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New here, not to rls

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:15 am
by The Artist in the Mirror
Ive had rls forever but until the last 10 -15 years is wasnt an issue... than it went to a few months on, a few off... now its every day. 10 years ago things like restoril helped, at this point im on requip. Im in need of a regroup at the moment since i do not want to increase my dose... i will try to scale back on my dose for a few days and than go back - sort of a drug vacation.

Its a difficult thing to do but I can't sleep anyway.

I need to go back on weight watchers core plan RIGHT NOW because the last time I did that I had a HUGE improvement in my symptoms. The core plan is mostly unprocessed food. Ive had a suspicion that certian additives or flavorings had been bothering me every since I noticed that fresca soda (of all things ) made my rls intolerable. I had gotten to this point last fall and it was just a fluke that I started the diet at the same time. I improved so much...and whenever I veered from the diet...bam...awful night.

Being human - I am back at the same awful point which is why I was looking around at this site today :) Anyway- hope to get to know you all...


Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:04 am
by Sojourner
AM, Welcome to the board. I'm thinking that maybe since you have had rls for so long you may be up to date with some of the latest or not so latest information about rls. If not, please read as much as you can on the board about rls particularly the managing your rls sticky.

I think you already seem to know that some foods, additives etc. can make your rls worse. Whatever is in the diet, I'm glad it is working for you and is giving you some of what you need. Don't know if "iron" is an issue or not and how that may relate to what you have or have not been eating. Have you had your ferritin level checked?

You made a reference to requip. Also, you said that that your rls is more frequent or seeming worse. Any chance that you may be augmenting? While I hope the "diet" will again work wonders for you, it is unfortunate that, for many of use, we often find something that "works" but that often does not have a lot of staying power.

Thanks for visiting us and keep us informed on the diet and if it again works for you, post some particulars.

Best wishes,


Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 10:37 am
by The Artist in the Mirror
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have had ferritan levels done and they were good - I don't rememeber the number but it was high enough (not just within normals for the test)

As to augmenting - yes. That is why I'm trying to cut back on the requip and add other things for a week. I have clonopin and percocet I can use while I try smaller doses of requip. And as I said - if I don't sleep well, oh well....I'm not now.

As for the diet. Its not so much THE diet per se - my guess is going on it last fall just took alot of the things that irritate the rls out of the picture. I talked to my doc at the time and ask if he knew a link between diet and rls. He didnt know of any rls diet that had been looked into but could see why taking out some of the addititives and flavorings might help some. He was going to look for studies and get back to me if there were any - Im guessing there are no large studies on diet and rls.

Im at the point I was back in the fall. I do have symptoms during the day if I try to nap - and Im tyring to nap because Im tired. And also early morning - I take meds in the evening and will have symtoms sometimes by 12 or 1... so yes, to answer your question about augmenting.

Ive been hemming and hawing about going back on weight watchers core plan for a while now but I think this is it - now - or ill lose my mind :)

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:57 pm
by happyfeet
Hello AIM,

I have had, mind you HAD, rls since 9yrs old (I have not been 9 for many years now).

I take .50m of requip and my rls no longer interferes with my ability to fall a sleep!!! However, it can cause problems if I want to take a nap. My ferritan levels are low so the doctor wants me to increase my iron intake. I also need to take 50000 IU of vitamin D.

so far so good with the requip. I hope you can work out your meds so you can get the rest you need. It will happen


Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:19 pm
by sardsy75
Hi Tracy

Welcome to our family; sorry you're here under the circumstances.

Food additives can make RLS worse in some of us. Dairy, gluten, sugar, caffeine, alcohol are just a few that my brain will let out at this time of night, but I know there are others. I'm sure other members will be able to help compile a good list of things for you, or point you to a particular post that talks about it.

Ann (Viewsaskew), or someone else around here who keeps up with all the research that is constantly coming out nowadays, might know if there's been any studies done on RLS and Diet.

By all means try the diet again ... you never know unless you try!

Take care of you!