Medical Marijuana

Here you can share your experiences with substances that are ingested, inhaled, or otherwise consumed for the purpose of relieving RLS, other than prescription medications. For example, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, diet, kratom, and marijuana (for now) should be discussed here. Tell others of successes, failures, side effects, and any known research on these substances. [Posts on these subjects created prior to 2009 are in the Physical Treatments forum.]

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by NatWest »

Good morning, Walter! Here in Oregon, I found the Oregon Medical Marijuana Clinic (OMMC) online, which works with the state to help process people seeking a medical marijuana card. They first provided a questionnaire, which I completed online. It included questions about which medical conditions I had, in order to determine if they qualified me for medical marijuana. When they determined that I was qualified, they asked me to have my physician fax or mail to them my medical records to validate my answers. At this time they scheduled an appointment to meet with their physician at the local Medical Marijuana Clinic, contingent upon review of my medical records. Once this was done, I went to the appointment for a medical exam/consultation with the physician. The charge for this was $180. The required forms for the state were completed and the doctor signed the physician forms. It was then my responsibility to send the completed, signed forms to the state medical marijuana department. I sent them by certified mail with a check for $200, which is the annual cost for a medical marijuana card here in Oregon. The cost differs by state.

There are many different percentage ratios of CBD/THC. The doctor had told me, and I'd noted in my research, that CBD is more effective for many medical conditions, and THC is what gets you high, though it also has medical value. I did not want to get high, so when I went to a local dispensary after receiving my card, which took about 3 weeks, I asked to see formulations that were high in CBD, low in THC. There was a very large selection to choose from, including dried marijuana to smoke, liquid to inhale through a vapor pen, capsules and gel caps, and edibles. Formulations that are swallowed can take 20-30 minutes to work, while inhaling is immediate. The liquid I use comes in a cartridge, which is screwed into the top of the vapor pen. I use it once a day, right before I get into bed. So far, I have not experienced any rls symptoms at all since my first use of the vapor pen. The people at the dispensary were very knowledgeable and helpful. I do plan to try other formulations in the future, but, so far, this is working great. I wasn't given any specific info regarding best percentages for rls.

I also have used a topical application for pain--I have osteoarthritis in my left knee from running--and the pain has virtually disappeared. It does contain higher THC, but does not make me high, and the pain completely disappears. I only use a small amount of it about once a week. It was given to me at the dispensary as a free sample. And, yes, arthritis is also a qualifying condition for medical marijuana.

I will close by saying that just last night, there was a report on CBS News about medical marijuana being successfully used to treat young children with epilepsy. You could probably find it online for more info. "www/ Study: Marijuana extract may help children with epilepsy"

Polar Bear
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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by Polar Bear »

Excellent to hear how well this is working for you, and good information for anyone interested who is from your area.
Coincidentally, last year I was in Oregon and walked past what I reckoned was a marijuana cafe/clinic/smoking club, not something we'd see here in UK, and at that time I was unaware of it being legal in Oregon.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by NatWest »

Hi Polar Bear, thanks for your comments. I feel very fortunate that it is legal here. It's still illegal on the federal level, but many states have legalized medical marijuana, and about 9 or 10 more now have pending legislation to legalize it, so the federal government kind of looks the other way. Hopefully it will soon be legal everywhere. :)

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by RLSBlues »

Hi NatWest. Thanks for your elaborate coverage of practical matters, often neglected by other sources. I also appreciate your cogent content and writing style.

The process and procedure to obtain a CA state card requires preparation, procedures, forms and delays, and is more complex than applying for a marriage certificate or drivers license. Our current state application fee is $66.00 plus added charges by each county health department and physician’s office assessment and evaluation charges. Some dispensaries may actually sell products with only a physicians letter, to be confirmed. The pro’s and con’s of having a card, to be considered.

Formulations, forms, techniques, dosages, stains, etc. for application and/or ingestion of MM for my chronic/severe RLS/WED, peripheral neuropathy and insomnia, hopefully to be discussed with a recent physician referral. I’m proceeding with cautious optimism, based upon yours and others reported results. It seems adjusting to individual differences, multiple variables of RLS/WED and treatment to achieve optimal results, are ongoing. Those who have expressed favorable efficacy, the occasional repressiveness of RLS/WED remains unpredictable. Thus, it sounds like treatment results remain inconsistent and unpredictable, much like my experience with prescription medication and all their adverse side-effects. Have you found that to be the case or …? Can you describe your feelings before/during and following inhaling…? My experience comparison is early 1970’s recreational experimenting. Like yourself, being high isn’t desirable... instead relief from pain and early evening urges to move my restless legs… and to reduce uncontrollable nervous tingling surges and/or seizure like impulses. Standing in the back of a theater, awating the uncontrolable urges subside is beyond words.

Thanks for the CBS referral. The paperback book, Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana by Michael Backes is current and comprehensive. To be continued - Walter

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by NatWest »

Good morning, Walter!

Yes! I would always try to find a theater seat on the far left or far right aisle, so I could just stand up along the wall next to my seat. And, I've had similar anxiety whenever I fly. And, I have tried the majority of the FDA approved prescription drugs mentioned in the RLS/WED Foundation's webinars. My doctors have always been very helpful, and wrote prescriptions for whatever I requested. But, aside from Requip and Mirapex, nothing worked for me, and they both, eventually, just aggravated the problem.

For me, the CBD formulation of MM has been 100% effective (so far). Since the first time I used it I have not had a single episode of RLS/WED symptoms. When I inhale the vapor the only sensation is a slight smell/taste that lasts a few seconds. Then nothing. I feel totally normal. Plus, it's extremely convenient and easy to use. Actually, I should add that I think it does increase my appetite! But that's a good thing for me because I've been skinny my whole life and would love to put on a few pounds.

