Another newbie to this site and sharing frustations

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Another newbie to this site and sharing frustations

Post by flyer50 »

When I read postings on the Ambien etc. helping others to sleep, I was glad to see it. I was diagnosed with RLS in December. I had been fighting it forever it seemed and didn't know what I had. You know the it muscles, is it arthritis, etc etc etc......and finally the primary dr. said it was RLS and sent me to neurologist. I am on my second neurologist who I feel more comfortable with. Already been through Sinimet, Mirapex and now on Requip........primary put me on Ambien and Percocet as needed. is now to the point it is needed each and every night. I go back to the neurologist in March and will have a much better idea on what to ask etc since I have found this site........I am scared at times on how much worse it can has been tough as my husband passed away 2 years in March from cancer so I do not have the spouse next to me. I do not want to cause my children alarm so I try not to allow them to know the pain I am in. Is this wrong? Not sure.........
I have been seeing someone for a while now and he knows of my RLS being diagnosed and yet I am so scared that it will get too much for him. His wife also had passed away from cancer. I know my fears probably are unjustified as he says he is here for me. It is just so scary and frightening.
This is so strange for me to be this way as I was in corporate management for 31 years and now I feel I am not in control of my destiny. Go figure.
Thankful once again to vent and share my feelings here.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Hi Margie, welcome. I think Lyndarae put out a welcome to all new members; I second that. Sometimes new member posts get lost in other posts; it's not that those who post often are ignoring them.

This condition can do strange things to those of us that have it! Being in a place where others understand and 'get' it can be an incredible experience. Even if my friends are empathetic, I know they have no idea what it's like. And many just think it's not a big deal.

Well, glad you are here and that you are reading the posts. So much good information is already here in the old posts. Glad you found a place you feel comfortable; just sorry you had to have this nasty disorder to do it.


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Post by lyndarae »

HEY MARGIE, Welcome to the forum,sounds like you have had a real tough time, Im so sorry to hear about your loss. I know this has caused you alot of stree which can make rls so bad. I hope you feel safe enough soon to go to your doc and get some help with this.
It is a scary thing to go threw alone, but you have this forum now and you can come here any time for anything. We have a great group of people who will be here for you and help walk you threw some of this pain. Im so glad you found us and I hope you know you can feel safe here. This forum has saved my butt many times over!!!!!WELCOME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lyndarae

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Post by flyer50 »

Ann and Lyndarae,
It means so much to me to have a place to come and for both of you to welcome me and I look forward to conversations and discussions here. I can't write too much right now as my legs and arms are really bothering me and tears are starting to drip. I need to go take some medication and try to calm the pain and try to get some sleep.
My prayers, thoughts and love go out to each one on this discussion board. This is a LIFE SAVER!!!!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Margie, hope that is gets better tonight and quickly. I don't know if this will help, but many of us find that taking medicine AFTER we're symptomatic does not work as well at all. I had to buy a watch with 3 timers on it. They go off when I need to take my meds. If I am even a little late and the RLS starts, sometimes the meds can take 2 to 3 hours to catch up and work, and sometimes they don't work as well. I used to try to tough it out and see how long I could wait because I didn't want to put all that stuff in my body. Eventually, for me, I learned I was going to have to take it anyway and limiting it had no real point. Just my experience. If you don't have enough meds from your doc to take them before things start, I'd be on the phone tomorrow :x . Same thing if the meds aren't working well. If I haven't learned anything else, it's that we just don't have to suffer or have crappy quality of life because of the darn doctors/gatekeepers.

Oh, for me, I have to take the dopamine agonists (Mirapex or Requip) 1 1/2 hours prior to symptoms. If I wait, they take over 2 hours to work and I'm miserable. When I've taken benzos, I take clonazepam 1/2 hour prior, temazepam 1 hour prior; can't remember what I did with Neurontin since it didn't work well!

This is lots more that you asked for; hope it was helpful in some way.


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Post by flyer50 »

Thanks for the advice.....I have been trying to tough it out.....dah just as society wants us to do.......I will try your advice and see how I do.
Your a godsend

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Post by lyndarae »

HEY MARGIE, Im sorry you had a bad night, I know how long those can be!! Ann is right about waiting too long on taking your meds. Just my two cents here but if you have percocet you use it, figure out how much will keep the pain at bay but allow you to function and then take it before you get in too much pain. If I miss my meds I end up paying for it.

Forget society its you and your family who matter,your true friends will stick around and the rest simply dont matter. Im glad for you that your doc knows what she is talking about and is giving you the right meds for you. You are way ahead in this battle with a good doc behind you. We will all get through this one day at a time.

My thoughts and prayers are with you today, I hope your pain is not too bad and if it is TAKE SOME MEDS!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lyndarae

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Post by GaAudrey »

Hi Margie, You've gotten some great advise so far and sounds like you're open to hearing what people have to offer. That's the first step. Being willing to take in information then sort through what you feel is best for you. For my own two cents, I concurr with the others that if I wait to take my meds it takes 2 or more hours for them to kick in and by then my leg kicks are so bad I'm miserable. By then it's to late for me to get any restful sleep and hard to get up in the morning. When I read your original post my heart went out to you so I just had to let you know I was thinking about you and keeping my arms around you in a cyber hug - just in case you were wondering who that was hugging you! :D Hope you're feeling better or will soon be. Take good care of yourself.

Audrey :)

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