RLS?/Young Onset Parkinsons Relationship?

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RLS?/Young Onset Parkinsons Relationship?

Post by umpwidow »

I'm just wondering if anyone knows if there is a relationship. There are a few things that bother me. Yes, I probably do have RLS. Yes, the Requip is giving me relief. I'm still titrating up to 1mg so I'm still using klonopin so that I can get to sleep and stay asleep. I still rise early. But my quality of sleep is better because I feel better.

Here is what bothers me. The shaking. Without the Requip by whole body shakes when I lay down at night. Without the Requip my hands shake. Without the requip I wake up stiff all over but mostly my neck and spine.

Anyone else experience these things?

The other thing that I experience that I've read is a symptom of Parkinsons is that my eyes feel dry, sore and burn. It doesn't matter how hydrated I am, nor how often I put lubricating drops in them.

And here's the other thing. If it is Early Onset Parkinsons, I'm being treated with a Parkinson's drug. Is it worth the struggle to convince the neuro?

I suppose he's going on the normal neuro exam. A Parkinson's exam should probably show something.

I still, given the way my RLS manifests, wonder if the two are related.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

No relation, at least not from RLS to Parkinsons. Both occur in the same part of the brain, both involve dopamine. And if you have Parkinsons, you can get secondary RLS. But that's it. They have a completely different cause. Having RLS does NOT mean you have an increased change of Parkinsons. At least that was what the docs said at the RLS conference.

How long have you been on the Requip? I had strange feelings and shaking in my hands for the first few weeks I was on Mirapex. I would hold my hands over the computer keyboard during the day (long after taking the drug the night before) and they would visably shake. It went away over time. The neuro had a name for it, but I don't remember what. I was quite concerned about it.

There are lots of reasons to have dry eyes. Of course, I'm not a doctor and if I were you I'd see mine if I have your symptoms. Only your neuro could put you through the tests needed to make a determination.

Last edited by ViewsAskew on Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by umpwidow »

Thanks Ann for the response. I've been on the Requip three weeks. The Requip doesn't cause the shaking. It helps to prevent it. I've been shaking for two years. It's the shaking that caused me to be misdiagnosed for so long. The legs were nothing compared to the sleep deprivation and shaking. Also, the shaking is in my arms. A lot of my symptoms are not typical. I finish titrating up to 1mg tomorrow, so I'm still in a hold pattern. I'll start making calls next Wednesday if things aren't right.


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Post by ViewsAskew »

Jamie, have you been tested for any autoimmune disorders? They are terribly hard to pin down - sometimes it takes years to get a correct diagnosis. Of couse, I'm not a doc, but an option is Sjogrens. It can look a lot like fibro, lupus and other diseases. Although not a common symptom of it, some people talk about tics in arms and legs along with pain.

Here's a link to one women's story:

My girlfriend has it. She was lucky and was disagnosed quickly.



Post by Umpwidow »

Thanks Ann,

SjS sounds familiar. I will ask the GP to humor me the at my next appoitment. My eyes were actually my very first symptom. So I know it's not any of the meds causing it. I'll let you know.


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Post by squirmy »

have you been seen by an eye doctor? I have recurring episcleritis. Are your eyes blood red at times? I was recently diagnosed with SLE, as well as, RLS. Very dry eyes are one of my many symptoms. The outer layers of the eye skin are actually cracked due to the dryness. Steroid drops can temporarily heal it, and moisturizing drops with a cold cloth over the eyes for about 10 minutes a day has helped me.

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Post by Sara »

Hi, Tina!

What's SLE?


One of my dearest friends has Sjogren's too. :(



Post by Umpwidow »

Thanks to Ann, I've been over on an SjS site. I have an appointment with an opthamologist tomorrow and if I don't feel satisfied with what he says, the good folks over on the SjS forum put me on to an opthamologist who specializes in inflamatory eye conditions.

I also did go see my GP and let him know I was considering SjS. He ran and ANA (blood test that checks for autoimmune diseases) and it came back negative. That doesn't mean this isn't SjS. He also ran my thyroid levels, and although they are within the normal values, we've added cytomel (a T3 hormone) to my mix.

From what I read, my thyroid could be the culprit. For me, I've done everything. I drink 5 gallons of bottled water a week, I use those blasted preservative free drops, but I have to use them every ten minutes and I just can't keep up with it so I just live with the burning and the pain. I use a lubricating ointment at night. And they are still dry, burning, painful, bla, bla, bla.

The other thing is that I have to use saline spray in my nose several times a day in order to breath out of it because it drys out, I have to swish with an anti-plaque rinse twice a day, floss twice a day, and brush my teeth twice a day because my mouth is so dry it builds up plaque and tarter that fast. If I don't keep the fluids going down my throat burns, and because I have very little saliva to start the digestive process, if I eat too big of a meal my stomach works overtime and I wind up with acid reflux and heartburn. Pepto is becoming a friend of mine.

Wow, this kind of turned into a vent.

Anyhoo, my GP thinks it's thyroid related. I'll let ya know what the opthamologist thinks.

A heart felt thanks for the concern.


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Post by ViewsAskew »

According to some not-so-mainsteam MDs, thyroid can be a problem YEARS before the tests indicate it's an issue. There are a couple of books out about it. Worth looking into in case no one seems to believe it's possible. So far though, Jamie, it looks like everyone is working on your side. Hope you figure it out soon. Not knowing it one of the hardest things - especially when everything you try doesn't really help. At least if it Sjs or thyroid you have a course of treatment.


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Post by Sara »


I have also read and believe this about thyroid.

Lots of people I know have many of the symptoms of underactive thyroid, but test "within the normal range" on the blood tests (actually, I am also in this category). Most traditional med docs go strictly by the numbers, and don't take into acount symptom patterns or changes, even when there ARE many potential indicators.

A lot of holistic/alternative med practitioners take those symptoms much more seriously, especially if the onset follows one of the traditional times in life when thyroid function is at risk, i.e, puberty, pregnancy, menopause, or extreme dieting.

It's also interesting to note that autoimmune conditions are sometimes associated with low thyroid, including diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, lupus, candida and others.


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