2 Ways to get a Better Sleep Despite Having RLS

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2 Ways to get a Better Sleep Despite Having RLS

Post by dwimble »

If your mind is racing when you're trying to sleep at night, it is likely due to a combination
of high glutamate levels and high histamine levels.

Below is a link to an article about how high glutamate levels are tied in with RLS, inflammation
and insomnia. It's a follow-up to the John Hopkins study that showed that RLS sufferers have
a higher presence of glutamate in their brain.

It includes some natural remedies to help you to catch some z's.


Below is a link to an article on how to lower your histamine level. High histamine levels are
also intimately connected with RLS, inflammation and insomnia.

There are also some natural remedies listed that will help to bring down your histamine level
and quiet your mind.


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Re: 2 Ways to get a Better Sleep Despite Having RLS

Post by badnights »

The above link regarding glutamate refers to articles without referencing them. Dwimble, I suggest that you modify your webpage to include references so that we can judge for ourselves the value of the excerpts you post. I don't like to take things out of context and thereby misunderstand them.

For example, the page includes an excerpt from a wikipedia article. Wikipedia articles can be written and edited by just about anyone. Wikipedia has a pretty good community-based editing process in place to keep things accurate. Part of that process results in articles being tagged as incomplete, biased, or wrong. The wikipedia article on excitotoxicity is tagged thus:
This article may be unbalanced towards certain viewpoints. Please improve the article by adding information on neglected viewpoints, or discuss the issue on the talk page.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

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Re: 2 Ways to get a Better Sleep Despite Having RLS

Post by badnights »

The following is taken from the link re glutamate posted above:
When I see a report like results of the John Hopkins study, I am 100% certain that if I do a bit of digging, there will be an undeniable bond between whatever the agent happens to be (in this case glutamate) and inflammation.
Sure enough, the evidence is OVERWHELMING that inflammation is directly involved with the excessive glutamate levels.

I would like to clarify this statement for other members of the board. I will do that by removing the confusing parts and paraphrasing:
When I see [a medical report saying that a substance in our bodies has been linked to a disease], I am 100% certain that ... there will be a... bond between [the substance] and inflammation. Sure enough,[I find that evidence because that is all I am looking for].

I will explain the paraphrasing now. Scientists move an area of study forward by hypothesizing (that is, formulating an idea about how something works), then seeking evidence to support or refute the idea. If the evidence found is not in support of the hypothesis, then he/she comes up with a new hypothesis - he modifies the original idea, or finds an entirely new one, to fit the new evidence.

But if you begin with the 100% certainty of what the end result will be, your subconscious (or conscious? god forbid) bias will creep into the research. The glutamate page mentioned above seems to imply that the author did a literature search. If you're doing a literature search and begin with 100% certainty of what you will find, then you subconsciously (or consciously) ignore all publications that refute your idea. You extract pieces of publications that seem to support your idea when taken out of context. This may or may not be a conscious process. Even Mendel, who published the first ever theory of a genetic mechanism for heredity, is suspected of having lent a subconscious bias to his experiments. (They have since been repeated by hundreds or thousands of researchers whose numbers were spread over a much wider range than Mendel's. They still led to the same conclusion, but not so neatly.)
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

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Re: 2 Ways to get a Better Sleep Despite Having RLS

Post by badnights »

I flipped through the glutamate page mentioned above and I stopped at this headline: "scientific studies of GABA levels in restless legs patients". None of the three excerpts below the headline were about GABA levels in RLS patients! Two were about the effectiveness of gabapentin encarbil (Horizant), and one was about GABA in diabetes.

Ummm. I don't want to be rude, but that page is misleading! It is pseudo-science. (Stuff that sounds scientific but isn't.)
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.


Re: 2 Ways to get a Better Sleep Despite Having RLS

Post by dwimble »

There's nothing misleading about anything on my website. My premise is that RLS is inflammation based. So everything that help lessen the effects of inflammation, does relate to RLS.

Without inflammation, Restless Legs Syndrome does not exist. Just like without inflammation, arthritis does not exist ... or cancer, Parkinson's ... and the list goes on.

