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New Members and Current Members Please Read

Post by cmg61 »


I found it!! Thanks. I'll do my bio, but can't now cause I'm at work - I'll do it over the weekend at home.

Happy Friday Everyone!!


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Post by Sara »


Good on ya', Connie! I thought you might find it! I'll try to add my bio this weekend, too.

Don't work toooo hard. :wink:


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Post by Sara »

Of course, mine's long (who's surprised?) but here goes....

Female 39 Location:

Type of sensation: crawly, creepy, internally vibrating, lately a Òwhite noiseÓ/Ósnow on
the tvÓ feeling , sometimes ripples,
Location: feet (sometimes very intense making me
want to flex and pound them), sometimes lower legs, just recently perhaps other parts of my body
Sensations go away when I move.


OTHER HEALTH PROBLEMS (possibly related):
Insomnia: Not too often in the past few years since I have reduced my
sugar and simple carbohydrate intake. But from late elementary school
to mid-thirties I did experience a fair amount of insomnia. Not
nightly, but multiple times a week, except when pregnant and when the
kids were babies. Normal pattern for me would be to sleep 3-5 hours, be
awake for 1-3, and then sleep until I had to wake up (never very late,
usually only 30-90 minutes more, depending on my bedtime that night.)
Thankfully, since my dietary changes, if I wake at night (and I often
do), I am usually able to fall back asleep within 10-30 minutes (and
after a trip to the bathroom.) Normal night's sleep now, 5-6 hours. RLS is starting to wake me up early.

Other: Generalized anxiety disorder (since age 13), possible developing
arthritis, skin sensitivities (excessive blistering age 14-about 25 only
occasional now, though it still welts and irritates easily, could be
dietary/allergic), possible IBS.

Age when RLS was first diagnosed: self-diagnosis about 37
Age (in retrospect) when the unrecognized symptoms appeared: At
least as far back as 18. ThatÕs the earliest SPECIFIC time I recall
memorable (and intense) RLS symptoms-- during a long ride in a small car
late in the evening when I had the flu and was taking Nyquil. When I
was a younger teen I did have a lot of leg shaking, growing pains/achey
knees when hiking/running, night leg cramps and discomfort, but I donÕt
recall all the details, or specific RLS symptoms.

Who diagnosed RLS: self
Number of doctors visited prior to correct diagnosis: N/A havenÕt
spoken to a doctor about RLS yet.
No sleep studies, no pharmaceutical treatment

SEVERITY OF DISEASE (circle one): mostly daily as of this year, mostly
moderate... and only a couple of nights a week from age 20- recently.

Any other factors (please describe): The ÒclassicÓ time for me to
experience RLS symptoms over the years has been watching TV on the couch
with my husband in the evening, or driving home from visiting his
parents in the evening (1 1/2-2 hour drive). For years I assumed that I
had Òsome sort of circulation problemÓ and/or I was overtired, and I
would go to bed when the symptoms started (or as soon after as
possible.) RLS symptoms were my signal that I was Òdone for the dayÓ
(or should be, anyway).

Thankfully, up until recently, lying down has been effective in
seriously lessening (though I donÕt think really ÒeliminatingÓ) the
unpleasant sensations. IÕm not sure if itÕs the change in position or
the exercise of walking to bed and performing pre-bedtime rituals. I
have sometimes felt the creeping/crawling in bed, but not usually to the
extent I do when sitting on the couch or in the car (and lately sitting
at the computer).

Also, I learned years ago bedtime rituals to combat insomnia/worry at
night. So I read literally almost EVERY night before going to sleep,
and after awakening during the night if I feel IÕm going to have any
trouble getting back to sleep. Reading keeps my mind busy, and I wonder
if perhaps it also keeps my mind off my RLS when IÕm in bed (for the
time being). I think that if my habit was to just lie in bed and wait
for sleep, I might be much more tuned-in to my foot and leg discomforts.


Slight, but becoming a bit more problematic/discouraging recently

FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: Paternal Grandfather, Paternal Aunt, paternal cousin's 10 year old child... Mother has peripheral
neuropathy, probably from chemotherapy/diabetes, plus maybe RLS.

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Location: Florida

Post by Keepingstep »

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 6:57 pm Post subject:


My Bio
Deborah, Location: Florida

My symptoms: Pain in my hips, knees, feet sometimes pain shooting up my legs. Crawly sensations from hips to toes, sometimes feels like an itch inside my bones ... all sensations get much worse at night.
Deliberate motion helps me to deal with both the pain and "itching".

