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Post by Vera_M »

Wow! I never knew there was such an organization or that there was even a name for this condition. I stumbled across the term at Medscape this evening. I am still in awe :shock:
I often wondered if my ADHD, now most often ADD in my adult life, has any connection? I always chalked it up to excessive enegry buildup looking for a way to escape whenever I had an episode at bedtime. I've had these episodes of restless leg involuntary movement since early childhood...I don't get them as often as I used too maybe 3-4 times a month now. Neverless it just drives me crazy to the point I just want to pull my hair out (but don't!)... usually a few attempts of getting out of bed, walking around, massaging my legs or literally jumping up and down makes it go away. I do know I drive my husband insane when it happens; he's trying to sleep or just gets to sleep and I'm up and down up and down!!
Normally with my ADD I am very ulter-sensitive to stressful situations, change in routine etc. The level of ADD/ADHD symptoms varies greatly from day to day, situation to situation. Just being in a overly noisey crowded room full of people I can be assured that I will be going thru the twiches that night!! Yesterday was my first day back to school following XMas break and the night before I had an awful time.

Also I want to add that I have been off and on medication and have not noticed an increase or decrease eitherway.

Anyway that's my story!


Posts: 2842
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:41 pm

WElcome Vera

Post by becat »

WElcome to the board Vera.
You could be right about the link between ADD and RLS. It was spoken about at the National RLS Foundation's meeting in Nov of 2004. I wish I could tell you more but I couldn't set through the whole meeting. It's a true statement, but it does rather crack me up still.
I know for a fact that there are others here that are more qualified to response about this subject. I simple wanted to welcome you.
I hope you find this board as wonderful as I do. A great bunch of people that will listen, respond, and share with you.........all for the sake of support and education.
Be sure that someone will come back to this and give you a much better answer than I did. In all fairness, I did have a different mission at this years meeeting. I'm hoping to make a better attempt at this years meeting in Orlando.


Post by Vera_M »

Thanks for the welcome :wink:

I once heard that Turettes Sydrome sometimes was secondary to ADD/ADHD as well so I wouldn't doubt the link between ADD/ADHD and RLS.
I am interested to hear anyone elses thoughts on the subject.


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