The other stuff about the citations ... that's really reaching. All excerpts I include are cited. There's a link to the source page for each one. I don't mention the references that the authors use in their articles or studies. If you want to know those, click on the links to view the author's references.

If you don't agree with me, fine ... but you don't have to create phantom issues in order to try and discredit what I'm saying.

You obviously educated. It should be clear to you that the evidence I've accumulated (including my own experience) shows without a doubt that inflammation is a primary cause of RLS.

I'm sure there are several mistakes throughout the website, but they can be fixed or altered as they are pointed out to me. That doesn't change the truth.

The admins of this discussion board blocked my post about RLS being a symptom, not a disease. The way RLSers hold on to their disease (and meds) for dear life is mind-boggling! This board is like a pack of dogs.

You're right about the Gabapentin enacarbil. I thought it was the same as GABA. I've removed it, thanks.

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Re: 2 Ways to get a Better Sleep Despite Having RLS

Post by rthom »

there s no need to talk of things you have no knowledge--and as you are obviously not the Dr. of the folks on here you know nothing about their health, therefore, you're comments are offensive and unwarranted. If you have trouble with someone critiquing of your science --I'd ask you keep your comments about that--not abuse those who have not been involved in hurting your feelings.

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Re: 2 Ways to get a Better Sleep Despite Having RLS

Post by debbluebird »

rthom wrote:there s no need to talk of things you have no knowledge--and as you are obviously not the Dr. of the folks on here you know nothing about their health, therefore, you're comments are offensive and unwarranted. If you have trouble with someone critiquing of your science --I'd ask you keep your comments about that--not abuse those who have not been involved in hurting your feelings.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Re: 2 Ways to get a Better Sleep Despite Having RLS

Post by ViewsAskew »

dwimble wrote:There's nothing misleading about anything on my website. My premise is that RLS is inflammation based. So everything that help lessen the effects of inflammation, does relate to RLS.

Without inflammation, Restless Legs Syndrome does not exist. Just like without inflammation, arthritis does not exist ... or cancer, Parkinson's ... and the list goes on.

The other stuff about the citations ... that's really reaching. All excerpts I include are cited. There's a link to the source page for each one. I don't mention the references that the authors use in their articles or studies. If you want to know those, click on the links to view the author's references.

If you don't agree with me, fine ... but you don't have to create phantom issues in order to try and discredit what I'm saying.

You obviously educated. It should be clear to you that the evidence I've accumulated (including my own experience) shows without a doubt that inflammation is a primary cause of RLS.

I'm sure there are several mistakes throughout the website, but they can be fixed or altered as they are pointed out to me. That doesn't change the truth.

The admins of this discussion board blocked my post about RLS being a symptom, not a disease. The way RLSers hold on to their disease (and meds) for dear life is mind-boggling! This board is like a pack of dogs.

You're right about the Gabapentin enacarbil. I thought it was the same as GABA. I've removed it, thanks.

dwimble, the moderators have not blocked any of your posts - or anybody's, for that matter. Over the weekend, a post did get deleted by accident while trying to do something else. It sounds like this must be your post. Please repost.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: 2 Ways to get a Better Sleep Despite Having RLS

Post by Moderators »

The moderators of this Disussion Board hope that all WED/RLS sufferers find a way to manage and treat their disease that is consistent with their personal beliefs and needs. We believe, consistent with current research, that no one treatment is appropriate for every sufferer. Because there is still much research to do and past research is limited in many ways, we also realize that some people may choose treatments on faith, rather than science. We are hopeful that the scientific community learns more very soon so that we can better treat or resolve the cause, instead of treating the symptoms.

Until that time, each of us must make decisions about our treatment. Just as it is perfectly appropriate to choose alternative or non-pharma methods, it's equally appropriate to choose pharmaceutical treatments or a combination of both, given the circumstances, your medical condition, your beliefs, and what your medical provider(if any) feels is best for you. We recognize how difficult it can be to make treatment decisions. We ask that everyone respect the decisions our members make and share, even if those decisions are different from yours. We also ask that our members demonstrate respect and tolerance in their posts. Posts that are not respectful will be removed.
Your Discussion Board Moderators


Re: 2 Ways to get a Better Sleep Despite Having RLS

Post by dwimble »

Okay, will do.

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