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Joined: Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:18 am
Location: Tucson, az


Post by ToxicRevival »

I just came upon this site after reading up on sleep apnea (I have obstructive) and after listening to my fiance's accounting of my sleeping habits I wondered if I may have this.

During the day sitting I have to constanty move my legs, Wether its getting up and walking around or just wiggling a foot, if I don't I get a tight, eh..strange feeling in my legs. At night when laying down I will suddenly jerk for no reason, this happens even when awake and laying there. There is some paina ssociated with all of this also. Do you think this could be RLS?

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Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:41 pm


Post by becat »

Hi Toxic,
Welcome . It's sound like PLM, but you can alway have RLS as well.
Do you have a crawling sensation or pain with this jerking?
Do your legs feel used and heavy in the morning when you wake up?
I can bet that you get several responses to your question, so check back often and answer the questions some will ask. We have some very PLM/RLS educated people here, that will be glad to listen, suggest, and support you. Keep us in the loop, as we learn from oneanother here.
Again, welcome.

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Location: Yantis, TX

Slep apnea

Post by jumpyowl »

Were you diagnosed sleep apnea by a sleep study emplying polysomnography? If so what was your oxygen level?

Look at the results it should have information on periodic leg meovements causing arousals especially in the delta phase.

The sudden kicking or jerking is nocturnal myoclonus. By itself is not RLS but I have them. I think they are more dramatic in RLS patients.

I also have pain and that does not exclude RLS! About 50% of RLS sufferers have pain!

Keep reading and posting. This is the way we are trying to help each other.
Jumpy Owl

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