Niacin 100mg.

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Sleepless at night
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Niacin 100mg.

Post by Sleepless at night »

I use with some success. I use the kind that DOES give you the slight flushing effect. I think this is why it helps.
It gives me kind if a pin pricking sensation in different parts of my body at random.
You know when we are having the RLS, we are always thinking of that part of our body, and hoping it won't move again, but mine always does.
I've timed it. About every 28 seconds or so. For hours at a time. No wonder we can't sleep!
With the Niacin giving me the little pin pricks is difficult places, it takes my Mind off of my legs.
The Niacinamide does nothing for me. The stores used to carry it, but the only place I've found it was at Amazon.
I really hope this helps someone. I know how bad this demon is. I really do.
Good luck to all. Thank you for having me here. B
God bless you all-

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Re: Niacin 100mg.

Post by pamhb »

Interesting. Here is a link to a journal abstract which suggests that niacin/niacinamide can help to increase dopamine production: . I take niacinamide as part of a B50 complex vitamin, but have never tried straight niacin.

Foods that are high in niacin are turkey, chicken breast, peanuts, mushrooms, liver, tuna, green peas, and grass fed beef.

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Re: Niacin 100mg.

Post by ViewsAskew »

It's good to hear of things that may help people with symptoms.

If your legs are moving on their own when you are awake, it could be periodic limb movements. Much harder to treat since they haven't studied it all that much.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Sleepless at night
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Re: Niacin 100mg.

Post by Sleepless at night »

No, not during the day, only starts during that "twilight " time falling asleep, and upon awakening.
That is, if I can ever get to sleep. I don't know what happens when I finally fall asleep. As I am single.
At times I pace around the house then go back to bed. Whe worse times is when it is in my arm.
I actually lay on my arm with my whole body to prevent my arm from flailing around. I pray for a cure.

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Re: Niacin 100mg.

Post by ViewsAskew »

Sleepless at night wrote:No, not during the day, only starts during that "twilight " time falling asleep, and upon awakening.
That is, if I can ever get to sleep. I don't know what happens when I finally fall asleep. As I am single.
At times I pace around the house then go back to bed. Whe worse times is when it is in my arm.
I actually lay on my arm with my whole body to prevent my arm from flailing around. I pray for a cure.

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Niacin 100mg.

Post by sleepdancer2 »

A few things that have been mentioned caught my attention. First, you mentioned your arm "flailing". Sounds more like PLMD to me. Not only that, but the only time I could describe my limb movements as flailing was when I was experiencing augmentation on a dopamine agonist. Aside from then, the movements are best described as contraction and release. Are you on a dopamine agonist or any meds known to possibly cause movement issues as a side effect? Seems to be a wide range of experiences, so mine may not be relatable to you. Have you done some of the baseline things like checking your ferritin level and getting it up to around 100, checking things like magnesium, vitamin D, and B vitamins? Anything key in muscle and nerve function.
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Re: Niacin 100mg.

Post by pamhb »

Sleepless at night wrote:Whe worse times is when it is in my arm. I actually lay on my arm with my whole body to prevent my arm from flailing around.

I also have RLS symptoms in my shoulder and arm. It's difficult to settle, because you can't "walk" your shoulder and arm in the same way you can walk your legs :wink: Here are some strategies that I use to settle things down in my upper body:

-- I first learned to focus on my symptoms long enough to see if I could trace back the starting point of my symptoms. For me, it always starts in a particular spot in my left shoulder. If I don't do something about it, it will then radiate down into my arm, and eventually down into my upper thigh. Knowing where it starts is critical to being able to proactively manage my symptoms.

-- About 1.5 hours before bed, I take a hot bath or shower to loosen and settle all my muscles, including my shoulder. I then work through all of the problem areas of my muscles with a lacrosse ball, a hard knobbed roller, and/or an Addaday stick to further loosen and desensitize the muscles. For the shoulder, I use a lacrosse ball. You can also use a tennis ball, particularly if you have never worked out those muscles before. Stand against a wall and put the ball between the wall and spot that needs release. Apply gentle pressure until you feel the muscle "give". Repeat in the same general area until the muscle seems to have settled. Repeat during the night as necessary. If eventually you feel you need more pressure, you can lie on the floor and do the same thing.

-- I then ice the shoulder area with a gel pack for about a half-hour before bed. If my shoulder has been particularly bad in previous nights, I will use a bag of frozen peas and apply it for about an hour (always making sure I have cloth such as a tea towel between my skin and the icing agent). The area actually feels numb by the time I go to bed.

-- During the night I wear a gel pack across the same area, using a shoulder harness I bought from Amazon. The gel pack needs to be very cold -- again, I always make certain I have fabric between my skin and the gel pack. When I first started using this technique, I just used a tea towel to tie it into place. I generally have to change the ice pack every time I get up in the night (assuming I sleep for longer than an hour at a stretch). I will also often take another hot shower at least once in the night, and work the shoulder muscles again with my lacrosse ball.

-- If the shoulder/arm is particularly troublesome during the night, I will sometimes also do push ups against the wall (the equivalent of "walking" my shoulder), making sure that I draw my shoulder blades down with each push up to engage all the muscles in the region. I also have a spiky massage ball that I occasionally sleep on (putting it on the spot from which the symptoms originate), as a distractive technique.

Every six weeks I also have dry needling done by my physiotherapist to loosen the muscles in the shoulder area.

It all sounds like a lot of work, I know, but it has given me relative peace with my shoulder over time....

Polar Bear
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Re: Niacin 100mg.

Post by Polar Bear »

I also would have regular sensations in my right shoulder and arm. It goes from the centre of my back and down to the fingertips. The flailing comes to mind as it's impossible to lie in bed with it, even lying with as much weight as possible on the shoulder/arm.

My method is to get up and do arm stretches up into the air, up and out - bring my forearm up tight to my upper arm and to circles - Also do big circles and swings with the arm extended.

I will try the ball against the wall technique also.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Niacin 100mg.

Post by srgraves01 »

I also have had movements in my upper arm and shoulder. In my case I discovered that the movements were coming, at least in part, from my chest muscles. I sometimes do stretching of my chest in a doorway. I raise my arms out perpendicular to my torso and I also put my lower arm up perpendicular to my upper arm. I also massage my chest, arm and shoulder muscles with a hand massager, searching for to tight or sore areas. At other times I just use my fingers to massage tight or sore areas like a massage therapist would do.

Sleepless at night
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Re: Niacin 100mg.

Post by Sleepless at night »

Thanks for all if your replies.
With me, just like with my legs, kind of a creepy feeling that makes me want to move it, it happens with my arm.
Not often though, thank God. It's the same feeling.
I have severe spine problems, and I use oxycodone. From my pain management. It is a miracle for me.
If I use it before going to bed, I have no rls symptoms. I wish the medical profession would realize this, and help
people with this God awful problem.
Hang in there. I know how difficult it is to live with this. Take care. I feel for all if you. I really do.

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