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New Here!

Post by cpancotti »

I have moderate-severe RLS....getting worse with age. Currently on 100mg gabapentin which sometimes helps, sometimes doesn't. Anyone know how to get medical marijuana when its not yet sold in your state (Maryland)? I am at my wits end and very tired from lack of sleep... :-(

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Re: New Here!

Post by Rustsmith »

If medical marijuana is not legal in Maryland, then you may be out of luck. Interstate transportation of any form of marijuana is illegal since interstate commerce is still handled by the feds. Your only option, which would not be entirely legal, might be to go to the District of Columbia, where recreational marijuana is legal. However, I understand that there are not any recreational stores available yet, just medical dispensaries that require a medical card.

As an alternative, have you discussed your lack of sleep with your doctor? Don't just go in and say that you are not sleeping well. Keep a log of when you fall asleep and how much sleep that you are getting and show this to your doctor. Many times they do not realize how sleep deprived we can be and yet still partially function.

Also, 100mg of gabapentin is the lowest dose available. Higher doses are often used for treating RLS induced insomnia. My personal dose is currently 900mg and there are those who use even more. I think that the max is something like 3600mg/day. You might also talk about trying Horizant, an expensive gabapentin like drug that is specifically FDA approved for treating RLS. The smallest dose of Horizant delivers more gabapentin to the bloodstream than what you are taking.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: New Here!

Post by stjohnh »

It's hard to believe you are getting any relief of moderate/severe RLS with that low dose gabapentin. If that's all you are taking, you probably need more/different treatment. As for the marijuana, if you don't require that it be "medical", you can likely easily get some by asking any high school or college student you know to get you some.

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Re: New Here!

Post by ViewsAskew »

Not suggesting anyone do this....

I moved in with a friend in a state with MM. I got my DL there and got MM. But, I was planning on moving there, anyway, in about 8-12 months. So, I just sort of moved earlier.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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