I have all these symptoms every day. During the day it is mostly the need to be bouncing my legs all the time. When ever my legs are elevated it is much much worse... either in bed or if I lay the recliner chair back.

other health problems:

bulging disc in my back between L4 and L5.

Other information. I eat a health diet, and am not overweight. I exercise everyday, and take vitamin suppliments daily. I am religious about doing the exercises to take care of my back and keep control of that situation.

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Okay I hope I have done this right

Post by KeepingFaith »


5 6’
125 lbs
Hobbies, writing, singing OH WAIT! This isn’t about meeting someone is it? :roll: :P

I’m kidding not to mention I’m not single and wish I was 125 again lol.

Please understand I don’t know what all is related to RLS but these are things I deal with on a day to day basis

Self diagnosis a week ago
I don’t know how long I have had this, but I know for sure 5 years
Burning feet frequently
Extreme stiffness during sleep and stiffness if I stay in one position to long. Every night stiffness.
Deep pain, in legs, wrists and arms, basically all over scale of 1-10 many times about an 7 Frequently
Joint pain frequently
Top of head tender to touch (No one better touch it) lol
Dizziness or light headed ness several times a month
Vertigo since a teen few times a year
Become dizzy if out in the cold air for any amount of time
Itchy feet when lying down for bed at night (every time I lay down, day or night)
Itchy feet and hands several times a day just comes on out of the blue.
Body has recently started to itch as if something is crawling underneath my skin. Everyday throughout the day.
Urges to stomp or pound on feet or legs to get rid of the tugging or pulling feeling
Upper outer thighs become numb if I stand more then 10 minutes
Lower back pain due to bad spine
Insomnia, I toss and turn all night long, moaning and groaning
Frequent urination during the night whether I stop drinking 2 hours before bedtime or not.
Depression take Zoloft not helping any more
Low blood pressure and the only reason I say that is the last few times the nurse has mentioned the low blood pressure.
Sensitive to touch Example say someone was sitting next to you and they used your leg to get up by pressing there hand on it or if someone pokes you in the arm to say YOU! the pain is so severe it stays with me for several minutes. I really can’t even describe the pain, my poor babies will poke me or use me to get up or down and I literally scream. I don’t know if this is a part of RLS or what, but I have suffered for over 20 years with this.
Diagnosed morbidly obese now, diagnosed anorexic as teen, use to be a normal weight in between the two.
Recovered Agoraphobic as well as panic and anxiety sufferer

Although I have never been diagnosed I believe I suffer from low blood sugar as my blood sugar drops so quick the only thing that brings it up is orange juice. I has one attack come on so bad the paramedics were called out and thank God hubby was just walking in with the orange juice in time. They said that the orange juice is the quickest way to bring the blood sugar up.

Saver pain in my hills and when I get up to walk I almost cannot stand, could be due to weight, but mom said recently granny, her mother always complained about pain in the hills even if she was off them.

Migraines as well as constant head aches
Sensitive to noise even the TV being on sometimes is too much
Not enough light during the winter months is unbearable
Spastic Colon
Acid reflex disease
Hiatal Hernia
Constant forgetfulness many times right in the middle of conversation

Okay I’m Done!

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Post by nephriticus »

Please understand I don’t know what all is related to RLS but these are things I deal with on a day to day basis ..........mind-boggling elaboration follows

Dang, girl. You are a virtual cornucopia of maladies. I guess I won't mention that I stubbed my big toe yesterday.

Don't know if this will help the one symptom, but I'll offer it here. Years ago I drank three or four cups of tea per day, but never after 2:00 P.M. I was having to urinate several times during the night (pre-RLS). I quit the tea drinking and the nightly potty trips ceased, regardless of any other liquids consumed in the evening.

Wish I could offer you respite from all the other stuff.
Currently RLS free. Symptoms stopped almost abruptly after my long term, full time care giving duties ended with passing of wife. No stress, no RLS.

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Post by KeepingFaith »

LOL is it really that bad? lol To others I seem fine, I can really hang with some pain. I think I do pretty well despite a moan every once in awhile. Hey! Try having a C-section and not taking anything for the pain for 2 1/2 days. The only reason I took it was because the nurse who was on night shift finally talked me into it and even though it was only have the dose I made sure I had it every time after lol :wink: I don't like taking meds, but man I felt good. lol

I am lucky though and greatful I don't have some of the things others do.

