Where to buy Kratom

Here you can share your experiences with substances that are ingested, inhaled, or otherwise consumed for the purpose of relieving RLS, other than prescription medications. For example, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, diet, kratom, and marijuana (for now) should be discussed here. Tell others of successes, failures, side effects, and any known research on these substances. [Posts on these subjects created prior to 2009 are in the Physical Treatments forum.]

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Re: Where to buy Kratom

Post by Goodnightangel01 »

Ok, from SoCal what would be the best strain that is not stimulating but more sedating? I have not had any two batches of red vein strains from Kratora (buykratom.us) and the most recent red vein I ordered (Thai Red Vein) is stimulating and not at all relaxing or soothing so that it helps with the restlessness and easing into sleep at night.

I went on SoCal's website and they have a TON of strains and I have no clue which one to try. I know Horned Red Vein is very sedating but I found that strain (through Kratora) to be TOO sedating. I need something that won't knock me out so much that I have the sleepy hangover feeling the next day. But, as I said before, I haven't experienced consistency between batches with that vendor. I've never tried any other vendor and with all the positive comments about SoCal I'd like to give them a try I just don't know which strain to get because they have so many I am unfamiliar with.

Thanks for your help in advance!

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Re: Where to buy Kratom

Post by stjohnh »

Goodnightangel, the most commonly recommended strain for RLS is red vein borneo, but a variety of strains is used. The batch to batch variation is a real problem. When you find a strain you like, I recommend you buy a kg or more, save a month or so of powder at room temperature and keep the rest in the freezer.

The potency and distribution of active components is known to vary from seasons, weather and tree maturity, even if the vendor is reputable

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Re: Where to buy Kratom

Post by jul2873 »

When I first started using kratom I stored some in the freezer. It seemed fine, but I started reading comments on reddit saying that the danger with freezing is that you get ice crystals in the powder. So now I just store as much as I can in the refrigerator, and the rest in the coolest, darkest place in my house. Before the Schedule 1 scare I never bought too much at one time, as I always wanted to be sure to have it fresh, but I bought a good deal in Sept. and now have a good deal stored. So far, the stored kratom is fine. A number of posters on reddit (where, as you can imagine, there was a great discussion of storage methods in Sept.) said a cool, dark place was best, but a couple said they experimented, and found no difference between kratom stored casually in an open container on a shelf, and the kratom in an air-tight container in a cool place. So maybe it doesn't make any different at all.

I really love Velvet Soul not just because their kratom is the best I've had anywhere (although, to be honest, I've only had kratom from three other sellers), but I like how they do business. I understand it's a family-owned business in Buffalo. During the scare in September they never raised their prices, and even ran a couple of sales. I alway get my order within a couple of days, never have any problem with paying, etc. Plus they carry lots of other herbs and plants on their site, which for some reason makes me trust them more as a company.

Hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday. I had grandchildren from California visiting, and my seven-year-old granddaughter wiped us all out in hearts. Watching her delight, hearing her laugh . . .a really nice time. . .

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Re: Where to buy Kratom

Post by TJ60 »

Thanks everyone for new sources. I just ordered from Velvet Soul. Here will be my "situation." In the past I've bounced between a premium maeng da to a dark maeng da and was taking it by capsule (500 mg). Unfortunately I've built a pretty high tolerance and taking about an average of 10 capsules at a time. So I'm going to have to figure out how potent the maeng da is compared to the premium maeng da and dark maeng da I've been taking and go from there. If anyone has what they believe is a high tolerance and taking maeng da from Velvet Soul, if you can give me a good idea of dosage, that'd be great!

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Re: Where to buy Kratom

Post by jul2873 »

One gram of the maeng da from Velvet Soul, for me, is about as effective as two grams of Red Borneo. I tend to use the Red at night, and the maeng da during the day. Hope it works well for you.


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Re: Where to buy Kratom

Post by TJ60 »

Thanks for the reply. It just came in. I think I'll try 1/2 TBS for now and see how that works. It's still early in the day and if that's not enough, I'll try a bit more

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Re: Where to buy Kratom

Post by jul2873 »

If I've dissolved the kratom in orange juice first, it usually takes about twenty minutes, or sometimes less, to work. Good luck.

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Re: Where to buy Kratom

Post by yawny »

Does anybody know of any Kratom vendors that test their products for contaminants, either in the USA or other countries?

Or a place on the web where I can find that information?

Also, can anyone vouch for the vendor RelaxRemedy.com?


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Re: Where to buy Kratom

Post by ViewsAskew »

Just saw a blog post about your question, yawny,...but I didn't read it. And cannot remember where i read the title/headline.
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