Good Bye

Whether new to RLS or new to the site, we welcome you and invite you to share your history and experiences with RLS/WED, introduce yourself, and ask questions. Successful treatment starts with a solid understanding of this disease.
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Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2004 1:29 pm

Good Bye

Post by bradyferguson »

Last edited by bradyferguson on Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 2842
Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:41 pm

Hugs and Love and Prayers

Post by becat »

You have to think of yourself and family first.
You will always have us anytime.
Our Love.
Our prayers.
Our good thoughts.
You are never far too far away to come back, we hope you do.
We'll never be too far away if you need anything.
I know you Brady, I have come to love you like family. A little brother of sorts. I want to tell you that your going to be better one day. You will have the chance to fight your RLS, sleep deprivation, and the havoc it's given you.
My heart sank when I read your post, but I have the greatest faith in you. You are a fine man. A good father. A trusted friend. You are no fake, your struggling with life and the effects of RLS at it's worst. Your not a fake!
Be well and go knowing your special to many of us.

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Joined: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:26 pm
Location: Dallas, Georgia

Post by GaAudrey »

I was so sorry to read your post today. Not only because you feel the need to leave the board, but because you're hurting right now. I know I don't know you well, but I've recently been getting to know you through your post and have become fond of your as a person. I respect so many of the people who are brave enough to post their real feelings here and the board will feel the lose of your wisdom and humor. I'm hoping you'll be back soon. Things will look better tomorrow. As Becat said, we're here for you. I know that means so much to me and I hope it does to you. Hang in there Brady.

Take care,

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Location: Illinois

I'm so sad today

Post by jan3213 »

Brady, it's Jan

I'm so sad today. I'm sad because my dear friend, Brady, is going through such a hard time in his life. I'm sad because this tumor called RLS has not just invaded your body, but your whole life, your relationship with your wife and daughter. I'm sad because it has made you feel less than you are. I'm am sad because we will miss you, my friend.

I, too, have come to love you like family. I'll never forget the day you wrote me about my son and how good you made me feel--how much better--how much HOPE you gave me. Brady, a fake could not do that.

You have bared your soul in hopes that you would not only receive help, but GIVE help to others. A fake could not do that.

You have had so much taken from you, you have been ignored and you are SICK, Brady. Not sick in any sense but the physical. I'm not saying it's easy living with someone who is suffering so desparately from RLS. I feel for your wife. I REALLY DO. And, your daughter. BUT, I know how much you love both of them.

Brady, you are at your wit's end. So is you sweet wife. I wish I could reach through this post and hug both of you. I wish I could make it better. I HATE RLS! I HATE WHAT IT DOES TO PEOPLE I LOVE. I HATE THE FACT THAT YOU COULD NOT GET HELP WHEN YOU SO DESPARATELY NEEDED IT.

Oh, how I will miss you. But, I have had the privilege of knowing one of the bravest youg men in the world. Brady, you are not perfect, and I'm not excusing what happened between you and your wife. HOWEVER, you ARE a wonderful person who happens to be caught up in something you have no control over and that no one who CAN help seems to give a whit about! YOU ARE NOT A FAKE.

Tears are streaming down my face right now. I just got an email from Becat and she asked me to read the Board. I've been gone all day and foolishly thought my world was going to be the same. But, it won't be because we will have lost touch with a wonderful friend--someone whom I took for granted.

You will forever and always be in my prayers. You, your wife, and you child (children). Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your kind words, your concern, your help and your friendship. A FAKE WOULD NOT DO THAT!

I love you Brady Ferguson.
And, I've come to love your family, too

Forever friends,
No one is alone who had friends.

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