Whether new to RLS or new to the site, we welcome you and invite you to share your history and experiences with RLS/WED, introduce yourself, and ask questions. Successful treatment starts with a solid understanding of this disease.
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Welcome GRN

Post by b_rwhite5 »

Hi, GRN. Welcome. I just joined a few days ago. Now I not the only new girl. :lol: I have had rls since I was a teen. Like you, my mother has had rls for years. I remember her laying on the couch a constantly rubbing her feet together and wondering why she did that. At night, I do the same thing and it actually seems to help! I also have problems driving or riding in a car for too long. I try to avoid taking trips that last more that 30 mins, and if I do I have to stop and take a walk. For me, it seems that the more I move, the less I hurt. I wasnt actually diagnosed with rls until about 5 days ago, but i have had alot of leg and lower back pain since i had a car accident in 1999. How does the Lyrica work for you? I have read alot of good things about Requip, so I am thinking about asking my doc about it. I have read that Lyrica can cause dependency and you can have withdrawls if you stop taking it too quickly. That scares me to death because I became addicted to opiates several years ago and it has took me more that 4 years to detox using methadone. I am not proud of it. I made a bad decision, but the pain kept getting worse and I kept taking more. I also wonder if there is any way to get 100% relief. I haven't found it yet, but I am sure it just takes time. We just have to find the right combination of meds and other options until we find whats best for us. Being a mother of three small children, its not easy, but we can't give up, ya know? Sorry, I ramble on alot. :lol: Anyway, Welcome and I wish you the best of luck. Keep us posted! :)

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Location: Northern Virginia

Post by tazzer »

the only thing that controls mine constantly is the pain meds and sometimes if its a really bad day, even those don't take away the symptoms completely.

I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
Dr Karl Ekbom, 1945

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Post by becat »

Amen Dee,
and Rebbeca, if it helps, I'm old enough not to be new anywhere, even if it's my first time there.LOL :D Please make yourself at home here, your among friends that often become family.
But welcome to you all.

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Location: Marriott-Slaterville Utah

Post by gr8tnana1 »

Hi becat I found this website just by typing in restless leg syndrome in a google search. I am really glad I found it although I still am not sure how everything works. I just know I am miserable and need people to talk to and to discuss what things have been working for others. I wish the online discussin board was easier to follow more like a chat room for all sleepwalkers ya know. I hope I can figure this all out and find some great needed help. Thanks gr8tnana01

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Post by becat »

I bet your going to do great here gr8tnanal,
First I'd tell you that reading this board is simple, just time comsuming. So much great information.
Try the sticky note in this section first, it has so much information that you'll likly need days to get through it all.
And If you read around the other sections or even use the search engine for certain things like medications, relationships, whatever, it will bring up a ton of threads as we call them, for you as well.
We are so sorry you needed to find us, but so glad you are here now.
Your not crazy, your not alone, and your among friends you never knew your heart missed.
There are no real rules and never a silly question.
Welcome to the board.

Posts: 86
Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:02 am

Post by b_rwhite5 »

Hi gr8tnana1. Welcome. I am glad that you are here, but I am very sorry you have RLS. Everyone here is wonderful. You will find alot of support. We all are happy to help. I joined this board I guess about a month ago, and I love everyone here. I have found alot of support. I am sure you will be able to do the same. Please do read the sticky. You will find alot of great info there. Goodluck!

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Location: Illinois

Post by jan3213 »

Hi gr8tnanal

You are REALLY among friends here who have become family!

Ask anything---absolutely no silly questions. You'll do just fine--looks like you already are doing great!

I am really sorry that you are so miserable and have RLS, but am so very glad you found us. I've been around a long time, too---almost as long as Becat (Lynne)--but this place still saves me from time to time. We are learn from and lean on each other!


No one is alone who had friends.

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:43 am

Post by Tiggs »

I'm very new at this and I believe I have RSL. The only person I've ever complained to was to my husband. Started about 8 yrs ago. Never told anyone of it including my doctors bc I didn't think it was a medical condition. My husband was the one who brought it to my attention after seeing the commercial on television. I've been researching and etc.

Now my question is this.............How long has this *RLS* been going on and how come I've never heard of it up til couple months ago???

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Location: Northern Virginia

Post by tazzer »

there were studies done by a Thomas Willis and he lived in the 1600's, another mention of the symptoms were made in the 1800's. In a 1945 publication titled 'Restless Legs', Karl-Axel Ekbom described the disease and presented eight cases used for his studies, so it's been around a while, it just seems now some doctors are finally paying attention to their patients.

I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
Dr Karl Ekbom, 1945

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Location: Illinois

Post by jan3213 »

That's very interesting, tazzer. My first neuro told me that he believed years ago that's why so may people smoked opium, etc. Self-medication.......

Not sugesting anyone do that one! LOL

No one is alone who had friends.

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Location: Northern Virginia

Post by tazzer »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I feel like a science project!!!

“The syndrome is so common that it should be known to every physician.”
Dr Karl Ekbom, 1945

Posts: 2842
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:41 pm

Post by becat »

I think that is an interesting comment.
How many of us have self medicated one way or another before we knew what was driving us crazy.
Not saying anything here, but the 80's were not so tough on me. LOL
ya'll keep me smiling.

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Location: Alvarado, TX

Post by Hos »

Hey becat and all,

I think YOUR email to me helped me to discover this site since I'm on your local RLS support group email list, but I forgot about it and then googled it today and here I am. :)

I look forward to reading up then I'll probably start asking some questions and hopefully help some people as well. I've had RLS since I was 27 and I'm 35 now and have RLS nightly. I'm currently on Neurontin 1200 mg and Xanax 1.25.

Thanks to everyone who moderates and helps out here. Knowledge truly is power.

Craig (Hos)

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Location: Lake Havasu City, Arizona

anyone new please answer

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Hos, Welcome to this group. Ask all kinds of questions, there will be members who will be able to answer them. Reading alot of the forums (old and new) is a good way to get started. It has helped me alot and also have some wonderful people here that has helped me too and continue to do so. We are all here to help one another and the support is absolutely fabulous.
Taking one day at a time

Posts: 2842
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:41 pm

Post by becat »

Hi Hos, Craig, what ever you like, lol.
I'm so glad you made here to the board. And I hope you still have my email, your welcome to use it anytime.
This board is just the best, the people and the information. Most of the time we learn best from one another, so read, read , read, my dear.
National Meeting is next month in San Antonio too, would love to have you. If not the next local meeting is in Dec..
Welcome home hun.
Hugs to all,

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