Kratom is working for me

Here you can share your experiences with substances that are ingested, inhaled, or otherwise consumed for the purpose of relieving RLS, other than prescription medications. For example, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, diet, kratom, and marijuana (for now) should be discussed here. Tell others of successes, failures, side effects, and any known research on these substances. [Posts on these subjects created prior to 2009 are in the Physical Treatments forum.]

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
crazy joe
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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by crazy joe »

Thx Guys... Can this also relieve pain? I have neck and shoulder pain also keeping me up some nights. Doctor prescribed me muscle relaxant but wont try that and the kratom. Giving the Kratom a try saturday night just in case a bad reaction so sunday not working....You guys mix it with hot water---- ill have to look at previous post... but overall it sounds like you guys are having most good nights with this how long did it take before you started to see some relief of the kratom and do you take some meds to help with the rls?

crazy joe
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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by crazy joe »

also Im still on requipp 1mg....any suggestions =====can i take kratom with requipp... i know we are not doctors but i do want to get off the requipp but i think i have to wean off it over a 9 day course... but can i supplement kratom with it.going down on one going up on another... thx

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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by ViewsAskew »

My guess is that is may help, but not enough during withdrawal during augmentation. You either reduce then go cold turkey - it's tough, but it works and in 5-10 days, you should be doing much better. Or, reduce then use an opioid to cover. This *might* provide some coverage, but it will not do what an opioid can do, I do not think.

Most drugs work immediately forRLS/WED. You might have to slowly increase the dose to be safe, but the drug itself doesn't need time to build up. that would apply to this, too. You should feel the effects shortly after taking it. The only reason it might not help would be 1) need to take more, 2) you have augmentation and it just can't help much.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by jul2873 »

Kratom works for me within a half an hour if I dissolve it in orange first first, and let it sit for twenty minutes. Kratom is not water soluble, but does dissolve in acid: hence the use of orange juice. I've never taken a DA, so I don't know if it would cover the withdrawal symptoms. But I would certainly try, if I were you. I know kratom affects the mu receptors, just like opioids do, and I know opioids are sometimes prescribed to ease the withdrawal from DA's. I really hope it helps you. Let us know. It's the only real medication I've used for the last two-and-a-half years, although I do sometimes use a TENS unit too. And I take extra magnesium so I don't get constipated from Kratom.

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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by SnOman »

In my opinion it works as good or better than tramadol. I do see a neurologist, and had been through requip and mirapex, both of which helped but gave me horribly aching knee and ankles the next day, which got worse each consecutive day I took it. Gabapentin and horizant made me very tired but didn't touch the RLS (legs, arms and chest at times). I read about kratom on this site and tried it and it worked wonders. I eventually shared this with my neurologist and gave him literature on the plant. After reading the literature, my neuro determined that Kratoms effect on opioid receptors, along with some calcium channel blocking properties were the reason it was helping. He suggested trying tramadol (50mg?) and I gave it a try, as it is much cheaper than what I was spending for Kratom. 50mg did not help much, but did help a little. 100mg did cover most sensations, but wore off in about 3-4 hours, about the same as Kratom for me. I am currently on tramadol ER 300, which is like 75mg every 6 hrs due to extended release. I almost always need a little kratom to get to sleep, but about of nights I can sleep through the night. Before, I was up every single night drinking more kratom tea at around 3am. This is still the case 2-3 nights a week, but the full nights of sleep I do get are glorious. I do get daytime symptoms, but the tramadol ER seems to cover them to the point that while I'm busy at work or playing with my kids, I don't constantly notice it. If I am lucky enough to get the chance to take a nap, I usually need a small amt of kratom to get to sleep in the day too. I have had some bad daytime RLS even with the tramadol ER, but most days it hides just under my busy mind, waiting for me to try to rest! Sorry for the length of this and for laying an update of my story right in the middle of this post, but I thought some of the info may be helpful as far as my experience with the relative strength of Kratom vs tramadol. If I had kratom tea that would last 12 hours, and cost $10 a month to take 2x per day, I would probably take kratom over trams sol as a relief preference. It can make my symptoms go completely away, whereas the tramadol gets frustratingly close. This is just me though, others may experience it differently.

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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by SnOman »

"But about 60-70% of nights I can sleep through the night."
Is what I meant to say... Needed a calculator!

