NADH Article by Professor George D. Birkmayer, MD/PhD, Vienna

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NADH Article by Professor George D. Birkmayer, MD/PhD, Vienna

Post by leo_sch »

I know that some members have used NADH for RLS. This article does not mention RLS directly, but apparently there are many benefits to NADH supplementation and some of them refer to different neurotransmitters.

Here is the link for those interested (PDF): ... sh0910.pdf

What is your opinion on NADH? Will NADH taken together with Co10 interact with Pramipexole?

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Re: NADH Article by Professor George D. Birkmayer, MD/PhD, Vienna

Post by badnights »

Can't hurt to try it, according to WebMD. They say there is not a lot of objective evidence in support of its use for many of the things claimed in the brochure you linked to, but there is some evidence that supplements can be useful for chronic fatigue syndrome. And there is some evidence that they don't affect dementia at all (I don't know if that means one study or three small studies or what the quality of those studies were). The brochure by Birkmayer may contain more up-to-date information than WebMD but he didn't provide a single reference that I could look at to verify that there was indeed (for example) a study on the effects of NADH on menopause symptoms with the results that he claims. You could search on PubMed for "NADH menopause" and other things he mentions if you really wanted to check up on his claims.

Dr Birkmayer gets a cut of whatever Cellergie® NADH products are sold. His claims at the end are interesting, that all NADH supplements sold either infringe his patent or degrade quickly. One could google that and see what other people have to say about it, too.In fact, it might be wise to do that before buying any.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: NADH Article by Professor George D. Birkmayer, MD/PhD, Vienna

Post by leo_sch »

Thank you, Beth.

I knew nothing about NADH. I came across it in this forum and googled it. Then I found this brochure by Birkmeyer. Yes, you are right - it is a brochure indeed and not an article. Later I found out that Dr. Birkmeyer is the "inventor" of ENADA NADH. So, yes. It seems that he makes money by selling his "anti-aging" product. :) That said, I was primarily interested in his claims that NADH may boost energy and maybe help with concentration. I have no illusions that it will help RLS, but if it does a little bit, then even better. This way I could continue with my low dosage of Mirapex (0.125mg).

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Re: NADH Article by Professor George D. Birkmayer, MD/PhD, Vienna

Post by Frunobulax »

NADH is required by the cells to produce ATP, our energy "currency". It does help some ME/CFS patients, but this is pretty much the only context where I heard about it. Apparently it can be deficient if you lack Niacin.

If you suffer from fatigue and tire easily, it may be worth a shot. Otherwise you can still give it a try, as it won't hurt :) But it seems a rather unlikely candidate to help with RLS.

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Re: NADH Article by Professor George D. Birkmayer, MD/PhD, Vienna

Post by badnights »

I did take it for a long time - maybe a year. I took a lot of supplements on the advice of a functional medicine doctor, and gradually eliminated most of them one by one. I didn't notice any worsening of WED/RLS when I stopped NADH.

I did improve around the time I was taking NADH but I could not link it to the NADH as I was making many changes around that time. The initial improvement came after diet changes and before starting NADH, so although later improvements happened during the time I was taking NADH, I can't attribute the improvement to the NADH.
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Re: NADH Article by Professor George D. Birkmayer, MD/PhD, Vienna

Post by ViewsAskew »

I took it for awhile - maybe ten, twelve years ago. No difference. At the time I had been augmented and was still a mess, of course, but no difference in anything that I noticed.
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