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Diet change

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:16 am
by Cara
I've been suffering from RLS for over twenty years. I've tried several medications and they would work for a few weeks or even a few months and then they would just stop working. One thing I noticed was that when I had my worst attacks, I could think back on that day and remember eating something that was high in sodium, like potato chips. So I started experimenting with my diet.

I cut out all caffeine, including chocolate, and cut off any food with sodium eight hours before I went to bed. I also cut out dairy products. I am very strict with this diet. Zero tolerance so to speak. I also have my largest meal by 3pm, because that would be the meal that would be the highest in sodium.

Before I go to bed I take:

450mg Cayenne
27mg Iron
1 Multi Vitamin
2000mg Omega 3
1000mg Garlic with Parsley
1000mg Calcium Magnesium with D

I've noticed that if I follow the diet but neglect to take the supplements, or visa verse, I will have a mild attack of RLS that night. But if I stick to the diet and take the supplements, I don't have an attack. I've been following the regime now for four months and, so far, it has worked for me. But I can't stress enough how strict you have to be with the diet. It was hard to give up chocolate completely, but I had to make up my mind that if I wanted to sleep that night, I just can't have it.

If you try this, I truly hope it works for you. And I'm also hoping it continues to work for me since I've thought I've beaten this before only to have the RLS start up again. But this is the longest I've gone with a solution.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:07 am
by thib2
I think you may be onto something with the diet. I have noticed that what I eat seems to affect my RLS. I don't do caffine and try to eat very healthy because I am not taking a statin as that makes my RLS worse and need to to the best I can because of high cholestrol. I am taking fish oil which helps with RLS and hot flashes. And, speaking of life style, I have noticed when I exercise too long (more than 30 min) that has an effect as well. Rules. Rules. Rules. But a good nights sleep is worth it.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:09 pm
by Cattolico
I have also found that diet affects my RLS. The symptoms are much reduced if I eat nothing after 5pm. Most of the time anyway. It is very difficult for me. But I'm trying.

I haven't been able to find a specific food though. And I've tested many types of food.

ps-I refer to night-time symptoms. I don't usually have day-time symptoms.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:02 pm
by Cara
I really believe that the rise in the number of people suffering from RLS is largely due to food additives. Splenda (sucrolose) really affects me badly with severe and long lasting attacks. You have to really check the ingredients on the packaged foods you buy. Artificial hormones and other chemicals in our meat and dairy products. I don't buy bottled water anymore because the chemicals on the plastic bottle are bad for us. And if we try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, how do we know what has been sprayed on them? I think that the rise in the number of people with RLS probabley would coincide with the addition of new food additives and higher amounts of sodium to more and more of the food we eat.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:21 pm
by thib2
The one thing I have learned very quickly is we are all so different. I can drink diet soda with splenda with no RLS. I have trouble with wheat and chocolate. Maybe because RLS is a neurological issue we all have different triggers?? I do agree that all of the additives are not good for us. I eat lots of fruits and veggies and I havn't progressed to organic because it is so expensive but I do wash things well and we have a garden in the summer.