RLS after back injury

RLS occurs more frequently in certain populations, including people with end-stage renal disease, women during pregnancy, and people with iron deficiency. Also, RLS/WED in the elderly and children brings other challenges. Sharing your experiences may be extraordinarily helpful to others.
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RLS after back injury

Post by curlykay18 »

Hello, I am new to this and need help. I had a back injury, L5-S1 disc, and soon after notice the RLS symptoms. I have had blood work showing everything is fine and not contributing to the RLS. I have no family history of RLS. I have read back injuries can cause or worsen RLS but there is little medical documentation on this. Can anyone help me find documentation or confirm their RLS has occurred since an injury. Thanks so much for your help!

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Post by tazzer »

you need to ask our jan she is our back surgery expert...she can no longer pass through metal detectors and magnets jump all over her :D

seriously jan had a very major back operation and is still recovering i think she is the one best qualified to answer your question.

good luck dee
I feel like a science project!!!

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Post by jan3213 »

Hi curlykay

I'm Jan, the person who has just had back sugery. I know that back injuries and back surgery can cause RLS. However, I have primary RLS (inherited). Secondary RLS means that you have contracted RLS because of trauma to your body as a result of something like a back injury or broken leg, etc., or even pregnancy.

I have had RLS all of my life. Sometimes, back surgery can make RLS worse. However, in my case (so far, at least), my RLS is better. Dee's right. I have very extensive back surgery. I had spinal fusion on five levels in my thoracic spine. I have 12 screws, 2 rods, 2 cages and bone grated which was harvested from my right hip. And, I would set off every metal detector in Illinois! Haven't been around magnets, but I bet I would attract them. hahaha

I can't confirm that your RLS was caused by your back injury, but it's a good bet that it was. Have you seen a doctor yet? If you have a doctor, I would ask him/her about this. In the meantime, good luck. I hope you're not doing too badly. I'm sorry that you have RLS, but glad that you found this forum.

Please keep us informed.

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Thanks for replies!

Post by curlykay18 »

Nice to meet you! I have seen a doctor (neurologist) and she said it is possible however can't confirm. My symtoms are quite under control since starting requip. I have been taking it for a few months now. I had disc replacement surgery and feel much better since the surgery. Just some facet joint pain now. So overall I am happy and healthy.

My concern with finding documentation is that it is a worker's comp issue and they are denying payment saying there is no medical documentation that RLS is caused by an injury. As I said, I have no idications from the blood work, no family history and I am not pregnant :lol:

All the symptoms started directly after the injury and I have seen a couple things claiming RLS can be trigger by injury. I would just like to see if I can get more info.

So sorry to hear you, Jan, have had so much back problems. The pain can be so debilitating and frustrating. I hope you heal great and stay sane. Great to have you here helping others!

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Post by jan3213 »

Hi again

If I find anything concerning back surgery causing RLS, I will be sure to post. I have some experience with Workman's Comp (carpal tunnel surgery), so I know what you're probaby going through.

Hopefully, someone else will come along who can help you, also.

I'm glad your RLS is under control. Continued good luck to you!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

There is no way to prove that anything causes RLS at this time (at least to my knowledge). You can find information splattered around the Internet that links them, but there is no test or anything - no blood work - and no studies, that can confirm the link. The closest is a new study that hypothesizes that the origination of the problems with RLS is the spine - in a little studied area that generates dopamine. But, it's a hypothesis, not proof.

I doubt you can proof anything, but I'd write to Dr Buchfurer - www.rlshelp.org. If there is any proof, he'd know of it.

Just curious, what is the claim for? Is the RLS preventing you from working? For some of us, it can get pretty intolerable. Sometimes, we can get the right medication combination to make it so we can get most of our lives back. For a few, that's not possible.

