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Low Tyramine Diet

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:38 am
by Chris
I have had symptoms of familial WED/RLS for over 30 years, with partial relief of symptoms from the dopa agonists. About 2 years ago I was placed on a low tyramine diet to see if this would be helpful with my migraines, and have found that this diet also unexpectedly improved (though did not completely eliminate) my RLS symptoms significantly. I have always known alcohol and chocolate exacerbated symptoms, but carefully following this diet has decreased daytime and evening symptoms,allowing me to go to movies or out in the evening without taking medication. Though I miss some of my favorite food (many cheeses, nuts, home made yeast breads etc) it's worth the RLS symptom relief. This diet can be a bit challenging to follow however as soy is one food item that must be avoided. Soy is in many processed food products, even ones you don't expect, and you need to read label product information carefully if you decide you to see if this diet will help you. Also, as food ages, tyramine content increases so this has led my husband complaining because he has to eat all the leftovers in the fridge ! The foods that can and cannot be eaten on this diet can be found by searching the internet under "low tyramine diet" (just choose a reputable website).

Re: Low Tyramine Diet

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:20 am
by ViewsAskew
Compared to many restricted diets, this seems eminently doable to me. Yes, I would miss aged cheeses and nuts. I eat little bread and never make it for myself now that hubby is gluten free. I looked, and the only thing I'd really have to cut out would be the cheeses and a bit of soy. I don't eat much soy and I would miss the occasional Chinese-style food I prepare, but I could do it for a few months. Since we're gluten free, we don't eat many prepared foods that would sneak up on me.

Hope it continues to work for you for a long time. If anyone else tries it, please let us know how it turns out.

Re: Low Tyramine Diet

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:40 am
by badnights
I've already had to cut out gluten and dairy. Also most sugar-added foods and starchy foods, and processed foods. I wonder if some of my WED/RLS improvement is attributable to taking in less tyramine. I am going to observe if my flareups correlate with eating miso etc.