Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

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Polar Bear
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by Polar Bear »

You have been very determined and are to be congratulated.

If you aren't scheduled for your spinal stimulator until mid June what happens until then. Have you or your doctor a plan going forward.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by buglegs »

Well I've managed to make it through day / night 5 with no medications, the RLS symptoms are slowly subsiding but it has been very unpleasant up to this point. Its 5:28 AM here and I've been up all night with no sleep, very tired but the main reason I haven't slept all night isn't from the usual real bad RLS symptoms, its been insomnia, anxiety (I have been dreading nights not know whats gonna happen when I try and go to sleep), obviously effects of DAWS. My RLS has probably improved by 50-60 percent over the past 5 days of being on this Drug Holiday, I'm sure the RLS won't go completely away but I can definitely tell a huge difference in the intensity levels. Its obvious to me that the Requip was causing most of my RLS symptoms over the past several years, especially at the higher doses I was continuously prescribed over the years. Day 12 of my drug holiday will be April 22nd and I have an appointment with my neurologist on that day at which time we will be coming up with a plan to treat whatever level of symptoms I have at that time. If my symptoms continue to diminish like they have over the past 5 days / nights I'm hoping a lower dose of lyrica by itself will control it, I'll face that hurdle when I reach it. I did get about 2-3 hours of sleep on night 4 but like I said, no sleep last night but it wasn't RLS symptoms, it was insomnia, anxiety and headache. I'll continue posting my journey as I move forward, hopefully I can get a nap sometime today. Take care..wishing everyone the best..

Polar Bear
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by Polar Bear »

buglegs, you are doing so well. Such perserverance. Only 8 days until you meet with your neurologist...... (thumbs up).
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by ViewsAskew »

buglegs wrote:
Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:59 am
Well I've managed to make it through day / night 5 with no medications, the RLS symptoms are slowly subsiding but it has been very unpleasant up to this point. Its 5:28 AM here and I've been up all night with no sleep, very tired but the main reason I haven't slept all night isn't from the usual real bad RLS symptoms, its been insomnia, anxiety (I have been dreading nights not know whats gonna happen when I try and go to sleep), obviously effects of DAWS. My RLS has probably improved by 50-60 percent over the past 5 days of being on this Drug Holiday, I'm sure the RLS won't go completely away but I can definitely tell a huge difference in the intensity levels. Its obvious to me that the Requip was causing most of my RLS symptoms over the past several years, especially at the higher doses I was continuously prescribed over the years. Day 12 of my drug holiday will be April 22nd and I have an appointment with my neurologist on that day at which time we will be coming up with a plan to treat whatever level of symptoms I have at that time. If my symptoms continue to diminish like they have over the past 5 days / nights I'm hoping a lower dose of lyrica by itself will control it, I'll face that hurdle when I reach it. I did get about 2-3 hours of sleep on night 4 but like I said, no sleep last night but it wasn't RLS symptoms, it was insomnia, anxiety and headache. I'll continue posting my journey as I move forward, hopefully I can get a nap sometime today. Take care..wishing everyone the best..
Great to hear!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by buglegs »

Good Morning everyone...well today marks day 11 without taking any dopamine agonist drugs, gabapentin, or medications what-so-ever, guess I've really had a drug holiday so far in this process, I haven't even taken as much as an aspirin. My RLS has become remarkably less intensive and primarily in my calve muscles now, very low intensity of painful / pulling / burning / stinging but only in the lower legs, like I've been doing some sort of extreme leg exercises. The symptoms are just bad enough to aggravate me making it hard to sleep but it is a welcomed improvement. Additionally, my left thigh/hip was going numb and burning like fire but this is gone since stopping the Requip/lyrica. I have a follow-up appointment with my neurologist on Monday 22 April 2024, don't really know if I want to introduce some other drug at this time or give my drug holiday a little extra time, after all I have taken Requip for over 20 years and the improvement in the past 11 days has been unbelievable. I'll discuss my current symptoms with the doctor and see what he recommends. I'm no doctor, I have no medical training but I will never again take another dopamine agonist medication because I know they cause more problems than they fix..I'll let everyone know how my appointment goes on Monday..

