December 2023 - NEW MEMBERS

Whether new to RLS or new to the site, we welcome you and invite you to share your history and experiences with RLS/WED, introduce yourself, and ask questions. Successful treatment starts with a solid understanding of this disease.
Polar Bear
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Welcome to SaraLuci

Post by Polar Bear »

20 December 2023

Welcome today to

SaraLuci who says It is 3:25am and she once again cannot sleep - has had RLS for the last 5 hours and is frustrated, exhausted and looking for answers.

We are all RLS sufferers here and understand how you are feeling. Have you seen your doctor and are you taking any medication. You should make sure to have your Ferritin Serum level checked and you need to request this as it is not done as part of a normal blood panel. A level of 20 is considered OK but you really want your level to be up around 100. If you will make a post and give more details about any treatment you have had, we will do our best to help you.
In the meantime if you try getting your legs into really hot water or running a very hot shower over them perhaps that may provide temporary relief. I found that putting my legs into a bucket of icy cold water for about 15-20 minutes worked well for me.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Welcome to DJMarvin54

Post by Rustsmith »

Thursday, December 21

Welcome to

DJMarvin54, who has been dealing with RLS for several years. The only medication that has worked for her (and is covered by her prescription drug plan) is ropinirole. She is now dealing with an increase in symptoms, particularly the frequency. Her doctor believes she has entered into an augmentation situation where the drug may now be making her problems worse. Her sleep is affected and traveling can be a nightmare. She is desperate to find relief.

You can learn more about augmentation by reading through the posts in our Augmentation forum. You can also learn more by reading through (and possibly sharing with your doctor) the publication that you will find in the link in my signature. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Most of us have been through augmentation and the horrors of getting off of dopamine agonists.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Welcome to TerryChgoNorth

Post by Rustsmith »

Friday, December 22

Welcome to

TerryChgoNorth, who is searching for sleep at night and alertness during day.

If you are willing to tell us a bit more about what you are currently doing to manage your RLS, we may be able to offer some suggestions that will improve your sleep. In the meantime, if you access the publication that appears in the link in my signature, you can learn more about the various treatment options and possible find your answer there.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Welcome to HeeBGBGirl

Post by Rustsmith »

Friday, December 23

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HeeBGBGirl, who has had RLS for 30 years. She wants to read what others are going through and how they are coping.

You will find plenty of stories in discussions, especially about augmentation caused by dopamine agonists and issues associated with getting treatment with opioids once you have experienced augmentation. You are welcome to post a message with any questions that you have and we would also love to hear your story.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Welcome to Iharms

Post by Polar Bear »

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Welcome today to

Iharms who has had RLS for her whole life. Currently dealing with insomnia from perimenopause and the RLS has become very bad. Iharmsfeeing hopeless.

We are sorry you are feeling so hopeless. Are you currently prescribed any medication by your doctor and has it helped. Has your doctor checked your Ferritin Serum level which isn't done in a normal blood panel and must be requested. Normal is anything from 20+ but us RLS sufferers need our levels to be up around 100. Are you taking a DA such as Requip or Mirapex. If you will make a post in the Just Joined Forum giving us details of your current treatment, medications/dosages, what has and has not worked in the past, we will do our best to try and help you.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Posts: 6545
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Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Welcome to Marleygirl

Post by Rustsmith »

Wednesday, December 27

Welcome to

Marleygirl, who has been struggling with RLS for most of her life. Her doctor does not seem to know anything about it. She had to ask for iron testing. She hopes to get input and support from forum members.

Take a look at the document in the link that appears in my signature. Read through it, highlight the parts relevant to you and then share it with your doctor. And feel free to post a message in the appropriate forum if you have more questions, or just join one of our existing discussion threads.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Welcome to tereasab

Post by Polar Bear »

Friday 29 December 2023

Welcome today to

tereasab who is exhausted. She has had RLS for three weeks and is only getting possibly 1-2 hours of sleep at night.

Do you mean you have only had RLS for 3 weeks, or that it has been particularly bad for 3 weeks?
Lack of sleep is often what drives an RLS sufferer to seek help. If you are taking prescribed medicationfor RLS it may be that your dose is not yet correct. If you have been taking medication such as Mirapex or Requip for some time it could also be that you are augmenting especially if your symptoms have become increasingly worse.

Have you had your Ferritin Serum level checked, you want this to be up around 100 and not at the 20+ which is considered acceptable. Take a look at the link in my signature, this can be shared with your doctor. Read through the Just Joined Forum to find out how others manage, also the Augmentation Forum and see if anything there feels relevant. If you will make a post providing some information this will give us a start to try and help you.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Friday 29th December 2023

Welcome today to

RLSCANDY has had RLS for over 20yrs but it has really become much worse in the last 6 months and is now causing severe insomnia.

Is it only in the last 6 months that you have been suffering from insomnia. Insomnia is a part of RLS but if your symptoms have become much worse just in the last 6 months there are things to consider such as could it be augmentation especially if you are taking a DA i.e. Mirapex or Requip. Has your doctor checked your Ferritin Serum level (not done as a part of a normal blood test it needs to be requested). Have your medications been increased over the years.
If you will post and give us details this will help us to try and help you.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Location: United Kingdom

Welcome to Moosh70

Post by Polar Bear »

Friday 29 December 2023

Welcome today to

Moosh70 who has been up since 4:00 a.m. with Restless arm syndrome. It is not a daily thing it just happens occasionally but it makes Moosh70 unable to sleep.

Did you start with Restless legs that then spread to your arms. Often this can be a sign of augmentation. Are you taking medications to control your symptoms and might they be Requip/Ropinerole or Mirapex/Pramepexole. These medications are likely to lead to augmentation.
If you will make a post giving us details of your RLS journey, what medications (if any) have or have not helped and tell us how you are currently managing your symptoms this will give us a starting point to try and help you.
You will find useful information in the link in my signature.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
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Location: United Kingdom

Welcome to njbvass

Post by Polar Bear »

Sunday 31 December 2023

Welcome today to

njbvass who says Knowledge is power to help ones self. He has tried ........ Compression socks, vit d, c , iron, magnesium ... A rolling pin, icey rub, hot, baths with epsom salts, massage machine. Elimination diets and medicine to see what affects him........

You have made many efforts. You do mention medicine. Is this over the counter or a medication prescribed by your doctor. If your doctor is trying to help you have you had your Ferritin Serum level checked, this is very important. Please post and give us some information on your rls management in particular any medication you are taking. This will help us to try and guide you.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Polar Bear
Posts: 8852
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Location: United Kingdom

Welcome to rlsuser

Post by Polar Bear »

31st December 2023

Welcome today to

rlsuser who says lack of sleep is affecting life.

Indeed rls affects so much of our life but sleep is what drives most sufferers to seek help. You will find useful information in the Just Joined Forum and if you will make a post telling us how you are managing your rls symptoms, any medications/dosages, what has and has not worked for you, we will do our best to try and help.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation
