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Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:44 am
by jbj
I came upon a product in our pharmacy, grouped with vitamin/ mineral/ herbal supplements. It is called Magnilife and it is specifically targeted for rls sufferers. The ingredients listed were (I didn't have my glasses so I coudn't read clearly....*sigh*):anaphalium, polycephalum, viscum album, magnesia phosphoronic (sp?), rhus toxodendron. Okay, I am sure I totally butchered the spelling, but hopefully it comes close. My rls is pretty under control with ropinerole and tramadol, but it would be nice to not need a doctor's approval every time I needed something.

Anyone know anything about this product?
Thanks for any help!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:01 am
by Sojourner
I think we have had several posts about this product in the past. I didn't come up with much in a search but the name certainly rings a bell. Don't remember much about the posts but I think it is a Magnesium based product and Calcium/Magnesium supplements have seemed to help some. But, probably can get that without buying this relatively expensive product.


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:15 am
by Neco
Looks like just another mangesium based product... Which is gonna do squat for 98% of RLS sufferers.. I'm hesitant to call magnesium for RLS "snake oil" but I feel it comes pretty darn close..

There are people out there that think its gonna cure all RLS and RLS is caused by a magnesium or some other combination of vitamin/mineral deficiency, which I think is flat out bogus.

These "made for RLS" drugs seem to be targeted at specific symptoms that are included in the general list of RLS symptoms and it's almost like they just get away with it for that reason.. I'm pretty sure cramps, et all that most people call RLS and are fixed by these remedies, or quinine water, are in fact not RLS at all.

I'm just so skeptical of everything based on my own research an experiments, including buying and trying natural junk. I wasted a good deal of money and found nothing that could ever hope to compare with the efficacy of an opiate or Requip/Mirapex. Even if there was such a product, it would not be cost effective when I can get over 100 methadone pills for $15 a month.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:59 pm
by jbj
Pretty much what I was suspecting. Just hoping, though.........Thanks, all!