Kratom coming under fire

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Kratom coming under fire

Post by Eternityroad »

One of the vendors from whom I purchase Kratom sent me an email informing me of the possibility of Kratom being banned in the USA. Here is the body of the text. They encouraged comments to the FDA which has an open period for commenting that closes on August 9. I have also included a link to the form. I encourage those here that use Kratom to comment with your experiences:

The ever-looming threat of the FDA has once again presented itself. The FDA has convinced the World Health Organization (WHO) to ban Kratom globally.

What does this mean? It wouldn't immediately ban Kratom in the US, but would make it much easier to do so, and for other countries as well. Luckily the WHO has opened up a public commenting period. We have a few days to submit testimonies and personal experiences with this great plant in an effort to get this overturned. Hopefully they follow the science and ultimately make the right decision.

It is imperative that you leave a comment on the WHO's portal which will be linked below.

We have until August 9th to submit these comments, so we don’t need to panic, but we do need to act!


In the section, “ What is your comment about?”, please select “ International Government - I0037.”

These comments should be personal experiences with kratom and will ensure the W.H.O. has true testimonials from real Americans on the positive power of kratom.

These “formal comments" shouldn’t be attacks on the FDA. They need to be personal experiences and kratom testimonials.

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Re: Kratom coming under fire

Post by ViewsAskew »

Yeesh. We learn nothing from history, do we?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Kratom coming under fire

Post by badnights »

Just as marijuana is finally getting legalized, they' decide to ban kratom. Ban! Not even regulate, just outright ban as if it cannot possibly have any benefits to anyone. What short-sightedness. Does anyone know what has happened with this WHO move?
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Re: Kratom coming under fire

Post by Eternityroad »

Don't know what instigated this move but here is the update I received yesterday from a vendor:

UPDATE: We reached 50,000 signatures! But we need at least 100,000 to be heard.

We have until August 30th (EXTENDED) to submit these comments, so we don’t need to panic, but we do need to act!

Refer to original text above for instructions and link.

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