Melatonin added to the mix

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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by rvjimzhr1 »

I meant to add that I take my Gaba after dinner around 7 and then again 2 hours later. Almost every night I can be tired and dozing after those doses but by 10 or so I'm wide awake and often don't seriously doze again until anywhere from 10-3. I've what I believe are all the usual anti-insomnia 'hacks' to no avail. Hoping Melatonin might help.


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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by Polar Bear »

Melatonin did nothing for me.
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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by Frunobulax »

rvjimzhr1 wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 10:08 pm
I'm curious if those of you who have reported success with smaller doses are still having good results with no worsening of RLS. Where are you finding lower dose tabs? I just checked Costco and see nothing but 5mg dose.
Maybe someone else knows more, I only know that there must be different brands and production methods. I'm from Germany and take something that is called Circadin which is a prescription-only drug for 2mg retarded melatonin (and does not list other ingredients). This does help without worsening my RLS, I've been taking it for 6 years now. And whenever I don't take it I have both more trouble falling asleep, and I will wake up after 4-5 hours of sleep and can't go back to sleep. With the supplement I still have some trouble falling asleep, but not as often. And once I sleep I can sleep pretty much as long as my RLS allows me.

Since there were phases where I couldn't get it prescribed (according to some guidelines it should be only used for 3 months at most), I tried other melatonin supplements, up to 15mg, and they did nothing. Nothing at all. Very curious.

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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by rvjimzhr1 »

You said....."I break a 2 mg tablet into 4 pieces and that is all it takes to make me tired within about 45 to 60 minutes after I take it".

Do you mean that you take 1/4 of that tablet over a period of time? How much time b/w each 1/4 tab?


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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by rvjimzhr1 »

I bought a bottle of 1mg tabs at a health food store today. Will take one tab tonight. Fingers crossed.

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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by ViewsAskew »

rvjimzhr1 wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:19 pm
You said....."I break a 2 mg tablet into 4 pieces and that is all it takes to make me tired within about 45 to 60 minutes after I take it".

Do you mean that you take 1/4 of that tablet over a period of time? How much time b/w each 1/4 tab?

So sorry - I wasn't clear at all. When I use it, I take 1/4 of a tablet per night and it's enough for me.
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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by rvjimzhr1 »

I started with 1/2 for a couple nights and then went to 1mg. I see no help at 1mg and it seems the rls is just little more severe than it had been. Was debating about going up to 1.5 mg but maybe I should go back and try it at 1/4mg. Thoughts?

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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by buglegs »

I've tried taking melatonin and it does nothing for me...I've tried different doses 1-MG up 5-MG and it seems to make my RLS worse..

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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by Frunobulax »

buglegs wrote:
Tue Mar 19, 2024 7:35 am
I've tried taking melatonin and it does nothing for me...I've tried different doses 1-MG up 5-MG and it seems to make my RLS worse..
My sleep doc says it can happen that melatonin production is impaired, but it's fairly rare. I'm among these people apparently as melatonin helps me. But this also implies that melatonin might not be useful if your melatonin production is normal.

It is thought that providing melatonin might free up seratonin ( which might be useful in itself, but this would help with mood and not with sleep. Also the required melatonin doses would be a lot higher.

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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by Lissa496 »

I was taking 3 mgs for a while, dissolvable, and it was helpful. I think I was one of the lucky ones as it did not bother my RLS.

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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by ViewsAskew »

I can say it has NEVER helped the urge to move issues. It helps me sleep. The urge to move is mostly controlled, but the insomnia and wakefulness at night? Those are things I battle with.
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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by TimG »

I'm still being helped--nothing dramatic--with sleep by taking low-dose melatonin. One change in my dosing from a few years ago is that I now take a 6-hour extended release form, 750 mcg (3/4 of a milligram).

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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by Polar Bear »

Any benefit in sleep is to be appreciated. I'm glad this has been a positive for you.
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Re: Melatonin added to the mix

Post by Stainless »

I only get sleepy after a previous sleepless night. I worry because lack of sleep can be so detrimental to heath and maybe contribute to dimension. I have taken melatonin but found the effect quickly diminished and after a few days gone all together. Like many of you I don't remember the dose. It was in my wife's witches brew of every supplement known to man. Maybe I'll try it again a little more controlled.

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