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My RLS Story

Post by Sleepyhead »

I enjoy reading your replies, you always make me laugh. What a good sense of humor you have. If there is anything I have learned in life, it is to be able to laugh or else I think I would be crying alot. Well here goes my familiar story:
Age: 55yrs.
Sex: Female
Other Health Issues: Sinus/Allergies (I am fortunate becaue I can still take OTC meds. like Tylenol Sinus and keep things under control without setting off the RLS too bad) Bone Spur in my right foot; Depression; Overweight (I gained about 30lbs in the last year) No wonder my foot hurts & I am depressed. And Intestional Reflux problems (sounds better than GERD)
Meds: Mirapex .50mg 3xper day; Welbutrin XL for the depression; Tylenol Sinus as needed ( right now it is a daily routine) Multiple Vitamin; Glucosamine/Chondroitin (seems to help with the foot pain & is not as bad as taking anti-inflamatory drugs) and Nexium for the stomach thing.
History: I had "growing pains" at about age 4 or 5yrs. I remember waking up in the night crying with pain and I still shared the room with my younger brother. I moved in with my sister at around age 5 so that is why I can date things. My mother had RLS only during her pregnancies; My maternal grandmother had it off & on throughout her life & she got relief from taking Quinine when it flared up; My maternal relatives in Ireland both an aunt and a cousin have it and my 13yr old grandaughter is the latest victim. In my family, it seems to skip a generation entirely or at least in its severity.
In my case, there was definately a hormonal connection. I could always tell when I was ovulating by my RLS flaring up and when I began Menapause about 10yrs. ago it really got bad. At that time I was only getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night . I was still working full time and my dad had just passed away with Alzheimers Disease. (We also think this runs in our family on our fathers side so I can only hope that when/if I get Alzheimers maybe I will forget I have RLS. Ha!) I have heard several people mention that they had thought that amputation of the legs might help and I too have though of this only I have heard of "Phantom Limb" disorder where an amputee continues to feel a pain or itch in a removed limb and I just knew that I would still have RLS after. Just a wild thought for all of us anyway. I digress...after Menapause started and my RLS was out of control I decided to seek medical help. I had tried in the past to explain my leg sensations to doctors without any luck "Try Quinine" "Increase you Calcium" and "Maybe it is all in your head" after that last one it took another 20yrs. before I brought it up to a MD. I even kept a journal for about a year documenting my RLS and when it was better or worse. I wrote down what I had eaten, what my exercise pattern had been even what shoes I had been wearing and I couldn't seem to find a connection between these things and my leg pain. I offered this info. to my MD at the time and he wasn't even interested in looking at it. I was so depressed.
My sister had just seen a section of an upcomming special on "Sleep Disorders" and it sounded like there was something like I had. When I watched the special I heard Restless Leg Syndrome for the first time. I cried. I never knew it had a name and that so many people suffered from it. I then read everthing I could find on the subject and decided that there was help out there if I could only find the right doctor. I made lots of phone calls to mostly Neurologists offices and asked if they were familiar with RLS and treated it aggresively. I was lucky because it was only the second MD where I recieved help. The first Neuro. wanted to keep increasing my dosage of Sinemet and Klonipin. I was getting terrible rebound from the Sinemet and the Klonipin I reserved only for a "Drug Out" weekend as my husband and I referred to it. I couldn't take the Klonipin on a daily basis because I could not function at work the next day due to the "Sleep Hangover" so it was reserved for the weekend and then I literally lost the whole 2 days in a druged indused sleep state-not restfull like natural sleep.
The second MD is actually a Pulmonary Specailist but she did her residency at Stanford and after working in the sleep center there, she was amazed to find out about RLS and how little was being done to acknowledge or treat it. So she is also a sleep disorder specialist. She put me on Mirapex immediately and thankfully it has been a Godsend to me. I have just recently increased my dosage from .25mg to .50mg and it seems to work.
I am the caregiver for my 84yr old mother who suffers from Alzheimers/Dementia so I must be able to stay on my toes to deal with her. I just quit my job the first of the year so I could stay home full time with her. The increased stress this has brought on has also made the RLS worse.
I am so thankful to have found all of you here. It is wonderful to know that there is such support out there. I will quit running on now, besides my mom just got up and we need to start our day.

