New Kratom User - when to take

Here you can share your experiences with substances that are ingested, inhaled, or otherwise consumed for the purpose of relieving RLS, other than prescription medications. For example, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, diet, kratom, and marijuana (for now) should be discussed here. Tell others of successes, failures, side effects, and any known research on these substances. [Posts on these subjects created prior to 2009 are in the Physical Treatments forum.]

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by debbluebird »

chuas2 wrote:Hi, I haven't used kratom before, but since I've been cut off my pain meds and my GP refuses to prescribe anything except ropinerole, I'm trying it.
If you have powder, how much should you measure?
I started out with 1/2 teaspoon. I now take 2 teaspoons. It seems to last about 4 hours. It works best for me if I take it when I wake up during the night. Last night it was about 3 am. I mix it in pineapple juice in the afternoon. It seems to need time to mix. It still sticks to the side of my cup. I put a little water in to get it. It does not mix well with just water. I use the pineapple juice because I like the little cans. I have a cup with a lid to shake it.

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by chuas2 »

Now that is funny! "Everything burned but we're not replacing anything in case it's found, which it won't be because everything burned." But my kratom was found! Two weeks after it was coded in as "delivered." Argh. I'm up to my ears in chaff. Where's the wheat in life?? Lol

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by chuas2 »

In case anyone checks this (older) thread, I have the red vein kratom that I put in 00 capsules. I've only tried taking three or four of the 00 capsules because I'm afraid of side effects. At that dose, the kratom seems to have a mild stimulant effect. Is one strain better for RLS than others? I've been reducing (doctor going to stop prescribing) opiates, but I still have a few 5/325 that I've been taking so the RLS hasn't been a huge problem. Kind of worried as I'm getting completely cut off the opiates next week. If the red vein is the "best" for RLS symtoms, I'll may try raising the dose?

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by stjohnh »

Yes, you can increase the dose. Main side effect is constipation. You shouldn't feel "high" with the usual doses. When I was taking it, I only felt a mild relaxing effect. I wouldn't go above 4 grams (about 12 capsules 00). Are you using kratom alone, or in combination with other RLS treatment? You mentioned gabapentin and ropinirole in your prior posts.

I don't know what the "best" strain is. I always used Red Vein Borneo. Takes 60-90 min to kick in if using capsules. Faster if mixed with grapefruit juice. Be sure to take it before you "need" it. If legs are jumping a lot when you start the treatment, all treatments work less well.

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by chuas2 »

Thank you Holland. I take about 600 mg gabapentin and currently one Norco and 1/2 ms contin a day. That doesn't seem like much to me, but the pain place said it was "dangerously high." Oh well. Monday they will likely cut off the opiates, or maybe give me one Norco a day and then cut it off. Opiate dispensing rules are only getting more stringent, so they will likely do what they promised the last time, and cut my pain stuff on Monday.

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by brossman »

Can kratom be taken with Ultram (Tramadol)? After failing many drug regimens of DAs, sleeping pills, gabapentin, neurontin, and Lyrica, my doctor started me on 50 mg Ultram. I just increased it to 100 mg/day but am still waking 2-4 hours after taking it (and sometimes waking again 2 hours later) with "have to move" symptoms. Vaping CBD seems to help some, but I don't love vaping. Would kratom be a good addition, or should it not be taken with tramadol? Does it make you sleepy?

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by stjohnh »

brossman wrote:Can kratom be taken with Ultram (Tramadol)? After failing many drug regimens of DAs, sleeping pills, gabapentin, neurontin, and Lyrica, my doctor started me on 50 mg Ultram. I just increased it to 100 mg/day but am still waking 2-4 hours after taking it (and sometimes waking again 2 hours later) with "have to move" symptoms. Vaping CBD seems to help some, but I don't love vaping. Would kratom be a good addition, or should it not be taken with tramadol? Does it make you sleepy?
Yes, you can take kratom with tramadol. If that doesn't help you might try vaping THC. Many on this forum have found THC works much better than CBD for RLS.

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by Rustsmith »

You could also talk to your doctor about switching to Ultram ER if that is not already what you are taking. I take 200mg once a day at lunchtime and don't have issues at night. But I also take gabapentin and THC at night to help with sleep.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by chuas2 »

At this point I can honestly say that the CBD:THC and very small doses (four 00 caps of red vein) are helping. The real test is later this week or next when I completely eliminate the opioid (kicked off by a stupid doctor and two stupid assistants finally). I've had no adverse effects from the kratom, although I've been very wary of this.

The kratom is "wonderfully" bitter, and reminds me of henna. I was a hairdresser for years, and dealt with a lot of the stuff. However, I was painting it on people's hair, not ingesting it.