That's for the potty info. :wink: :)

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Post by becat »




Post by guest »

Hi It's me Sugar. Apparrantly I can't spell today or work my computer. I thought I would put my two cents in again if I didn't already. I can't remember. :D
Age 27
Other than not having a decent nights sleep in about 8 years:
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Constant headaches
Constant muscle aches previously diagnosed as muscle spasm by doctors and chiropractors? Still don't know why pain every day
Bone and joint aches daily
low grade fever often( no cause)
Poor memory
Irregular periods recently (I didn't know if this was needed but why not)
Frequent kidney infections
Anything else I can't really remember it all goes together for me
Mirapex .125 at bed time for now until I see doc this week
Ibuprofen all day long

I think that's about it.
I hope this helps.
I kinda feel weird looking at everything I deal with every day on the screen laid out for all to see....
It's kinda nice to get it out.

Love ya


New to Dx of restless leg syndrome

Post by poker »

:cry: I have had the "need to move my legs during the night" for years but in June I injured my back for the second time. Had Lumbar fusion of 4/5 in 2001. Dr. did 2 epidurals several weeks apart with little improvement followed by microdiscectomy in Aug. followed by lumbar fusion with screws and plates of 2-5 on Oct. 26th. During this time pain was unbelievable so have been on Vicodin HP, Oxicontin, and Fentanyl patchs (not all at the same time) Then came time to stop pain meds. and RSL really set in. I'm off all but one Vicodin HP each day for leg pain but RSL is still a problem. Tried Neurontin300mg. Made me feel so weird during the night( strange vision, dreams) and so doped in daytime. Now I'm on Klonopin 1mg every 6 hours. It just makes me so darn sleepy and I still have the RSL. Usually only take it at night. Is anyone taking Mirapex with good results? I have rheumatoid arthritis and my rheumatolgist suggested it but I see a pain management doctor for the RSL.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Poker, I hope your post is not 'lost' in this thread. Sounds like you've had quite a bit to deal with. If I remember correctly from the RLS conference, spinal injuries and surgeries often cause or exascerbate RLS. The opiates often really help RLS, so coming off of them must have been very hard. There have been lots of posts about Mirapex. Many of us here either do take it or have taken it. You might try a search for posts with that word in it. I only say that because so much good stuff is already here; reading through the posts can be so helpful.

Hope that your situation improves soon and welcome to the board.

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Post by jrowley »

39 female
135lbs 5'9"


Interstitial Cystitis Oct 2004: A bladder disease where the linning of the bladder cracks and the acids from your urine get to the nerves of the bladder and cause pain and frequency and urgency.

Arthritis 2004

Meds: Ditropan XL, Elmrion, OTC motrin when needed for pain.

Pain in my hands, knees, and neck
Swelling in my hands and feet
Pain in my bladder
Urinating frequency and urgency
Leg jerking
Headaches since I was 14
Stiffness in hands
Restlessness when sitting
Numbness in legs when sitting or riding in a car or on a motorcycle
Dry mouth, and eyes
Red white blue hands and feet
Gas and bloating
Painful menstral cycle
Blurry vision
Lower back pain in the mornings
Thirsty all the time
Hungry all the time

I think thats about it :)

Have a day! Not a good day or a bad day just have a day!
Jan :roll: Can't wait to sleep!

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Post by Christy »

DOB: 17 September 1973
SEX: Female
LOCATION: Newcastle, NSW, Australia

(in no particular order):
Restless Leg Syndrome
Leg pain - due to standing at work
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Erythrema Nodosum (also of unknown cause!!!)

RLS – the same as everyone else, irristible urge to move, kick, stretch. Not able to sleep because of it. Some times it comes on when driving and in the day time when I'm really tired.

Clonazepam between 0.25 - 1.0mg per night depending on severity.
Fluexetine (Prozac) 20mg daily
Magnesium supplements 2g three times per day

Hot baths, deep heat rubs, acupuncture (worked ok), herbal tonic prescribed by a chinese medicine doctor, excessive doses of paracetamol/ibuprofen, ginger wine, other alcoholic remedies. Have considered bilateral hip level amputations (only joking)
Thanks for listening....

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Post by chirpee »

Age: 33

Sex: Female

How Long With RLS: 24 years

Health Problems other than RLS: Degenerative Disc Disease - Just had L5 taken out in January. L4 not looking too good either (runs on mother's side of family)

Other Family Members With RLS: My mother, my uncle (on my mother's side), my sister, my 8 year old niece and my 3 year old daughter cries at night with her legs hurting and kicks a lot in her sleep.