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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by jul2873 »

Thanks, SnOman. That is a really interesting comparison. I'm guessing, however, that you don't live in the U.S. as doctors here are very, very reluctant to prescribe tramadol, known here mostly as Ultram. I haven't tried myself to get an opioid prescription from my doctor, but that is the reality I see all over the internet, on any sites I check. The government here has made the decision that because some people get addicted to prescription pain medication, doctors must be extremely careful in handing it out, and there are all kinds of hoops (frequent drug testing, etc.) that you often have to go through. It's very depressing.

I would certainly love it if I could take an extended release form of kratom twice a day, for ten dollars a month, and be done with it. I do prefer kratom over poppy-based opioids, like tramadol, because I have asthma, and kratom seems to have much less risk of causing respitory distress. I don't mind having to take some to get through the night, though, since I rarely slept right through the nigh even before the RLS got so bad. And I don't bother to make tea. I just make up doses of kratom and orange juice, and keep a tray of them in the refrigerator. At night I can just walk downstairs, and grab one. Some nights I have to walk around a few minutes waiting for it to kick in, but other times I'm able to go right back to bed.

Anyway, I'm so glad that you've found meds that work for you. Good luck!

crazy joe
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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by crazy joe »

Thank you guys. Ive been going thru gabapentin w/ds last 30 days.... Im staying away any nuero doctor since everytime Ive had bad meds experience it is at the hands of a nuero doctor. my primary care physician is in charge now and i can talk alternatives too... I sometimes get 4-5 hr blocks of sleep which is good. The requipp can also give me daytime fatigue so I want to reduce this soon...they have time release cbd---- would be nice to get time release kratom. thx for your help

crazy joe
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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by crazy joe »

[quote="SnOman"]Places I trust and still currently order from: (Portland) (Texas) (Kentucky / Ohio)

Red Borneo powdered leaf variety seems to be the best for nighttime. In general the red vein varieties are best for evening, green and white are generally better for daytime symptoms. I make a tea with the powder. I squeeze the juice from 1/2 of a lemon into a tea cup. Then I dump in a measured amount of powder and stir it around until it is like sludge. I let it sit while I boil water, then pour in the hot water, add lots of honey and a small amt of raspberry lemons I and stir it up. As I drink it I continue to stir, often adding more water and honey 3-4 times until all the powder has been swallowed. The extra water is good as speciosa can be dehydrating. Various strains may or may not bother your stomach, I find some do and some don't... I stick to the ones that don't. I find the red veins to be most gentle on my stomach. Starting out, I would order 25-50 grams to see if it is something that could work for you. There are many opinions on the best way to drink or swallow the powder, but most agree it doesn't taste delicious. Please check on the legality of Kratom/speciosa in your State, as I believe it is currently illegal in 3-4 states.[/quo

Just got red vein maeng da as a free sample from mmmspeciosa---- is this a stimulating variety---- ive been told the red veins are relaxing but the Maeng da is stimulating...just asking

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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by SnOman »

I'm not sure. It seems to be the common understanding (Maeng da), I wouldn't try it right before bed. It has been a long time since I ordered Maeng da, and I would say it's prob not worth it to buy it. Mmmspeciosa always sends extra. Sometimes it is a new strain labeled only with letters/numbers for testing/feedback purposes, which is a gamble if you want to sleep. For me, all kratom is stimulating for the first 1/2 hr give/take. With the Reds I can fall asleep ok after a half hour or so.

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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by SnOman »

In the post you copied in, the one part should read "small amount of raspberry lemonade."

crazy joe
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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by crazy joe »

thank going to try it again when i come back from california

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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by Skippy »

What do your doctors say about the kratom?

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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by stjohnh »

I have been using Kratom for the past 5 days now, while I have been withdrawing from the dopamine Agonist neupro. I mix three-quarters of a teaspoon with approximately two tablespoons of grapefruit juice, let it sit at least 20 minutes and make sure it's ice cold before drinking it. The bitterness of the kratom compliments the bitterness of the grapefruit juice. Relief starts in 20 - 30 minutes.

Kratom works for me better than Tramadol, fewer side effects and better relief. For me prescription opiates work better but have more side effects than kratom.

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Re: Kratom is working for me

Post by Skippy »

I got some red vein borneo kratom from velvet souls but it says on the pack "please do not ingest". Does it say that on the kratom that all of you received?

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