Polar Bear
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by Polar Bear »

It will be of great interest to hear the result of your appointment on Monday. Well done ll
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by buglegs »

Good Morning my marks the 14th day that I've been dopamine agonist FREE...and I feel like a new person!! I had my follow-up appointment with my neurologist yesterday at the VA Hospital in Charleston, S.C. everything went great...My doctor was amazed at how well I was doing at completion of my 12-day Drug Free Holiday, we decided to let this Holiday continue since I'm only getting better as my drug free days pass. Today will be a total of 14-days since I've not taken any kinds of medications..none what-so-ever.. everyday that passes I feel better and better, almost like stopping some sort of poisoning to my system. He said my dopaminergic system was all jacked-up thanks to the extended use and very high dosages of the Pramepexole / Ropinirole over the 20 plus years. I've decided that I'm not taking anymore mind altering medications in the foreseeable future because everyday that I've been drug free my RLS has decreased drastically. The biggest changes that I've made is watching my diet, more exercise and threw all the dopamine agonist drugs in the trash. My energy levels have increased enormously, food taste better, major depression that I've had for years is gradually going away and I just feel like living again, I absolutely feel 20 years younger, thank God..I went to bed last night at 10:00 and slept until 5:00 this is the best I've felt in many, many years. I'll continue posting my drug free journey and I only expect it to get better...I'm in no-way suggesting that anyone try and follow the steps that I've taken since being overdosed on dopamine agonist drugs because these drugs are dangerous, especially stopping them as quickly / rapidly as I have since December 28 2023...12-MG down to 0.0 as I sit here today, I'm blessed and lucky to have such encouraging support from others on here, thanks Polar hopes and prayers are that everyone suffering from this terrible disease will find something that will ease their pains, just don't ever give-up..If there's anything I can do for anyone don't hesitate to ask..take care and have a great day..

Polar Bear
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by Polar Bear »

What a wonderful result. Your determination has paid off in bucketfuls.I wish you good times. ....... Thumbs up.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by ViewsAskew »

buglegs wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:50 am
Good Morning my marks the 14th day that I've been dopamine agonist FREE...and I feel like a new person!! I had my follow-up appointment with my neurologist yesterday at the VA Hospital in Charleston, S.C. everything went great...My doctor was amazed at how well I was doing at completion of my 12-day Drug Free Holiday, we decided to let this Holiday continue since I'm only getting better as my drug free days pass. Today will be a total of 14-days since I've not taken any kinds of medications..none what-so-ever.. everyday that passes I feel better and better, almost like stopping some sort of poisoning to my system. He said my dopaminergic system was all jacked-up thanks to the extended use and very high dosages of the Pramepexole / Ropinirole over the 20 plus years. I've decided that I'm not taking anymore mind altering medications in the foreseeable future because everyday that I've been drug free my RLS has decreased drastically. The biggest changes that I've made is watching my diet, more exercise and threw all the dopamine agonist drugs in the trash. My energy levels have increased enormously, food taste better, major depression that I've had for years is gradually going away and I just feel like living again, I absolutely feel 20 years younger, thank God..I went to bed last night at 10:00 and slept until 5:00 this is the best I've felt in many, many years. I'll continue posting my drug free journey and I only expect it to get better...I'm in no-way suggesting that anyone try and follow the steps that I've taken since being overdosed on dopamine agonist drugs because these drugs are dangerous, especially stopping them as quickly / rapidly as I have since December 28 2023...12-MG down to 0.0 as I sit here today, I'm blessed and lucky to have such encouraging support from others on here, thanks Polar hopes and prayers are that everyone suffering from this terrible disease will find something that will ease their pains, just don't ever give-up..If there's anything I can do for anyone don't hesitate to ask..take care and have a great day..
I joined this forum in 2004, in a similar situation. I've stayed for 20 years to pay it forward and because of stories such as this. Everyone we help makes me very, very happy. Congrats, buglegs.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by buglegs »

Good Morning Everyone... Well its Day 16 that I've been dopamine agonist free, actually haven't taken any type of drugs in 16 days, nothing at all. I feel really great this morning. Last night around 7;30 - 8;00 I was having like a slight burning in both legs and kind of itchy feelings, I took a hot bath and rubbed some Hempvana "Cold as Ice" lotion/Gel on my legs, especially just below my knee caps, thats where the burning sensation in my legs seems to be originating from into the muscles below. Well I waited until around 9:30 and decided I'd go to bed. I feel asleep right away awaking couple times to go pee but went right back to sleep getting up around 4:30 this morning, feeling rested, not tired and I actually had several dreams which in the past years hasn't happened. The only withdrawals that I'm having now is very low anxiety, cold one minute hot the next and some burning feelings in my legs but I expect that to slowly subside, gonna take some time to get past 20 plus years of poisoning my system with dopamine agonist drugs, I'll keep everyone posted as I continue down this path, so far its nothing short of a miracle. Hope everyone has a great day!!

