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Surgery and RLS

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 3:23 am
by jan3213
:( I just had surgery and while in pre-op, every medication they gave me to prepare me for surgery (make me sleepy--HA!!) made my RLS worse and worse. The nurse on duty and anesthesiologist (sp?) couldn't believe how bad my legs were. My husband tried to tell them, but they didn't believe him. Unfortunately, there were two emergency surgeries before me and I ended up being in pre-op for FIVE hours. I finally dozed off and my husband told the nurse that I would kick my legs every five seconds. Of course, she didn't believe him, but I did and when I awoke approximately 1/2 hour later, they were both staring at me. I had just about kicked myself off the cart I was lying on. The nurse finally helped me walk for about an hour. I had had so much medication that my legs buckled, so she had to help me walk. RLS is a horrible, horrible syndrome. I have had it for about 20 years. I am 56 years old and I have the kind that is painful. I take Mirapex and Klonapin (sp?). Two of my children are starting to experience some symptoms. Sympthay to all of you.

Certificate of Affliction

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 11:50 am
by jumpyowl
Hi, Jan: On the California site I have seen that they can issue a certificate type of thing which you carry with yourself, similarly to other health problems to alert medical personnel in case you are unconscious, etc. 8)

Nadia probably knows where it is. If you are interested I probably could find it myself. It is a good idea with all the ignorance that still exists around us about RLS. :roll:

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 3:36 pm
by Heronak
On this site ( you'll find a brochure about RLS & Surgery that you might want to give your doctor next time. It lists some meds that should be avoided with RLS patients. All the best,
