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Saffron Spice for Insomnia. Maybe RLS

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2023 12:25 pm
by Stainless
I kept pressing oncologist haematologist about IV iron when I've seen him over the last year. He tells me it is beyond his knowledge and to find a University, specialist, etc. But 3 weeks ago he told me he has insomnia and uses saffron tea with good results. My wife, who is a health food advocate, was off to Mrs Mango's to get some. We have been using it every day since with good results for both conditions.

I have to disclose I was on a cruise for two of those weeks so I probably had some Vacation Reprieve I've posted about before.It's not cheap and who knows what the correct dose is but I'll try anything for relief. I drink a large decaf tea with a pinch and consume the remnants with no apparent side effects. I start chemo and radiation this week and that will be the real test. Docs don't seem interested in adding any new RLS drugs to get me past the next 8 weeks so I'll use what I've got. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Rick

Re: Saffron Spice for Insomnia. Maybe RLS

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 2:07 am
by ViewsAskew
Let us know how it continues to work for you, Rick. And, hope your body is handling the chemo and radiation OK.

Re: Saffron Spice for Insomnia. Maybe RLS

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 6:59 pm
by Stainless
My wife and I have been using saffron for about 5 weeks. Just a pinch seeped in hot water and drink the tiny amount of residue, as it does not dissolve. We have been sleeping very well since this started. My RLS has been better for the last two months but I'm not sure what to attribute that to. It does not seem to help nighttime PLM but even that has been better for the last two months. Maybe my brain senses the cancer.

This is not the place to opine on my cancer but I was so blown away by the diagnosis when I wrote the first entry. They say it is from smoking but I quite 38 years ago. They can tell the difference between HPV and other. I worked in a sick building so I suspect that. I smoked some weed in the last 10 years since retired but can't believe that would be enough. Anyways, quit smoking if you do and get your children vaccinated agains HPV. This will surly shorten my life at a minimum.