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Hi Sleepyhead

Post by becat »

Hi Sleepyhead,
Again you voiced what I've thought about for a yr or so. RLS is a family trait for me as well, I have passed it on to my youngest son.
I like you believe that the severity skips a generation in my family as well. With one exception, my niece, she like me, both parents have RLS to one degree or another.
Anyway, My mom's side of the family is worse, thinking now, Dad's mom probably had it. She had many problems with her legs, but would soak them at night in ice water.
My mother's mom, My Mammaw, was the only one in my family that understood my problems. I've said she was the strongest woman I've ever know, maybe the strongest person. I know that for over 60-something yrs. straight her legs and shoulders hurt her every day of her life. Never one to take medication for anything, she just toughed it out. God Bless her.
My aunts and uncle know about RLS and have it to a lessen degree. My mother had a massive bout with it in her 30's and then it kicked into a mild form. It's seemingly strong for my generation of cousins and Mammaw.
If this is the case, I've doomed my grandchildren. That thought just crushed me. Nope, my boys aren't ready for children yet, let's pray a while. But when the youngest does have children, likely they will have a greater chance of having RLS and having like me.
I guess my fight to have it better known and better researched is a valid one. Somedays it truely isn't about us now, but our future.
Thanks for voicing your thoughts on this subject.
Hugs to all.

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will respond here, can't find in gen. topics

Post by squirmy »

My RLS became severe last fall. The strange creepy crawly sensations and movement with stabbing would keep me up all night. I would still be moving and pacing when the alarm would go off. My general doc had no clue. I was having othe problems and finally after seeing a Rheumatologist I was diagnosed with RLS and Systemic Lupus. My rheumy said RLS is common along with autoimmune desease. I started on 100 mg. of Neurontin nightly. after a couple weeks there was improvement. After 3 months the RLS symptoms returned worse than ever. I had a severe 20 hours episode and couldn't walk for two days after from soreness because of the tensing and moving of legs/arms. Now I am taking Sinemet for the past month. The first couple weeks I slept like a rock, it was fantastic. But now I wake myself up a lot during the night with movement like I'm making snow angels in my sleep. The creepy sensations are not a problem, they might start, but go away within a few minutes. I still don't feel like I am getting a restful sleep, but right now, things are much improved.

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Post by Kris »

AGE 37
HEALTH PROBLEMS OTHER THAN rls - osteochondral defect, left foot, tarsal tunnel syndrome - both feet, one (l) very severe with very abnormal EMGs. I'm overweight, but the problems with my foot started THEN I gained all this darn weight. Its been 8 years and I can't hardly walk.

MEDICATIONS Nuerotin 1800mg/day, Mirapex - 3 a day, Ultracet - I take maybe 3 a week, Lorcet - maybe once a week, more often if it is a terrible week.

I used to think I had restless leg syndrome - I'd lay in bed and my legs would crawl. Then that stopped. I quit drinking caffeine. Now, I can't tell what the tarsal tunnel is and what the RLS is, but my feet just hurt, and my legs hurt, they feel cold and broken. Rubbing helps but then it hurts sometimes too. I can't sleep some nights - much worse when I lay down. I do have to change positions all the time at night - if I don't, everything goes to sleep. I have some numbness in my legs also.

My dad and grandmother have RLS. If I am still too long, it is definitely worse.
Last edited by Kris on Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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new to the site...not the jumpy legs

Post by al »

rls diagnosed 7 years ago can't remember how long I've had it
2 mg clonazapam when needed
involved with ag chemical application for 20 years
2 herneated discs 7 years ago
high blood pressure controled with toprol
99% of the time the problem is with the left leg
sometimes wake with creepy crawlies and numbness over entire body, including tounge.
Nothing in family history, although my newly married daughters husband is comlaining abouther leg jumping.
I can only sit in a recliner about 15 min. before symptoms set in.

Something strange happened earlier last month. I reinjured my back and for a week, the sensations started in my upper thigh and tried to move down and made my leg jump but the sensation stopped at the knee and my leg didn't move. heck of a way for relief.
I had a 3 month period 2 years ago in the fall where I took no medication and had no symptoms.
I also have a lump above my left knee about the size of a walnut. You can't see it but you can feel it. feels attatced to muscle. Dr. is not concerned because I've had it since a teenager.
Symptoms really bad today, hence my finding this site.
I have tried everything from hitting my thigh with a board to shocking my leg with a battery charger secretly in the garage in the middle of the night.
I'm at wits end. I dont drink but got drunk one night just to get to sleep.
I decided that was really stupid so didn't try that again.
People all around with real problems. feeling guilty about taking the time to write this. Good luck to you all

