai Chi and have found that when I was having a really really bad RLS attack that the breathing techniques taught in Tai Chi have helped me get into the relaxed state that I needed to start meditating and "zone out" away from my RLS.

There have been times when I've found the best places to meditate are at the beach or in the city botanical gardens. Got a fav place in your own garden?

Don't give up on it!

My philosophy is simply this: Life is too short to be diplomatic. Your friends should not care what you do, or say; and for those who are not your friends ... their loss!!!


I feel Your pain.

Post by MyLegzKeepMoving! »

Haha, well first of all i would like to say that i thought i was crazy the first time i was experiencing my jerky legs. Actually, its only in my right leg. I didnt know that there was a name for this annoying little late night occurence. But im only 15! Can that happen? Is it normal? Cuz i dont know many people my age that has this condition. Then again, i dont think that many people talk about it. Anyway, I'd like to hear back from anyone.

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Post by Sara »

Hi Brittany--

My son is 13, and we realized he had RLS more than a year ago. A lot of the adults here also had it when they were kids. I know I had it when I was in my late teens, but I'm not sure about at your age.

I think people don't talk about it because a lot of them don't KNOW about RLS. And those that do, a lot think that it's "an old person's problem". I'm 40 and have had it for at least more than 20 years, so I'm among the large group of people here who prove it's not something only older people experience.

Nice to "meet" you.

Take care.
Sara :D


Post by Guest »

hi brittany,

im 38 and have had rls ("jumpylegs" as you call it) since i was 7yrs old!! I rmember it well even back then in the 1970's!!
i used to call it itchy achy pains. i never knew it was rls till 2-3 weeks ago!!!
my mum used to put pillow cases full of blankets on my legs to help me at night. my parents took me to the gp who diagnosed growing pains and that was the end of it for them!

how did you find out you had rls? id be interested to know.

good to have you in the forum. wlecome and hope you find support here.
trev :)

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Post by trevb »

sorry that was me... not sure im ever gonna learn to log in

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