I wish you success navigating your way through the system. Keep me posted on how it's going. I only wish I'd found out sooner, but not sure anyone knew.

Thanks for the name of the book, I'm going to look it up as soon as I sign off.


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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by RLSBlues »

NatWest (aka Peggy): Greatly appreciate your prompt post replies and continuity of contact. Hopefully, others on the sidelines overcome shyness or whatever and participate. Thanks to the RLS/WED Foundation for this Discussion Board 'chat room' which is for all to read, review and participate.

I first hear about MM for RLS a couple years ago, during our former monthly local RLS SoCA Group Meetings. Many were agar to listen and learn, others not so sure, some had traditional conservative moral/religious issues, and adverse publicity or you name it.... even resistance to change. I considered it then but was still on prescribed medications, which were increasingly irritating, ineffective, annoying and augmenting my RLS symptoms. Only recently have I given it more serious consideration, since reading two recent articles in ‘Nightwalkers’.

I’ve discontinued ALL prescriptions, for a 'drug holiday,' but this is the vacation from hell. All recent neurologist recommendations are to try Opiods. Other physicians recommend returning to previous prescribed medications, I’ve tried them ALL unsuccessfully. Returning to previous meds ‘medical model’ makes no logical sense… irrational. The more I research MM vs. Opiods, I'm inclined to try the former, following a little more reassurance and verifiable factual input. I like to utilize ‘consensus of validation’ before proceeding with most serious matters. Others, by educated guess or on impulse.

Hearing testimonials and antidotal stories with favorable or unfavorable results, is my current quest, in addition to daily devoted research from all resources like the Internet, public libraries, journal articles, books, medical hospital libraries, magazines, etc., and this Bulletin Board! Hopefully, others may contribute. Initially I hesitated posting, but there is a difference in active vs. passive participation.

Be Wise and Well. Best - Walter

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by NatWest »

Hi Walter,

I found a Kindle edition of the book you mentioned and downloaded it yesterday. Look forward to reading it. With MM, if you try it, you will know right away if it works. And, if it doesn't, there is no painful withdrawal. Thanks for all of your feedback! I, too, hope others will join in.


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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by RLSBlues »

Hi Peggy,

I’m follow-up our last post to ask how you’re doing with MM and to check for any new news or developments. Are you still experiencing favorable results without significant side-effects? Have you tried any other strains of THC/CBD with more or less favorable results? Did you find the resource book informative?

During our recent local RLS Support group meetings, there was some open discussion about MM. However, nothing new was mentioned, except hearing others experiences. Some were favorable, while others were skeptical. I’ve recently started taking Tramadol cautiously, so I remain receptive to trying MM. I’d be grateful hearing from you or any others who’ve tried treating their RLS symptoms with MM.

Thanks. - Walter

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by NatWest »

Hi Walter,

Yes, I'm still having very favorable results. I have not been experiencing any rls symptoms, day or night, and am very happy about that. I'm still using the same one I started with. I think I have enough for at least another month, probably longer. I've had no side effects at all from it. I'm very happy with my results.

Yes, I did find the book very informative. I learned a lot, and I liked the detail he went into about every variety, including its history. He didn't mention the one I'm taking, so it may be something new since the book was published. He mentioned a Critical Mass that was high in THC, but the one I'm using is called CBD Crtical Mass. I feel much more informed now, so thank you for recommending it.

Thanks for staying in touch. Hope the Tramadol works for you, and happy to hear you are still open to MM.


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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by GmelT »

Hi NatWest,

I was a little confused by the costing for MM you mentioned earlier in this discussion. Could you please elaborate on the various costs you incurred?

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by NatWest »

Hi GmelT,

I'm assuming you are referring to the cost of getting my MM card. There was a charge of $180 for an appointment with the MM physician, who signed my paperwork to submit to the state, and a charge of $200, which is an annual fee, paid to the state. This is for Oregon. It seems to be a little different in each state. I think you can look up the costs by going to the website for your state.

Prices of MM from dispensaries vary quite a bit, depending on what you choose to purchase. And prices vary between dispensaries. You can go online and type in "medical marijuana dispensaries in ........." and get a list for your city, and most will list their products and prices.

Hope this helps! NatWest

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by GmelT »

OK NatWest. I had seen your $500 number at the beginning of this string and that was what was confusing me. It sounds like that is a total rather than the cost of MM. I'm in Colorado, so the costs are less for the card is less. I've looked at the local dispensaries and continue to do so.

Thanks again for all your insight.

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by NatWest »

Happy to hear my info was helpful to you! I've been trying to think what the $500 was, I believe that was in reference to Marinol, a synthetic THC formulation, for which my doctor had given me a prescription, only to discover it wasn't covered and cost a little over $500. Immediately after that I applied for my MM card.

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by Rustsmith »

Deepest red Texas joined the list of medical marijuana this afternoon. Effective September 1, children with epilepsy that cannot be treated with convention medicine will be able to get CBD oil from the state. However, when the governor signed the new law, he also stated that the list of conditions will not grow as long as he is governor, which could be a long time.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by NatWest »

Thanks for the update. That doesn't really sound like it will help anyone anytime soon. With those restrictions, I'd have to say that doesn't really count as legalizing MM. But I do hope it will help those children who need it. Our biggest dilemma here right now is figuring out how to integrate sales of recreational, which becomes legal July 1, with the MM dispensaries already in existence. I just read an article a few minutes ago that gave an analysis of Medicare expenses for 2013, and by far the largest share of the payments went to pay for pharmaceuticals. Billions of dollars. I think Big Pharma is the biggest road block to less expensive (and more effective) treatments like stem cell procedures and MM for all kinds of conditions.

Good luck to you!

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