Intermittent Fasting

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Polar Bear
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Re: Intermittent Fasting

Post by Polar Bear »

Ann .... why keep some larger pieces 'just in case'... for a fat day, for a fat week/month.
You are a lady of determination. You won't need them. :clap:
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Intermittent Fasting

Post by ViewsAskew »

Polar Bear wrote:Ann .... why keep some larger pieces 'just in case'... for a fat day, for a fat week/month.
You are a lady of determination. You won't need them. :clap:

As someone who has struggled with weight since she was a child, determination may not have anything to do with it! If I choose this as a way of eating forever, that may change, but at 5'9" and quite muscular, I've been a US size 6 to a size 20 (likely an 8 or 10 UK to a 24 UK) depending on the time in my life. The last time I said, "Wow, I never have to shop at a large size shop again," I started pramipexole and gained about 50 pounds! Then I lost 35 to 40 of it when I stopped the benzo...then I gained all of it plus another 10 back slowly over several years. Then...well, you get the idea. Not ready to say never, but I don't want to saddle myself with things that others could use or that take up space - both physically and emotionally.

I think one of the the things that makes it harder is that as many people who've dieted in the past is that I always gained it back plus some (and research backs that up), so long ago I made a pledge to never diet again. I see this as a way to be healthier, control blood sugar as I age (type 2 diabetes runs in the family), and feel better in other ways. The problem with it is that now I'm fighting getting caught up in the dieting component. It isn't why I started it, but it is one of the side effects. I need a way to not make this about losing weight. In the past, when dieting, I've done things such as weighing myself ten or more times a day, hating myself if the scale didn't show results, binging followed by recriminations, and creating an emotional heII-zone for myself. I just cannot focus on this as a way to lose weight.

I like the idea of a few things in case. Maybe a couple pairs of pants, shorts and yoga pants, a few workout tops, a few tshirts, and a couple nicer tops. Something that fits in a small bin I can put away. Then I could feel I won't be naked in case something medical (or other) changes my circumstances, but not feel that I'm saying I definitely will or will not be fatter again, if that makes any sense.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Polar Bear
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Re: Intermittent Fasting

Post by Polar Bear »

It totally makes sense. I hope my quip was not overstepping the mark and apologise if it did so.

I was never a skinny child, not even near it but was 'OK'.
Height is 5'6" and most of my teens and twenties I was a UK 14 -16, doing what I wanted and eating what I wanted. Those were the days of dancehalls, the Irish Showbands and jiving, going maybe 3 or 4 times weekly so lots of great exercise. Curvy but not fat though I always fancied being more slim some day.

Over the years a few lbs were gained and going to a 'fat class' with a friend got shot of them.... the first time.

makes it harder is that as many people who've dieted in the past is that I always gained it back plus some (and research backs that up), so long ago I made a pledge to never diet again. I

Within a year I was back at the 'fat class' weighing more that when I went the first time.
When I slipped from checking daily fats/carbs/sugars then I stopped weighing myself because I couldn't face reading the scales.
And so I was heavier - RLS Medication I believe did give me an eating compulsion in particular during the insomniac nights.
I do try to control this now but it lasted for several years and did a lot of damage, including emotional and great disappointment in myself. I would be disgusted at myself at what I'd eat during the night. And noone knows how much I would have binge eaten.

At present I'm the heaviest I've ever been.
Over the last few years my health has taken a battering and a lot of it is my own fault i.e. weight related.
And so, my portion sizes are now reduced, as I move forward. I cannot face the 'diet regime' or the Fat Class again.
I no longer aspire to be slim as I did in my youth, but do want to feel better.

Your post has grounded me somewhat as to how I have slackened and made me take note - thank you.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Posts: 16602
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Re: Intermittent Fasting

Post by ViewsAskew »

No overstepping at all :-).

It is so hard for so many of us to find some equilibrium about weight and food. I also never want/need to be waif slim, but I do want to be healthier. I focus on eating well for my main calories, getting exercise, and the fasting helps with the rest.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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