I heard someone mention small tapioca sheets made in Japan for just the purpose of "wrapping" medicines and powders, and I've ordered some. (they just got delivered! Tiny strawberry flavored things. Will try tonight) I tried putting a half teaspoon into an Odwalla Blueberry Monster, but could only get a gulp down at a time. lol, it ended up taking me an hour to drink half a bottle. Slightly better than a homeopathic remedy of boiled herbs, which was so vile that I gave up homeopathy (and I'm a person who will eat anything, not fussy) haha! Maybe you get used to it. Or more likely, those of us RLS sufferers get so desperate, we take it anyway, horrific taste and all.

At any rate, the doses I'm taking of all of the above, do not make me high, which is something I really, really, didn't want. The first time I overdid the THC and like others, woke in the night, no RLS, but was horribly dizzy, which is part of the high feeling I hate. I have pure THC tincture (30 mg per dropper), CBD THC 1:1 (7.5 mg of each) , and CBD THC 18:1 (28 mg CBD, 1.5 THC). I keep the THC at around 7.5 mg and use another CBD tincture without THC with it. I do think you need THC to sort of "activate" the party.

During this time, the "pain medicine people" took me off ativan, and have been reducing my opiates. The first couple weeks getting off ativan, the RLS was almost unbearable (I'd taken ativan safely for over fifteen years). After, it's been slow but steady progress. Knock wood!

Don't get me wrong, getting relief from RLS was first on my list of concerns when I was told I would be cut off pain meds, but chronic back pain was second. So that's back to the "sit and scream" levels of before. However, the CBD seems to have calmed down my hot flashes. And these were serious. Had them over twelve years, overwhelming heat wherever I went, in all temperatures. My face, shoulders, and neck would feel so hot I'd panic. Anyway, CBD appears to be helping, and I'll take that! :P

Thanks everyone for the highly imformative posts. Our body chemistry and the types of RLS that we have run the gamut, so I know that if this combination stops working for me, I can try a different combination of basically the same things, since we all react so differently. :P

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by Eternityroad »

For two years I have been using 1/2 tsp every two hours during the day and 2-1/2 tsp an hour before bed. I usually re-up a 1/2 tsp in the middle of the night. One peculiar side-effect. I had terrible allergies form March to May every spring for 23 years. I went through my share of inhalers and prescription allergy meds every year. Then I noticed the Spring after taking Kratom (I had been taking it nine months) I had not a sniffle nor a sneeze during allergy season. The only thing I had done differently and that I could praise for this remarkable turn is taking of Kratom.

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by sleepnot »

I really appreciate all of your posts. I am getting ready to do through the detox after augmenting on Ropinirole. I have been through this twice before and you would think that I knew better than to start taking another DA but I was desperate at the time and grabbing onto anything offered. I cannot take any opioids so I was wondering about using Kratom to help with the process, I have never taken it before and I have severe RLS so any ideas on helping me get through this would be greatly apprciated.

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by badnights »

sleepnot wrote:I cannot take any opioids so I was wondering about using Kratom to help with the process
Kratom has opioid-like properties and is very effective at controlling WED/RLS symptoms, according to many members of this board who take it. Why can't you take opioids? If it's an access issue, that's ok, kratom should be accessible (altho it is illegal in some states, I've heard). But if there is a medical reason, be aware that kratom is like an opioid.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by sleepnot »

Actually, I was able to get started on Kratom last night. It is day 9 of my detox and nights are still really bad but I did take a couple of short naps today and I'm drinking Katom tea (1/4 teaspoon) every 4 hrs. It definitely helps with the depression and anxiety that go with sleep deprivation and I don't know yet about easing the RLS symptoms. I'll report back on that.

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by Eternityroad »

I have never tried it in a tea. I mix my dose with sugar-free Nestlie's chocolate powder. I keep back-up doses in my car in old prescription containers if I am out of the house for a few hours.

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Re: New Kratom User - when to take

Post by sleepnot »

I drink herb tea already and so it was an easy transition for me to make. It does tastes bitter but I don't find it objectionable and especially when I feel like I am getting benefits from it already. I really am aware of the sense of calm that it gives me and that seems to last for the entire 4 hours. It is like the best part of being stoned without the paranoia and munchies plus I can interact normally with other people. My family has noticed a change in my behavior as I have lost the edginess I was experiencing from the detox. I can only hope that this continues throughout this transition period. I'm not sure at this point about whether I am going to keep using it for the RLS after getting the DA's out of my system. I kinda feel like I should use it as my ace in the hole when the RLS is really out of control. I will have to experiment with it more.

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