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Delta 8 Hemp THC

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 9:23 pm
by jumping
I have discovered that Delta 8 Hemp THC helps tremendously well for me. Regular weed did not, but this does. It is still legal in my state,so I have been stocking up. I had started taking iron, which I did not want to take, for health reasons, when I discovered that the Delta 8 works. I discontinued the iron. I am still getting the same relief, so it wasn't iron. (I wasn't taking it long enough, anyway.) For those of you who don't like marijuana, like myself, maybe Delta 8 is a good option for you to try. I use a low strength gummy about an hour before bed. I get it from Koidcbd and Moonwalkr. Either my legs never jump or they jump so few times that it doesn't keep me awake. Delta 8 has the added benefit of making me relaxed. I sure hope it stays legal here! It is derived from hemp and is one molecule different than marijuana thc.

Re: Delta 8 Hemp THC

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:09 am
by ViewsAskew
Interesting. Thanks for sharing!

Re: Delta 8 Hemp THC

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:57 am
by Mou7gh
Fascinating! I just returned from Hawaii, where my RL was so bad that I joined this Society in sheer desperation. Boy am I glad!
My Delta 8 story is much different. I feel the need to share: I had gone to a CBD store in Maui after a sudden-onset panic attack. Recreational marijuana is illegal, but medical is OK. I assumed that a CBD store would be benign. I bought some CBD-A, which quickly calmed me down from my panic attack. The next day, I went back to speak with the owner about a CBD product (G?)that might be useful for RLS. She gave me some CBD-infused water (10 mg) and I bought a small (think Hershey mini-sized chocolate bar) with 30 grams of Delta 8, which she only said would "have more kick" and I had a "euphoric" feel. But, I blew her off; I thought, CBD can't get you high, so this is no big deal. I take 50 mg a night in hopes it helps my RLS.
Oh. My. God.
At Tommy Bahamas, it hit me, right after my Oriental salad. I thought at first it was a recurrence of the panic, but quickly realized it was the exact feeling as a THC high, EXACT. But I hadn't expected it, and I can't bear a THC high. Nor do I enjoy being drunk. (control issues...) I was very confused, since I just ate a "CBD bar" and I thought, HOW am I high? Paranoia set in. I was so screwed up, I had to ask my husband to drive me, immediately to the hotel. I just slumped, totally stoned, against a palm tree while he bought breakfast supplies. I would have been completely unable to navigate my way back. I was useless, and scared, and felt out of control. Horrible. I felt stupid, and kept asking my husband how he could manage, or was it just me. He had ALSO had the same sized chocolate bar of 30 mg Delta 8. At the hotel, it hit him. Hard. We were a mess. We lay on the bed praying for time to pass, to get over it. I had a fit of giggles in the bathroom and recorded myself saying absurd stuff that people say when stoned. I wanted to record, to document this. That was the only fun part. This stuff, this Delta 8, is nothing to screw with, IMHO. I worry that a child could grab one from a basket, such as was on display where I got mine, and God forbid how it would affect a child. They also had large bars. Can't. Even. Imagine. I did my research, and found that it's a legal get around for a high in places where pot is illegal, like here in Wyoming. (The Feds are currently on high alert. I'd stock up if you love it; I see it being pulled soon.) The Native tribes have used it and report bad effects.
BUT, jumping, if you found relief, I am so happy for you!! It just wasn't for me. I wanted to post this to help warn people that it will or can feel like a THC high, and if that's not your thing, avoid. It was a solid 5 hour unpleasant high. I read that its effects can be made stronger by benzos and statins and booze. Do not mix!
Thank you for posting. Given my experience, it was quite interesting. And, for the record, I did have RL that night, but much later on, AFTER the Delta had worn off. So, I have no idea on causality or help. Yikes!
Any information on CBD and its variants, aside from this, are more than welcome!

Re: Delta 8 Hemp THC

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:36 pm
by jumping
Mou7gh wrote:
Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:57 am
Thank you for posting. Given my experience, it was quite interesting. And, for the record, I did have RL that night, but much later on, AFTER the Delta had worn off. So, I have no idea on causality or help. Yikes!
Any information on CBD and its variants, aside from this, are more than welcome!
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. My gummies are not near that strong. In fact, the ones I have for RLS are 12mg. I have taken stronger ones and gotten a slight, pleasant buzz. Most people I know, did not get anything from it. I don't like marijuana. I didn't find the buzz to be much like it. But, everyone is different. So, yeah, caution when trying new things is always good advice. I'm just super stoked that it works for me.

Re: Delta 8 Hemp THC

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2021 3:06 am
by Todge
I am currently toying with the Delta 8 and even the Delta 9. I was prescribed medical marijuana and I can honestly tell you that for me (I have used marijuana on occasion since 1985) the Delta 8 is WAY stronger than the marijuana I was prescribed. I was super paranoid the first time I used it because it is so strong, and very similar to a regular THC gummy, seemed to last FOREVER. Like I was almost bored of being stoned it went on for so long. And the next day my jowls ached from the grinning I did. I haven't tried the Delta 8 for my Ropinirole withdrawal symptoms simply because it is so strong and I am already on the anxiety side of paranoia. I have a friend with chronic pain who swears by this product and she also has prescription Cannabis and Opioids. I think it can be helpful to some folks, but yeah... for being available over the counter, wow was this strong. I hope they don't pull it, but every time I try one of the new products I am like, "how on earth is this legal??!!"

Re: Delta 8 Hemp THC

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:45 am
by James Joseph
I too have tried Delta 8. First a locally made 20 mg product taken right before bedtime. Took it probably 10 times and it worked great. Found when I got up for bathroom breaks that I felt very much like I did from my formative years in the 70's while smoking pot. However it began to cause me daytime memory impairment so I stopped.

On the advice of someone who uses it nightly with her husband to address insomnia, I went looking for a purer product. Found a company in Eugene OR with a compelling story and ordered their 10 mg gummies. Again taking before bed it worked remarkably well - sweet relief. It's amazing how different one feels after sleeping thru the night. I haven't had that in decades. So I thought I had found the answer. Alas after 12 uses, one day I had a near faint during the middle of the day while at work followed by chest pains and heart palpitations. Have since been diagnosed with three distinct types of irregular heartbeats along with mitral valve prolapse. My wife read that Delta 8 has been known to cause heart conditions. So I have stopped using it and after 2 months my symptoms are reduced but not eliminated. Have switched to a more plant based diet as well.

While I can't definitively state my cardiac issues are a direct result of using Delta 8, it seems to be the case so I'd advise caution. It's not something to take lightly. Apparently because it's unregulated, there is a great variation in quality and purity with some still containing the solvents used in the extraction process. Really too bad as it was wonderful at inducing and maintaining RLS free sleep.

Re: Delta 8 Hemp THC

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 10:59 pm
by ViewsAskew
How frustrating, James Joseph. I hope the symptoms recede completely.