Bothering your spouse in your sleep - part of RLS??

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Lisa Mauree

Bothering your spouse in your sleep - part of RLS??

Post by Lisa Mauree »

My boyfriend whom I live with has been telling me that at night I am constantly restless, kicking him, thrashing my arms around, and then i'll cuddle up to him really tight, then go back to thrashing and talking, kicking etc...

Is this something normal for someone with RLS?


keeping your spouce awake

Post by keepingstep »

It is a big problem to deal with.

My husband says he cannot share a bed with me. I cannot handle the pain at night (that is the worse for of us). So I either

1) roam the house. This makes him feel bad cause he keeps thinking that I am upset with him for some reason. Can't seem to get him to understand that it is RLS not him.


2) rock back and forth constantly until I can fall asleep. This also keeps him awake cause he can't sleep with all the motion going on.


3) try to lay still (which makes RLS worse for me) and thrash and kick. This usually keeps him awake or wakes him back up.

I have found that some drugs help with the pain, but nothing stops the kicking and thrashing.

Anyone else have a strategy to deal with this? I am open to any ideas to help too

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