Medical Marijuana

Here you can share your experiences with substances that are ingested, inhaled, or otherwise consumed for the purpose of relieving RLS, other than prescription medications. For example, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, diet, kratom, and marijuana (for now) should be discussed here. Tell others of successes, failures, side effects, and any known research on these substances. [Posts on these subjects created prior to 2009 are in the Physical Treatments forum.]

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by ViewsAskew »

Not sure why, but almost everything I grow beats the quality of what is at the stores. A few exceptions - sweet corn here is delicious, so I never grow it. Hard squashes are about the same. Varieties are also much different as already noted. Now that I am moving, I gave my mom all my seeds. She had quite a quandary deciding between the 25 or so heirloom tomato varieties I gave her and the 10-15 she already had. I have no idea if I will be in an apartment or house or if I will have sunshine or not. So, until at least next year when we are settled, growing is sadly out. And, I have to divest myself of the 800 or so gesneriads I have before we leave. That will just about kill me, lol.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Polar Bear
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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by Polar Bear »

800.... it will be like giving away part of your family.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by ViewsAskew »

Polar Bear wrote:800.... it will be like giving away part of your family.

My children, lol.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by pinkynose »

Hi to all! I am so excited to share that TODAY I was approved for Medical Marijuana. As some of you may remember I have been waiting since 2015 for my state to pass this. I have read over all the posts and want to thank you for this great information. I also have "The Cannabis Pharmacy" so I will at least have some idea when I go to the dispensary (probably tomorrow!) The book covers mostly strains on the west coast and I'm on the east coast but there is still a lot of useful info. Also for me RLS is secondary to my small fiber neuropathy so it will make it a bit tricky but I will gladly post my experiments for anyone it may help.

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by Rustsmith »

Carol, congratulations on achieving this long sought goal. I hope that you find MMJ to be as beneficial as most of us have.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by NatWest »

Hi Carol,
Congratulations! I'm sure we all look forward to hearing about this new experience for you. After using mm for 3 years now, I can tell you that it's been a slightly bumpy road at times, trying to find the strains that work was pretty easy, but, what do you do when they are not available? For me, after exhausting the existing prescriptions, like Requip and Mirapex because they stopped working and caused augmentation, mm was a welcome new adventure. As we all know, rls is different for everyone. I truly hope that you will be happy with the results! :)

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by ViewsAskew »

Great news!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by pinkynose »

Thanks for the well wishes!
Well, I went to my local dispensary yesterday and found out my Doctor hadn't filled out his order whether it be medical cannabis or low-THC cannabis and also which delivery system. (Hopefully I will have input into at least the delivery system?) There are 4 delivery systems and you can only chose 2: Oral/Sublingual; Inhalation; Topical or Oral/capsules. Well, I couldn't get anything anyway because my Doctor is out of the country until Sunday!!!!

I did get a brochure and a chance to talk to a knowledgeable worker and it seems their products are either ALL THC (you can chose Indica or Sativa) or ALL CBD. There are a few 1:1 but you can't tell if the THC is Indica or Sativa.

Recently the Dept. Of Health said NO flowers so there is very little to chose from. I had brought my Cannabis Pharmacy book and had no use for it! I'm hoping this is because we're so new and one day I can actually ask for something like CBD Critical Mass Vape Pen Cartridge or something comparable.

Happy weekend to you all. carol

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by NatWest »

Hi Carol,

I just happened to be on the rls discussion board when your message came through. That's too bad you'll have to wait. That information is interesting. It sounds like, while you may not have as many choices, the choices might be much better categorized than what we have here, which is kind of an "anything goes" policy. We need a card from the state, but once we have it we can purchase anything that's available. And because we also have recreational, there's a lot available! Some of the medical mm isn't available to recreational users, but medical people can purchase anything they want!
I'll look forward to hearing more from you after your doctor gets back and you've been able to make a purchase! :)


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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by Rustsmith »

Carol, something doesn't sound correct in statement that their strains are either all THC or all CBD and that you can choose Indica or Satavia. Both strains produce THC. The primary difference is that Satavia strains tend to be higher in THC and Indica strains have a more balanced ratio of THC and CBD. This means that Indica produces more CBD.

