DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

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DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by jul2873 »

On Sept. 30 this year kratom will become a Schedule 1 drug, i.e. completely illegal. The DEA can do this as a temporary measure for two years, and then can extend it for a third year. Then I think they have to get it approved by Congress, But I think Congress almost always approves.

I am so depressed. There is a petition you can sign, which might help: ... -substance

I'm ordering a good deal and hoping that someone stops the DEA. Here is a little fact for you: The DEA asserts that in the last two years fifteen deaths have been connected to kratom. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that every year 88,000 deaths are related to alcohol. And they are outlawing kratom???

Anyway, I would appreciate it if many of you signed. Thanks.


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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by ethan »

Where did you order from? I am having issues finding some

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by JimmyLegs44 »

Typical government B.S.
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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by riverrunner13 »

I am very, very depressed about this too. I am finally off of all prescription drugs and just using Kratom and other supplements and it has been working great. Now what am I going to do? I am not going back to big pharma drugs, those almost killed me, literally. Now the government is banning the one herbal supplement that works for many chronic pain people and getting people off pain drugs. The physicians will not prescribe pain meds for those that need them because we might get hooked. Well, see, I have a problem that will not just go away, it is for life. Opiates worked for me but there is no where to get a prescription without being considered a druggie. Kratom works better than the opiates for me anyway and now they are taking that away. Just so wrong on so many levels. It is all about money and control, nothing to do with protecting the public.

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by jul2873 »

Riverrunner13, I am so sorry that this is going to have such a terrible impact on you. On me too, and on thousands more. I think Congress is the only entity--except maybe the attorney general's office--that can stop this train wreck. Here are a few things you can do:

1. Write your congressmen a personal letter explaining why this prohibition will be so devastating for you.

2. Sign the petition and get your family and friends to sign as well.

3. Consider donating money, if you can afford to, for the fight. I follow the American Kratom Association on Facebook
and this is what their founder posted last night. She, incidentally, found kratom after years of misery, being addicted to painkillers to try to manage her Lyme's disease. She's been great, going around to the states that were trying to ban kratom and getting them to reconsider. I donate money to them as well:
From Susan Ash at the American Kratom Association:
"After talking with some high level D.C. political folks who put out feelers for us today, I do have a glimmer of hope that we can challenge this successfully. It's a glimmer but it's there, shining through all this pain! Are you ready to RAGE with us???
Please donate so that we can hire a well connected, experienced attorney in DEA matters, a federal lobbying firm AND a public relations firm. All 3 will be needed for us to have a chance to succeed. Plus all the great grassroots work that's already started. Or if the site happens to be down, PayPal to

I ordered from Velvet Soul last night. They will not be taking orders for the next week, but then will take them until Sept. 30th, when this goes into affect. There are also many other sites still taking orders I think. It's legal for one more month. Stock up if you can. Put it into sealed bags and I keep mine in the refrigerator. Or perhaps the freezer. Also, it is still legal in Canada, although I don't know what their border security is.

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by riverrunner13 »

Thank you for the information. I ordered from AuthenticKratom this morning. I am going to stock up as much as I can. I can't donate right now but I did sign the petition and I will write as well.

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by ViewsAskew »

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by ViewsAskew »

In terms of where to order, unless they have run out (and I haven't ordered in awhile) So Cal Herbal Remedies has the best stock and prices of the many places I tried. When you get to their main site, put speciosa as a search term and hit enter.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by narcis »

Thanks everybody for such information. I'm not US citizen, I cannot sign the petition.
When you first began to take Kratom, how dou you manage with the drugs you are taken?. Just a sudden change or you take both thinks (for example mirapexin and Kratom) and the dose o the drug were lowered with time.

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by stjohnh »

SoCal Herbals is sold out

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by ViewsAskew »

SoCal says this:

"We are not out of stock, but due to the extreme, even for us, order volume that we occurred all day Monday, we need time to catch up all outstanding orders before we update the site. We still have lots of product and more still on the way. I suggest that you sign up for email notifications on all products you are interested in so that you receive an email as soon as I update the site. We are working hard to catch up. Thanks, SoCal Team"
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by ViewsAskew »

I really like the yellows, whites, and greens for energy (and improved mood) during the day. I will miss those more than the reds simply because my symptoms aren't dented much by them. They did, however, help tremendously with opioid withdrawal.

I am putting my name on the waiting list for a few.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by jul2873 »

There is march on Washington planned for next Tuesday.

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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by 67java89 »

I don't use Kratom but this is so DISAPPOINTING to hear. I will sign the petition
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Re: DEA Making Kratom a Schedule 1 Drug

Post by jy13131 »

I will sign and write. I feel so sad for all the people I know here, and for anyone, who is using Kratom to LIVE THEIR LIFE.....only to have it taken away because, well let's face it, because the big pharma can't get in on the action. They don't want their customers being taken away by a new "drug lord" in town. Such a joke. Their arguments are ridiculous and without real merit.

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