Cucurmin - turmeric

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Cucurmin - turmeric

Post by ratfancy »

I see quite a few PubMed and NIH (.gov) research publications on cucurmin and dopamine. Any of you take cucurmin supplements with any result?

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Re: Cucurmin - turmeric

Post by Polar Bear »

Yes, about a year ago I tried cucurmin, at that time it was because I read how helpful it was for fibromyalgia symptoms. There didn't seem to be any benefit from it, but that was only my own experience.
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Re: Cucurmin - turmeric

Post by ViewsAskew »

I take them now. I have a family history of diabetes; while no issues with blood sugar now, I'd like to keep it that way. It also may help with depression, which I seem to battle regularly. No effect on RLS/WED for me, however.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Cucurmin - turmeric

Post by ratfancy »

Thank you for your input.

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Re: Cucurmin - turmeric

Post by badnights »

How much do you take, in what form? I add it to food almost every day :) but this may not approach the amounts in a supplement.
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Re: Cucurmin - turmeric

Post by ViewsAskew »

Well, you brought up an issue - without standardized measures, it's awfully hard to know if what you're taking is worth it, helping, or doing what you think it should! Also, curcumin isn't absorbed well - I take piperine with it. Not sure if it helps, but some studies have shown it does.

I've been taking 500 mg a day - two 250 mg capsules - of what is supposed to be a standardized extract curcuminoids. The study I read on diabetes had the participants take 9 capsules a day, IIRC. Can't remember how much the people took in the study on depression.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: Cucurmin - turmeric

Post by figflower »

Hi Ratfancy. I have read about at least three people that get complete relief from their RLS by consuming one teaspoon of mustard in a glass of water before bed. Most mustards are made from ground mustard seeds. When something works for someone I always take it exactly as they describe (provided it's not something like arsenic). I would have tried it by now but I have a tendency to heartburn. One time when I get an attack of RLS I will definitely try it. I have tried cream of tartar which I have read people swear by. I found that if I take close to a full teaspoon in a glass of water it works. It did not seem to work when my stomach was full. Nor did it seem to work when I took a quarter of a teaspoon. A full teaspoon exceeds the recommended daily allowance for potassium and cream of tartar is pure potassium. 1/2 teaspoon is closer to the RDA.

I cannot urge you to try either of these things. I am not a doctor. But I do know that if you try them and they work you should discuss with your doctor.

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Re: Cucurmin - turmeric

Post by ratfancy »

Thanks all for your considered replies. I will continue taking 1000 mg. each day and see what happens.

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