Of course, what they could have been telling you is that they only sell processed products (hence the four delivery systems and not buds or leaves). This would certainly be true for oral/sublingual and topical delivery. That might make things a bit simpler for you as you are starting out. You can find out what RLS symptoms respond to THC and which to CBD. That would provide you with a better idea of strains to select in the future when buds and leaves become available (if that is the way you decide to go). Personally, I prefer the option of pure THC or CBD because it allows me to "fix" whatever is bothering me without having to "ingest" the part that I don't need.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by pinkynose »

Thanks Steve. What you wrote makes sense to me. I'll know a lot more when I can actually go inside the dispensary and speak to the one person who seems to be well versed in the subject.

You are correct that all they sell right now is processed products. I did notice they do have "Ground flower" listed under the Inhalation system besides Oil Extract and I'd think that isn't processed?

This is all very new to my state and things are quickly changing. My doctor returned today but he didn't finish my order because while he was gone they seem to have extended the prescription period from 45 days to 70 days. He wrote to find out if it's gone into effect yet so meantime I still have nothing! If I don't hear from him by Wednesday I'm going to ask him to just do the 45 days so I can get started on this journey already. carol

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by stjohnh »

Carol, be aware that the party line at mm dispenseries usually is sativa has more stoned feeling and indica is better for sleep. Also that strains higher in cbd are better for sleep. It took me several months of experimenting with different strains and ways of getting it into my body until I found that this advice doesn't work for me. For mm to help me sleep I must first control the leg jumping (for which mm doesn't help at all), then I need to use an amount (of any strain) that gives me a stoned feeling, then it has to last long enough to get me through the night. For me this means 15mg of THC as an edible eaten 2 hours before bed, then another 5mg an hour or 2 after I go to sleep. Pure cbd does nothing for me and high cbd formulations (usually 1:1 THC:CBD) don't do anything better than just plain generic formulations and cost a lot more.

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by pinkynose »

Thanks Holland.
Same experience for me with both pure CBD and 1:1 combo. Let the experimenting begin.

Peggy: you know I'll fill you (and all who are interested) in with my progress. :)

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by NatWest »

Thanks, Carol. I appreciate it, I'm always interesting hearing about anything that helps with rls. My biggest problem is that the only mm strain that actually works for me, is often unavailable .... anywhere .... so I've been experimenting with other things, and will share the results as they come in! :) Peggy

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Re: Medical Marijuana

Post by pinkynose »

Well..... My experience so far has been a hot mess!! I went to the dispensary and after talking to the main guy and explaining my needs I was steered to 1 Indica- "9 lb hammer" (80% Indica 20% Sativa and 1 Hybrid (60 Indica 40 Sativa. Both were under the label of THC because they are very high THC. (Btw Steve for example, one they have (and they only have limited choices) was a pure vape Hybrid called "Girl Scout Cookie." According to Leafly it is 74.8% THC.) There was also an option of 1:1; THC:CBD which in retrospect I should have tried. However, what I did was get was 1 cartridge of CBD so maybe I can take 1 vape of it and 1 of 9 lb hammer and average out to sleep. I also bought a jar of salve which seems to help my back pain but does nothing for my legs, RLS or neuropathy burning.

What I had wanted, I thought was the "Ground Flower" but as it turned out they were small caps of the same stuff (just the strong THC ones) but stronger because they are actually keef. I had figured if there was enough quantity I could try using them for baking but not gonna happen.

Eventually they will have real plant flowers and hopefully other stuff. But I forget the best part. Driving home I get a call from the dispensary that my doctor had only chosen low THC products for me (they have none btw except for the CBD) and that he needed to update my order or I needed to bring my purchases back. Again my doctor is out of town but I did manage to contact him and I think it's been straightened out. At least I haven't gotten any knocks at my door...yet....

It's all new in my state and we have a long way to go. I just hope my choices improve. They also have the same concentrations available in Oral/sublingual or capsules but that doesn't seem to be a help for choices of strains.

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