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Thank you for the welcome

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:32 pm
by snarfang
Hi all,
Ive had my neurology appt apparently my ferritin is 35 (09/03/22) which the neurologist said was low, so ive had a full blood test done ive also been put down for a routine EEG and CT Scan. Im luckily off the ropinirole but my legs arnt happy with that, I then got a call from neurologist on Sat asking me to come off my fexofenadine 180mg as it can worsen the symptoms? So my yr round hayfever is now not under control.

Hoping to get to the bottom of the legs as apparently my gentle movemnet when legs kicking (showed vid of legs whilst sitting) isn't much to worry about... Hubby butted in then and said she doesnt half kick me when she's sleeping. Plus my whole body jerks whilst im asleep like ive just been jump scared.

My nana had, mum still has restless legs hers is a lot worse then mine Im hoping to not get to her stage of them too.


Re: Thank you for the welcome

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 3:19 am
by badnights
So sorry your post wasn't answered earlier by anyone. The fexofenadine is a second-gen antihistamine, so it shouldn't make your WED/RLS worse.

35 is seriously low. As long as you avoid dopamine meds (levo-carbidopa/Sinemet, or dopamine agonists like pramipexol and ropinirole) you might find relief simply by taking oral iron with vitamin C at night. But it might take a month or three to notice. If that doesn't work, or if you can get it, an IV iron infusion might be enough. In either case you might need ot repeat the treatment, but taking iron is way less troublesome than taking opioids or anti-convulsants. (or dopamine meds).