Whether new to RLS or new to the site, we welcome you and invite you to share your history and experiences with RLS/WED, introduce yourself, and ask questions. Successful treatment starts with a solid understanding of this disease.
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Post by Rustsmith »

Friday, August 19

Welcome to

LDHorvath, who was diagnosed 2 years ago; has tried numerous medications and is still searching for that perfect medication. Her specialist recommended this site. Finding ways to deal with this is paramount to me.

Take a look around, especially "A good place to start" at the top of this forum. And then please post a note introducing yourself, telling us what you have tried and asking any questions that you have.

and to

Clbower, who has not been able to get a good nights sleep for the last couple years. All the medication treatments have side effects that are sometimes worse than the disease itself.

After looking around, please post a note telling us what you have tried and please ask any questions that you have. Experience has shown us that there is always something else to try.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Saturday, August 20

Welcome to

kciok, whose RLS has resulted in the loss of a lot of life's activities. kciok is currently on Ropinerole and Gabapentin and has been much better.

Glad to hear that your treatment appears to be working well. Please feel free to post a note telling us about yourself and asking any questions that we might be able to help answer.

and to

Sleepyhead1, who has had severe daytime fatigue and brain fog, has been dealing with sleep apnea for several years and recently was diagnosed with RLS. Doctors didn't see it on sleep study report.

The doctors didn't miss RLS in the sleep study because does not get detected, only PLMS. RLS is diagnosed by a questionnaire. Take a look through our discussions with "A Good Place to Start", which should help. Then feel free to post a note asking any questions you have.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Sunday, August 21

Welcome to

debcut, who is miserable and has been seeking help.

Take a look through our files, starting with "A good place to start" at the top of this forum. And then, please post a note telling us about yourself, asking any questions you have and letting us know how we can help.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Monday, August 22

Welcome to

LucyKat, who has had symptoms since her early teens but was only recently diagnosed with RLS and would like connect with people with the same problems.

You have come to the right place for that. Please post a note telling us a bit about yourself, your RLS treatment and then ask any questions that you have.


mad4mst, who has PLMS, which disturbs both her and her husband's sleep.

Although RLS and PLMS are not the same thing, the treatments are often the same and most of us with RLS also have PLMS. So take a look around and then feel free to post a note with any questions or comments.


Syork47, whose RLS has made life miserable.


Bob_the_Bear, who is a 62 YO male and has been fighting severe RLS for the last 12 years. He is on 10MG hydrocodone an 1800 MG Gabapentin, but I still rarely sleep for more than 4-5 hours a night.

Take a look around and then please post a note introducing yourself and asking any questions that you have.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Tuesday, August 23

Welcome to

JennySteel, who has had RLS for more than 50 years.

Please take a look around and then feel free to post a note to introduce yourself, tell us a bit more about your RLS and treatment or to ask any questions that you have.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Wednesday, August 24

Welcome to

ilbwendy, who has a family history of RLS and PLMD and is experiencing severe augmentation.

Please post a note telling us a bit about yourself and your treatment history. And feel free to ask any questions that you have.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Thursday, August 25

Welcome to

Amy lynn, who has had RLS since childhood, but at age 61 it is gotten unbearable. She wants to connect with other sufferers to hear their experiences.

Amy lynn, you have come to the right place for that. Please post a note introducing yourself and asking any questions that you have.

and to

daymas, who has had restless legs for some time now and is seeing neurologist and trying (not without problems) the Relaxis pad. daymas is interested in learning how others are dealing with the condition.

We will all be happy to share our experience with RLS treatments and we will eagerly await your report on the issues with the Relaxis pad.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Friday, August 26

Welcome to

EllenSpoehr, who has suffered from RLS her whole life but it didn't become unmanageable until her first pregnancy 20 years ago. It worsened with her second pregnancy and she has been taking Requip for over 16 years. RLS at this point is limiting her life. She is unable to do things like sit in a restaurant or go to the movies because of the severe symptoms. She have never reached out for support but really feels that she needs it now more than ever.

