FEBRUARY 2023 - New Members

Whether new to RLS or new to the site, we welcome you and invite you to share your history and experiences with RLS/WED, introduce yourself, and ask questions. Successful treatment starts with a solid understanding of this disease.
Polar Bear
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Welcome to IndyRPh

Post by Polar Bear »

18th February 2023

Welcome today to

IndyRPh who RLS has decreased quality of life in so many ways.
Indy finds this website has been incredibly helpful.

Yes, RLS is a burden in so many ways. If you have any questions please do post and ask what you will. We are always happy to try to help fellow sufferers.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Welcome to CalmLegs

Post by Polar Bear »

18th February 2023

Welcome today to

CalmLegs who almost never feels fully rested. As a result, this leads to overeating in a fruitless hope of getting more energy. Also has to fight against, "making up," for lost sleep in the morning; endless loop!

Sleep problems are what mostly send rls sufferers seeking help. Please make a post providing details of how you have been coping with your symptoms, what medications (including dosages if possible) you may have tried and what has or has not worked. Also have you had your Ferritin Serum level checked, this is done as a blood test but has to be specifically requested. Your level needs to be up around 100 even though 20 is accepted as being normal. This will give us some background to try and help you.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Welcome to Patgsc

Post by Polar Bear »

20th February 2023

Welcome today to

Patgsc who is seeking info about treatments and insurance for rls

We are happy that you have found us. You will find lots of information in the various Forums. If you have any questions please make a post giving some background information and we will do all we can to help.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Welcome to Bern

Post by Polar Bear »

22nd February 2023

Welcome today to

Bern who finds that RLS affects the ability to fall asleep and stay asleep and affects the ability to share a bed....

Difficulties with sleep and bed sharing is often what will lead us to seek help. Please make a post giving us details of your RLS regime and your treatment including if you have had your Ferritin Serum checked. Your Ferritin level is important and should be up around 100 and not at the 20 which is generally considered acceptable. This will give us a starting point to help you.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Welcome to Ralphalina

Post by Polar Bear »

22nd February 2023

Welcome today to Ralphalina who has had major sleep issues for most of his/her life. RLS since a child. Found out that it was an actual condition when perusing the BLUE pages of the phone book many years ago and listening to the recording. Is using Methadone because all other treatments failed.

The inevitable sleep issues that come with RLS are such a burden. Is the Methadone working for your RLS at present apart from the sleep issues. When you are ready just make a post and feel free to ask any questions. We will do our best to help.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Welcome to Kglancy

Post by Polar Bear »

22nd February 2023

Welcome today to Kglancy who was recently was told that symptoms are restless leg and anxiety. Kglancy is here for help with my stress and symptoms. Needs help coping getting better.

Are you just recently diagnosed by your doctor.
I suggest that you make a post providing details of your previous and current RLS treatment including medications (if any) which have and have not worked. This gives us a starting point for discussion.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Welcome to Bobbi

Post by Polar Bear »

23 Fenruary 2023

Welcome today to:

Bobbi who has disrupted sleep, and finds energy.is zapped.

Disrupted sleep is one of the awful issues with rls. Please do post and tell us about your rls and how you are managing it at present. This information will help us to try and help you.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Welcome to robertff3401

Post by Polar Bear »

24 February 2023

Welcome today to:

robertff3401 who I has had RLS for over 30 years. Originally used Pramipexole but recently transitioned to Sinemet. Had an allergic reaction to Sinemet (rash) and now must get off Sinemet. Would like to present information in a discussion format and get input from others. Has moderate to severe RLS.

Sinimet should not be used on a regular basis. it works well but only for occasional use otherwise augmentation will occur very quickly. Did you change from Pramipexole because of augmentation? It makes me wonder how experienced your doctor is in the treatment of rls. Please do post giving details of your rls and treatments. Have you had your ferritin serum checked - a specific blood test not normally done with a specific request. We will do our best to help.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Welcome to IzzyKoshi

Post by Polar Bear »

26th February 2023

Welcome today to

IzzyKoshi who is suffering from very severe RLS and needs all the help available.

Please do make a post giving us details of your RLS history and the treatments that have or have not worked. Tell us if you have had your ferritin serum checked. This information will give us a starting point to try and help you.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Welcome to ifyouaskmady

Post by Polar Bear »

27 February 2023

Welcome today to

ifyouaskmady who finds rls has severely impacted ability to sleep, levels of fatigue and exhaustion and a huge inability to not even be able to stay in bed and rest at night. Also has RAS (RLS in the hands), which has further complicated sleep.
Currently, nothing has helped. All blood work is normal. Tried iron, magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin B, curcumin, ginkgo, compression stockings, all with little to no relief.

When you say all bloodwork is normal...... have you had your Ferritin Serum checked. This is very important and is not normally done in a routine blood check. 'Normal' is acceptable at 20 but an rls sufferer would be wanting to be up around 100. Please make a post with your rls treatment history details and this gives us a starting point to try and help you.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
Posts: 8953
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Location: United Kingdom

Welcome to sandyslr

Post by Polar Bear »

Monday 27 February 2023

Welcome today to sandyslr who upon aging (now 63) finds RLS has pretty much limited lifestyle due to not only nightly but also now daily bouts of RLS. Nightly loss of sleep leaves sandyslr cognitively challenged and moody. Depression, anxiety has increased even tho under dr's care with prescription anti-depressants, and anti-anxiety rx. sandyslr hopes to gain insight from others who are living with this disabilating disease.

Antidepressant medication can trigger/aggravate rls symptoms. Have you had your Ferritin Serum checked, should be up around 100. Are you taking rls medication. Please post and tell us what you have been doing to treat your rls symptoms.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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