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Location: Yorkshire, England

Post by violoboist »

Is it too late to do this?
AGE- 25
SEX- Female
SYMPTOMS- daytime knee jerking, inability to sit still, occasionally painful knees and calves, feeling of building up energy in lower legs at night, unpredictable and uncontrollable leg jerking.
LEADING TO- insomnia, extreme frustration, mood swings
TRIGGERS- I think it got worse as I started coming off Effexor prescribed for depression
TREATMENT- none as yet, bar sleeing pills that are making me a horrid person. Dr and I start working through a list next week! Luckily, he is very supportive!

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Post by violoboist »

Oh! AND I belive it to be herditory- Mum has it, and Nan has it. And I get VERY stiff legs

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Post by Sara »

Never too late! :D It's on-going.

And good luck with your treatment strategy sessions with your doc.

Sara :D

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Post by LadyFox »

Hope you still need this info :-)

Age: 46

Gender: Female

Occupation: Administrative Assistant

Location: New Jersey

Ethnic Background: Mostly Russian, a bit of Austrian. Very light skinned, hazel eyes (were blue as a child), blonde hair.

Symptoms: Nighttime leg jerking, left leg mostly, occassionally the right. Gripping, choking sensations in legs. Have trouble sitting still (movies are a problem), constantly moving my legs, rubbed feet together all the time while laying down as a child. Need to kick and stretch a lot.

Triggers: Being too warm. Other than that, not sure. Remember having it as a kid. Was VERY bad while I was using fertility medications, a hormonal connection?

Things that help: Getting up and walking, massaging the area (thanks to my DH for that).

Other Health Issues: Cubital Tunnel Syndrome in right arm, pinched nerve in neck, spinal stenosis (congenital), migraines, DeQuervain's Syndrome in right thumb, seasonal allergies, high cholesteral, gallbladder disease (removed). Other than those, mostly in good health.

Other Family: My grandmother is the only one I know about. She complained all the time about it, still does. My dad suffered from insommia terribly, but I don't know if this was a component - he wasn't one to complain. But I do remember him walking around alot at night.

Eating Habits: I eat fairly well. I try not to eat too many processed foods, stay away from things with corn syrup in them, eat little sugar in general and avoid fried foods. I eat low fat too. I prefer things as close to their natural state as possible but I do indulge now and then but not on fast food. I can't remember the last time I ate a McDonalds burger for instance! I don't have too much caffeine either.

Medications: None for the RLS however, while on other things for other problems noticed dramatic decline in symptoms (Ambien, Neurontin and opiates particularly and marijuana, when I used to indulge). Worsening on the small dosage of Elavil I'm currently on for the CTS and pinched nerve. I take Lipitor and a birth control daily, obviously not related to the RLS :lol: I also take Imitrex and Zyrtec as needed for migraines and allergies.

Self-Diagnosed, have not been to a doctor for this yet.

Not very active physically other than walking.

I think that covers it!


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my input

Post by dawnala »

SEX : Female
HEALTH PROBLEMS OTHER THAN rls: Hodgkin's lymphoma post 3 yrs (woohoo!), migraines, just found out I'm anemic; early menopause (thanks, chemotherapy! :roll: ); severe tremors in my hands
MEDICATIONS : multivitamin for extra iron, clonazepam 0.5 at bedtime; seasonale; xanax 0.25 as needed

FYI: Several members of maternal side of family has RLS though no one was diagnosed until me. Had "jumpy legs" for as long as I can remember but developed tremors about 4 years ago. Just had an MRI of the brain done this morning. Should have the results by Thursday or Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed that it's nothing worse.

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My Information

Post by SusanM »

AGE: 43
SEX: Female
HEALTH PROBLEMS OTHER THAN rls: Please see my post in the Newbie section.
MEDICATIONS: In the past 3 months I have been on:
Heparin Lock Flush
Multi Vitamin
Calcium supplement
Vicodin (hydrocodone APAP)

I am still taking the following:
Multi Vitamin
Calcium supplement
Vicodin (hydrocodone APAP)

