AcetylCholine and L Carnitine

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AcetylCholine and L Carnitine

Post by veldon75 »

I started taking these supplements to restore Dopamine, has anyone tried these? There's an article you may have seen from under your brain on supplements, Brain health.

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Re: AcetylCholine and L Carnitine

Post by ViewsAskew »

I've used L Carnitine in the past. No luck for me - but I didn't use it for WED/RLS. As far as I know (and my knowledge is limited), there are no acetylcholine supplements - rather you eat choline-rich foods, such as eggs, some meats, specific veggies. There might be choline supplements. Also, I do not think acetylcholine increases dopamine - it itself is a neurotransmitter. Not sure if it's implicated in any way with WED/RLS.

I think there is new research showing the L carnitine may cause heart issues. Might want to research that. Doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't take it - I haven't looked at the research to know what it says. Just remember reading that somewhere.

I didn't go to your link - my apologies. Will do later today.
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Re: AcetylCholine and L Carnitine

Post by Chipmunk »

Here's a direct link to the article (I found it kind of hard to find from the main page):

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Re: AcetylCholine and L Carnitine

Post by veldon75 »

Sorry about the link not working it's called The Rat Race or your brain on supplements, it says Choline (which I bought at Earth Fare, health foods store) and L Carnitine restores and maintains Dopamine.

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