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Newbie and Hello

Post by golfdude »

Hello - I'm 45/m with rls symtoms for the past couple of years. It started with the tingly right leg thing and the only relief was to elivate at night long enough to get to sleep. Progressively has gotten worse and especially with certain types of cholesteral medicine that I am on. I have IGA Nethropathy which causes elevated cholesteral. Because of this kidney disease, I'm suppose to take vasotec for blook pressure and some type of cholesteral medicine. While either my cholestral or blood presure is supper high, it is thought that these help control the disease. Liptor made my legs unbearable. Tried a couple others with the same result. Right now I'm currenlty taking 5mg Crestor and 1mg requip. Requip works great until about 4-5 am. I've also noticed that leg goes off much earlier say around 6 as opposed to 9 or 10. Has anybody heard of any connection to rls and cholesteral medicine? Sorry so wordy.....Thanks, Golfdude...

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Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:40 pm
Location: U.K.

Post by mikeswimming »

Well I only found out a few hours ago about RLS...believe it or not!! I NEVER heard of it before. I was at work (I do graphic design) and my colleague was working on a medical leaflet and she said had I ever heard of RLS..when she said it was Restless Leg Syndrome I knew immediately that I must suffer from that. I've had it for years and it is previlant after a day at work and I sit on the bus or in the evening when I'm on the couch. My RLS is not painful but is REALLY REALLY annoying and makes me so frustrated. I can't believe that it is an actual medical condition!!!

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Location: Los Angeles

Post by ViewsAskew »

Hi guys - welcome to both of you, but truly I am sorry you had to find us.

Golfdude, I can't say I've ever heard of cholesterol drugs causing RLS, but lots of other drugs will bring it on. Could you be taking anything else? Lots of OTC things like Benadryl will cause it. You could also have a problem with iron. I also have read that some kidney problems are associated with RLS.

Mike, glad you have a name for it! It is extraordinarily annoying and frustrating, isn't it???

There is a lot of great info on this site. The sticky posts in this section are a great place to start - lots of ways to help the RLS.

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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