Night is the blotting paper for many sorrows. ~Author Unknown

c in cal

please help

Post by c in cal »

age 51 female mirapex(working on getting off of, because of side effects). LEVOTHYROXINE trying to replace mirapex with natural ..magnesium, b-6, flax seed oil, and rite now trying the low low salt and sodium thing .
have sleep apnea..much better ..but not gone the less mirapex i take (almost off).rls since young teens,runs on moms side, only seen it in the wemon. my grandmas was pretty bad in her older age. mine is really every day thing off and on all day if not taking some thing. when on hormons in past.. paste floor and cried day and nite.. doctors could not figure out why...iam the one that did. i always was bad during preg. so i put 2 and 2 together.hormons.. sry so newbe

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Post by becat »


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Post by jrowley »

jrowley wrote:Jan
39 female
135lbs 5'9"


Interstitial Cystitis Oct 2004: A bladder disease where the linning of the bladder cracks and the acids from your urine get to the nerves of the bladder and cause pain and frequency and urgency.

Arthritis 2004

Meds: Ditropan XL, Elmrion, OTC motrin when needed for pain.

Pain in my hands, knees, and neck
Swelling in my hands and feet - RLS related
Pain in my bladder - Bladder Prolaspe
Urinating frequency and urgency - Bladder Prolaspe
Leg jerking - RLS related
Fatigue - Everything Related
Headaches since I was 14
Stiffness in hands - Arthritis and RLS related
Restlessness when sitting - RLS related
Numbness in legs when sitting or riding in a car or on a motorcycle - RLS related
Dry mouth, and eyes
Red white blue hands and feet - Arthritis related
Diarrea - Rectum Prolaspe
Gas and bloating - Rectum Prolaspe
Painful menstral cycle - Endometriosis, Adhesions, Uterin Prolaspe
Blurry vision - Meds Related
Lower back pain in the mornings - Prolaspe related
Thirsty all the time - Meds Related
Hungry all the time - Meds Related

I think thats about it :)

Have a day! Not a good day or a bad day just have a day!

Update 09/07/05

DX of IC was wrong went for 2nd opnion and was dx with endometrosis, cycst on ovary, adhesions, bladder, rectum, and uterin prolasps. Having a hystorectmy October 12th 2005 to remove everything and to repair the bladder and rectum.

DX RLS - Jan. 2005 jerk every 6 mins at night.
DX PLMD - self due to the extensive movement and jerking my husband says I do
DX Pulmonary Nodules (begnign gonna watch and wait) July 19th 2005, reason for stop smoking

Meds as of 9/7/05:
*Depakote 500mg-for rls and headaches
*Zyban-Stop smoking 6 weeks as of 9/7/05

Other Meds that didn't work:
*Mirapex-caused side effects / no effect on RLS/PLMD
*Klonopin-caused severe sleepiness during the day
*Neurotin-had side effects and did nothing for the RLS/PLMD
*Parcopa-no effect with RLS/PLMD but was one that didn't cause side effects.

Mother - rls, heart, pancreitis, and a serious of other conditions unknown to me
Father - rls undiagnosed
Maternal Gramother - Deceased from stroke
Maternal Granfather - Deceased from pancreatic cancer
Paternal Grandmother - rls undiagnosed, arthritis, osteprosis, severe angina
Paternal Grandfather - Deceased Lung cancer and Dementia

Been a wonderful year - right :roll: :?


Post by Dirkmc3 »

6'1" 215#
Health problems other than RLS: None
Medications: None
Symptoms: Irresistable drive to move, stretch my legs. The more I fight it, the worse it becomes. Eventually my legs will twitch and jump. I have had this for many years and thought I was alone. Mainly impacting me at night. Triggered by heat, also heavy carb intake too close to bed time. Some periods its bad and others not as bad but it is constantly looming and waiting to hit me. I have tried over the last few years to make connections between activities,foods,meds, etc...and my late night bouts but they seem to be more on the random end of the spectrum.

Treatment: I have tried several things..a stretching regimine before bed, mineral supplements, the big "O" as someone put it. Also 200 mg of Ibuprofin when it gets real bad helps take the edge off.

General information: I am in good health, low choleterol, athletic, and eat sensibly. I seldom drink or smoke. I find this affliction to be absolutely frustrating as does my other(better) half. I thought for the longest time I was going crazy and that I was alone. a few years ago I am listening to a radio program on NPR about attetion disorders and how some have been linked to sleep disorders ...such as RLS...BANG! like a they describe the symptoms I realize I'm not loosing it. I will be on the forum now that I know its here and hopefully gain some knowledge on how to control this and maybe contribute to the input already here.

"CraZy Legs"

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