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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by buglegs »

Day 23 dopamine agonist free..I feel better and better as the days without DA's pass-by.. My RLS symptoms are very mild, concentrated below my knees, right below my knee caps slightly numb feeling and calve muscles sore, slight burning. The DAWS is slowly subsiding but these DA's have some bad lingering effects, blood pressure has been elevated averaging 130/80, increased agitation, anxiety, with claustrophobic feelings (CPAP USE) while trying to sleep. I've been getting about 4-5 hours sleep per night..overall I feel great. I've only taken ibuprofen at bedtime for headaches which seems to be helping with the withdrawals, especially the insomnia induced from not taking Requip. Overall I feel like a new person... These drugs only had a 12-week study (2005) for treating RLS before being pushed out to folks with RLS, its all about money and not peoples health, these are some deadly drugs that can cause more damage than good, especially in the long run. RLS and dopamine agonist drugs seem to be a mystery to most of all the doctors that I've seen lately which has been quite a few.. I've had to educate myself quickly and make some hard choices stopping these medications and it hasn't been easy, there has been times I've almost given-up, didn't feel like I could continue without the Requip, thats when I had to reach way down inside and muster the courage and will-power to overcome the grips of addiction dopamine agonist has created for me. Overall, I feel like a new person, 20 years younger..I'm not out of the woods yet but I feel like I can see the clearing..I'll never take another dopamine agonist drug....hope everyone suffering from this terrible disease finds something that will relieve your pains..have a great day..

Polar Bear
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by Polar Bear »

It I just gets better and better for you. Your journey is an encouragement for all for sufferers. Well done.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by buglegs »

Well today marks 35 days that I've been dopamine agonist drug free and feel so much better. I haven't replaced the dopamine agonist with any other type of medication(s) and have been doing great. My blood pressure was a little elevated for couple weeks but has slowly returned to normal..under 120/80, the longer that I'm off the dopamine agonist the better I feel. The only symptoms I'm currently having is a slight numb feeling below my knees and kind of burning feeling in my calves down to my ankles, which I attribute to nerve damage caused by the dopamine agonist drugs over the past 20 plus years. This I believe could possibly be residual DAWS that will eventually get better only time will tell. I've been able to control it at night with a hot bath and HEMPVANA LOTION applied to both legs below the knees. I've been sleeping 6 - 7 hours nightly..after I eventually got issued a new MedRes 11 CPAP machine..sleep apnea can be a major contributor to increased intensity levels of RLS...anyways, I'm doing great..35 days drug free and it just gets better and better..Have a great day!!

Polar Bear
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by Polar Bear »

The burning in your legs sounds like neuropathy. Mine is controlled with pregabalin though I know you don't want to take any medications.

6/7 hours sleep is a blessing.
I also use a cpap machine and it changed my life.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Reversing Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by buglegs »

Polar Bear I believe you are exactly right..the symptoms that I'm now having in my legs sounds just like neuropathy which is basically nerve damage. I truly believe the symptoms I'm currently experiencing below my knees (peripheral neuropathy) is a direct result of damages from dopamine agonist drugs over the years. These dopamine drugs seem to work great in the beginning until the dosage is way out of control and the patient has become mentally and physically dependent resulting in the inability or refusal to quit taking whichever version is prescribed. These dopamine agonist class drugs have no end's kind of like sending someone to the moon without any type of plan or means of returning to earth, figure it out when they land on the moon. Today makes exactly 40 days that I haven't taken any dopamine agonist drugs, no gabapentin, no lyrica, nothing at all except B-1 and B-12 supplements, eating nutritional meals, ensuring my CPAP is fit and pressures adjusted correctly to prevent apneas during sleep and exercising as much as possible...I feel like a new I won't be electing to get a spinal stimulator because I don't need it any longer, Thank god!! Miracles do still happen, don't ever give up..Like I've said in past post on here..I'm no doctor and I'm not recommending that anyone go against their doctors advice but I believe dopamine agonist drugs will eventually cause more damages than it will ever prevent. I highly recommend that anyone taking dopamine agonist drugs CLOSELY examine their dangerous side effects, most recently the side effects that they are revealing are continually changing for the worse, all medicines have side effects but my research on dopamine agonist drugs have unlimited or unknown dangers associated with their use. The medical world is totally ignorant to the debilitating affects that Restless leg Syndrome has on us sufferers, its hard to find a medical professional that actually validates the fact that its a serious illness that is life threatening because they can't measure or see it. Good luck to all with RLS with whatever means you find to get some mental sanity and rest because I know your pain, just keep the faith and don't give up..

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