Medications: Have always just suffered with the pain. Over the last 6 months it has gotten much worse and is causing insomnia so I have just started experimenting with Neurontin (didn't work) and started today on Requip. If pain gets too bad, as it did lastnight, I resort to hydrocodone

Symptoms: Severe aching in mostly my left knee. Can only sit for 20-30 minutes at a time. Going to bed is almost impossible! Will lay and kick like a mule until I am forced to get up and walk the floors or rock in a rocking chair. Have just started experiencing muscle spasms/itching/twitching and bad Charlie Horse cramps. Over the last six months I have bad insomnia - only sleep 2-3 hours per night. Symptoms seem to worsen in bad weather (rain/snow). Over the last month or two I have started having the pain during the day. I have generally only experienced the pain and restlessness after about 11:00 p.m. Now it is almost all the time.

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Post by Lori »

I don't have a whole lot to contribute, but if it helps, here goes:

35 y/o female
5'7", 125 lbs
Very physically active
A history of growing pains (I remember thinking, "Wow, I'm going to be really tall!" ) :lol:
Family history hasn't been fully explored yet, but I know my brother has terrible symptoms when he takes Nyquil. He is otherwise fine.

My symptoms involve jumpiness/jitteryness in both legs, sometimes spreading to the pelvic region and my arms. It's bizarre, but the best way I can describe it is feeling like I need to jump on the treadmill and run a few miles to "burn" all that extra energy off. I once asked my husband, "Is this what people hopped up on cocaine feel like?!" :shock:

I can relieve the pressure building in my muscles by shaking out my limbs, walking and/or rocking back and forth (if sitting).

It's worse at night, and cold/allergy medicines ramp it up. (I just discovered this connection two nights ago ~ Benadryl made me nuts for a full 24 hours.)

Episodes are normally infrequent and mild ~ enough so that I didn't realize what was going on until recently. I've had mild, short episodes throughout the day too, but up until now I ignored them, so I can't really officially recall details. In the past, I just figured I ate something funny or my hormones were out of whack.

Other issues that may or may not be related:

I've had terrible muscle spasm along my spine, bad enough to feel pain if you push on me in the affected area. Not surprisingly, this causes tension headaches. :roll: An MRI revealed that the spasm is so bad sometimes, my cervical spine in the shape of a "reverse C." I think they called it "Reverse Lordosis," but I'm not sure. I just remember my husband (an MD) looking at my films and saying, "Jesus, look at your neck!" (I, on the other hand, was too busy looking at my MRI and thinking, "Geez, my face is really fat.") :P

I've been waking up stiff all down my spine for years. Actually, I thought everyone felt the same way (you know, a natural stiffness from being inactive during sleep) until the MRI was done, and I was informed that most other people wake up just fine. I said, "Come on...don't you guys feel a little sore? A teeny bit in your back?" Nope. :?

The stiffness sometimes goes away during the day, and sometimes I have it (along with back/neck pain and headache) for days at a time. I've learned to kind of just deal with it, though the days when the pain is gone are a wonderful relief.

Within the last year, I've been worked up for right hip pain, but the doc has found nothing. He thought for sure I had a torn labrum ~ nada. No arthritis, no bursitis... we have no clue. At my last visit, he said "You're too young for this. It HAS to be something." He wondered if it was nerve related. Now I'm wondering too.

Right foot goes numb sometimes, but not often. Mostly when driving or lying down to watch TV. I also get a nasty ache in my right thigh and butt, along with some muscle spasm. Heat helps.

I'm otherwise in really great shape. (Really, I SWEAR! :lol: ) I love to work out and currently run stairs, jump rope and practice Yoga daily. Since taking up my yoga practice seriously, the muscle spasm and accompanying headache have decreased dramatically. If I skip a few days of practice (usually due to illness), the pain comes back. Then again, sometimes it shows up now matter how active I am. *shrug* I'll have to pay attention to see if I can figure out any triggers.

My diet is great, about 80% raw. I still eat junk now and then (the GOOD, mozarella sticks, cookies :D ), but not nearly like I used to in my 20s.

Cripes! Did I say I didn't have much to add?! Sorry guys.

I think the next time I have symptoms in my legs, I will apply a gentle Yoga practice and see what happens. Maybe my activity level has kept many symptoms at bay. *crosses fingers*


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