Sorbolene Lotion experience that seems to have worked

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Sorbolene Lotion experience that seems to have worked

Post by bernardj »

I was prescribed Sorbolene Lotion for my lower legs for dry skin - had very bad dry skin that was basically permanent. Anyway, I found that my restless legs disappeared after applying the cream.

The cream is essentially just a moisturiser - says it has glycerine and vitamen E in it. I was applying it to my lower legs (from the knees down) and feet every morning (not in the evening). I don't rub it it, just smear it on. The white cream disappears in a few minutes and I probably rub some into the floor as I walk away. I stopped applying it every morning recently for a period and my restless legs came back! Just awful. So I will restart it. I'll repost after restarting putting the cream on again - irrespective or if the restless legs disappear or not.. Hope its a solution for someone else. Its a god-send for me.

I'm 60
In New Zealand
Have had restless legs diagnosed for 5 years

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Re: Sorbolene Lotion experience that seems to have worked

Post by Polar Bear »

My rls symptoms are controlled by medication. Sometimes when there is breakthrough (evening) I will use a moisturizing lotion on my feet and legs. This often helpr but only when I'm actually massaging my limbs so it may be that the signal to the brain is interrupted. It doesn't always last for long and I end up having to walk about anyway.
However, you are not massaging it. Also you are not using it at what would commonly be a time to anticipate rls symptoms.

Many things may aggravate existing rls and I believe that for me, dry skin is one of these things. I use Dermol Lotion. I also use it to shower.

I hope that restarting the cream will once again cause your rls to disappear and look forward to your update.
Good luck.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Sorbolene Lotion experience that seems to have worked

Post by bernardj »

I'll repost once I start putting lotion back on daily. Now that I've got RLS back I want to leave it a week before putting lotion back on as a reasonable test. The only thing of any significance in the Sorbolene Lotion is it has vitamin E in it. It could be that. What I'll do after I've tried the morning lotion regime for a week is then try a version that doesn't have vitamin E in it for a week. As you've noted, I just slap the stuff on in the morning - wrong time, but I was applying it for dry skin treatment. Its worth noting it all gets washed off in the evening when I shower.

I had used Magnesium Cream in the past, but it didn't work. The Magnesium Cream I used was this one from Good Health in NZ ... cream-90g/ - it didn't work for me. I provided the link only so you can see what's in it. Interestingly its got about everything in it except Vitamin E :-) The ol' Sorbolene has just about nothing in it and is just a cheap ordinary moisturiser. Cheers

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Re: Sorbolene Lotion experience that seems to have worked

Post by bernardj »

So the last 19 days I did this to test:
1. Stopped using the Sorbolene for 3 days. RLS came back at night.
2. Started Sorbolene putting it on in the morning. After two days RLS went away at night.
3. After a few more nights stopped again. RLS came back.
4. Started using Cetomacrogol which doesn't have vitamin E in it. RLS continued.
5. Started Sorbolene again, but this time put on late evening rather than morning. RLS gone.

The above doesn't necessarily mean its the vitamin E in the Sorbolene as Cetomacrogol has different ingredients, but it could be. It could be any one of the ingredient items in the Sorbolene or any combination there-of. I've attached a photo of the ingredients for the Cetomacrogol creme and also the Sorbolene. The Sorbolene on the front label says "+ vitamin E from wheat-germ".
Also, with my amateur science hat on, maybe RLS is related to the skin organ rather than anything subcutaneous. Don't know. In all of the above I continued to enjoy my gimlet and Grand Marnier in the evening on an ad-hoc basis, plus any sort of sweet treats - not every night! I used to think these things exacerbated the condition.

I just spread it over the skin from below the knee down and include my feet - I used to get cracked heels - don't now that I apply the creme every day. I don't rub it in, I'm too lazy; just spread it all over. It disappears after about 5 minutes.
I used to apply it in the morning after showering. And it still worked for the night-time RLS , even after an evening shower. Now I just apply it in the evening - if I have a shower then, then after the shower of course.
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Re: Sorbolene Lotion experience that seems to have worked

Post by Polar Bear »

I have no idea why this works so well for you. Sometimes there can be a placebo effect but this usually does not last.
We often say here that what works for one does not necessarily work for another - usually referring to medication - but this moisturiser is working for you and long may it continue. Good luck.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Sorbolene Lotion experience that seems to have worked

Post by bernardj »

I was originally prescribed Cetomacrogol Lotion for my lower legs for dry skin - had very bad dry skin that was basically permanent. I ran out and bought Sorbolene lotion only because it was a cheap uncomplicated skin moisturiser. It was only by accident after using it for a week or two that I noticed my RLS had disappeared. The point here is I was using it to treat my dry skin, RLS wasn't in mind at all at the time.

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Re: Sorbolene Lotion experience that seems to have worked

Post by bernardj »

I've returned to applying the Sorbolene in the mornings. I find this works better. I was applying it in the evening, and I didn't get RLS on those nights, but still had the tired lower legs feeling. So have gone back to morning application. I won't look into ingredients any further, thats well and truely beyond what I'm capable of. Will leave it up to some medical research institution.

Polar Bear
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Re: Sorbolene Lotion experience that seems to have worked

Post by Polar Bear »

It's excellent that this has continued to work for you.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Sorbolene Lotion experience that seems to have worked

Post by ViewsAskew »

I cannot stand ANYTHING to touch my legs - it immediately sets off symptoms. No leggings, no stockings, or my husband's body/hands. Nor can I stand dry skin. I can feel the dry skin, pulling and prickling as I try to go to sleep and that makes the sensations start. Since I was a teen, I've hydrated my skin daily to prevent that dry, prickly sensation that caused the WED/RLS to start.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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