Take a look around and then please post a note introducing yourself and letting us know what we can provide in the way of support. As you will see when you look around our discussions, we provide support to our members in many different ways.

and to

biancom, who has always had RLS, but for most of her life it was not active. Recently, however, it reemerged after a change in medication. She doesn't think there's a single area in her life where she needs support as much as with her RLS!

Well, you have come to the right place. Please feel free to post a note telling us about yourself and how we can help.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

26 August 2016

Welcome today to:

mflynn66 - who has Just been diagnosed with RLS/PLMD - he/she is getting no quality of sleep so it affects all aspects of life. especially work - difficulty concentrating etc. mflynn66 has had driving licence revoked as it is thought he/she may have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.

That is quite a lot to take on especially the loss of your driving licence. You will find the Managing RLS in the Just Joined Forum interesting and please feel free to make a post telling us a little about your history with RLS/PLMD. We'd do try to help.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Saturday, August 27

Welcome to

narcis, whose main problem is waking up continuously through the night. This results in being tired during the day so that performance as a researcher and professor is becoming more and more degraded.

Take a look around to get idea of what can be done and then please post a note telling us about yourself and asking any questions that you have.

and to

Nichole0628, who is a 39 year old married mom with mild RLS. It has worsened in the last year and have just now started meds. In the past it was only in her legs at night, but it recently has also moved to her arms and has started during the day in her legs. She is looking to see what helps others and if there is better ways to help reduce symptoms more naturally.

Take a look through our forum on Non-Prescription Meds for info on natural treatments. You should also take a very close look at the information in the Augmentation forum since that could explain you worsening issues. And please post a note introducing yourself and asking any questions that you have.

and to

Graceline, who has always had RLS. Currently kratom manages it well but she is worried if it becomes illegal at the federal level what she will use instead.

You will find quite a few kratom users here along with some who use stronger opiates and all of us share your concerns. Take a look around at some of the alternative medications and then feel free to post a note with any questions that you have.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Sunday, August 28

Welcome today to

20Characters, whose RLS causes a lack of sleep, want to share what has worked, and learn what works for others.

After you have had a chance to look around, please post a note to introduce yourself and asking any questions that you have.

and to

Belch, who has been living with a diagnosis of MS since 1986 and over the past year has had increasing issues with RLS. He is looking for any help in trying to moderate the symptoms and return to a more peaceful sleep pattern.

jgperry, who has severe rls, uses Neupro patch amd it is starting to fail.

ksdust, whose rls is preventing sleeping well at night with having to get up several times before going to sleep some nights.

rrbill1, who suffers from rls, is currently taking requip and no treatment seems to be working.

Take a look around and then please post a note telling us about your RLS and asking any questions that you have.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado


Post by Rustsmith »

Tuesday, August 30

Welcome to

legsbestill, who lives an alternative life of hell during the night while watching her children cope with growing up with a barely present mother. She cannot access knowledgeable medical care although her GP struggles to help.

Take a look through the discussion "Good place to start" at the top of this forum. And then please post a note introducing yourself, telling us what you have tried and letting us know how we can help or what questions we can answer.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

Polar Bear
Posts: 8855
Joined: Tue Dec 26, 2006 4:34 pm
Location: United Kingdom


Post by Polar Bear »

Wednesday 31st August 2016

Welcome today to:

fastwitch - who has severe RLS. Last year fastwitch experienced augmentation with Mirapex and is now taking Requip XL and oxycodone. There have been many sleepless nights to the point of exhaustion. fastwitch believes that job loss was due to lack of concentration and right now is feeling desperate and trapped with the side effects of the medications, fastwitch needs to speak to people who understand and may have suggestions.

You are aware of augmentation - I suggest you start a thread telling us of your RLS history and we will try to help.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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