Has anyone tried Corydalis yanhusuo?

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Has anyone tried Corydalis yanhusuo?

Post by charliechaplin »

Corydalis yanhusuo is a Chinese medical herb that might help with WED/RLS. It is not intoxicating, but it can be dangerous in the wrong dosage. My acupuncture person says this about it:>

Corydalis is an opioid analog with about 25% of the potency of morphine HCl, as well as being an antispasmodic. my preferred form of it is in gel caps manufactured by Honso, they use Angelica dahuricae as a supplemental medicinal in the formula, which helps strengthen the effect against RLS

I have not yet tried it as I am still researching it. I am very skeptical of "natural" cures that do nothing except make others wealthy but so far I might consider trying this.

Your ideas, comments, experiences?

Thank you.

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Re: Has anyone tried Corydalis yanhusuo?

Post by ViewsAskew »

I have not. A few people here are using kratom (Mitragyna speciosa), however. And some who've used poppy seed tea. Both of those have been effective for the people who've reported on them.

The issue for me is not whether it's natural (digitalis is natural as is hemlock and arsenic), it's that there is nothing standardized about them. My second issue is that we forget that these are EVERY bit a drug, just an unregulated one. The third is related to what you said, charliechaplin - because it's unregulated and unstudied means that people can say anything they want about it - doesn't mean it's true! That doesn't mean not to use any of these things - but to be very careful in evaluating them.

I did a quick search on Corydalis yanhusuo + RLS in Google. I found very little about real people's experince - did find a guy who tried it and had some interesting things happen (a LONG lasting erection for one) and the worst RLS he'd had. Hmmmm, sounds like I don't want to try it, lol!

If you find out anything else or decide to try it, let us know. If you're evaluating pharma alternatives that function as pharmaceuticals, consider reading the posts about kratom and poppy seeds.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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