Good luck.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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RLS after back surgery

Post by kt41577 »

I had back surgery a year ago in July, I had l5-s1 fusion. about 3 months ago I started feeling RLS, I went to the dr, and they said it is possible that I developed RLS after surgery. he gave me requip and it was working, but a few months into in it I was feeling very sick after taking them, so I had to stop, and now the RLS is just as bad. I even get such horrible leg cramps that I'm waking up screaming. I've had blood work, and my levels are fine, so they don't know why I'm getting the cramps. My RLS is really starting to interfere with my life, and sleeping. I also need to go back to my surgeon as one of my screws in my back has shifted, and may need to be replaced. No one in my family has RLS, nor have they ever heard of it before me, so I really feel its due to my back. I never injured my back, I was born with this condition. I have spondy and scolosis. I take a sleeping pill at night, but my husband says that I still kick, twitch and move my legs a lot, causing him to sometimes sleep elsewhere, anything else I can take besides requip? or any advice would be helpful!! thanks

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rls after back injury

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Kt41577 and welcome to this group. Our Jan had back surgery so she is the best one to explain things to you. However; she had rls before the back surgery but know she can enlighten you on this subject.

I am so sorry that you are having a rough time with the rls. I also took requip and did not do well with it. Also it sounds like you have PLMD(period limb movement disorder) while sleeping.

Read the forum New to RLS "Managing RLS" there is an article there on the Mayo Clinic Algorithm. If you print it out it will be helpful to give this to your dr. Also read as much of the old and new posts as there is a fountain of knowldege. It is good to educate yourself as much as you can before seeing your dr.

I hope this is some help to you.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing. You have found a wonderful caring and supportive group.

I take clonazapem 1mg but the one thing to remember is what works for one may not work for another. Sometimes it takes a cocktail of meds before you find out what works for you. I know this does not seem to be of help but know others members will post; especially our Jan with her having major back surgery.
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Post by jan3213 »

Hi kt

I had back surgery on September 12, 2006---T-6 through T-12, fusion.

I have always had RLS, so I can't say for sure if back surgery "bring on" RLS, although I've heard that it can. Sorry, don't have the sources. I do know that trauma to the body can cause RLS symptoms. I was afraid that my RLS would worsen after my back surgery, but it hasn't.

Can I ask you a question? How did you know that a screw had shifted? Did you have pain or an achiness? I would like to know.

Sorry I'm not much help. I hope you get some help...hope the Requip works for you. As I said, my RLS is not worse after my back surgery. I'm so sorry you have deal with RLS as well as recuperating from your surgery. And, I'm so sorry to hear that you are going to have to have more surgery.

Please keep us informed. We really do care around here.

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Post by brandy »

You have already received some good direction with regard to beginning on the road to symptom management, so I just wanted to add a word of welcome to what has already been posted. I am sorry to hear about your difficulties and I hope that you will find some relief soon. Please let us know what we can do to help. Welcome.
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Post by kt41577 »

thank you very much for the welcome words!! I have been on other message boards for my back, and they have been so useful, but not many have the same leg syptoms.
I found out that my screw shifted when I went back for my 1 year post op visit, I thought I was about 80% recovered, when a few of my syptoms came back, leg weakness and tingling, and it was only my left leg. they did an x-ray, and found a mass, which I had an MRI, CT scan, and a pelvic angiogram, as they thought the screw was hitting an atery. They found that the screw shifted, and caused a scar tissue build up which is pushing on my nerve causing the pain. I feel I'm about 75% better then I was before surgery, but still in great deal of pain.
then both my legs started, the achy, itching wanting to move feeling, and won't stop! and today has been the worst yet, even if I get up to walk or stretch it hurts even more.
my question for today is- does RLS cause leg cramps? I get them every week, and they are painful, and then they are sore for 3-4 days after I get one. and does increased activity cause syptoms to falir up? I was painting my sister's new house this weekend, but I didn't climb the ladder, or do anything excessive.
thanks again for welcoming me, and I know how useful these boards are, so thank you.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I'll add my welcome to the others.

There are many reports that back trauma - including surgery - can instantly cause RLS. There have been no studies done, however it is accepted amount some medical professionals. Most recently, researchers reported that a little-studied part of the spinal cord creates/delivers/or is otherwise invovled in RLS. They just don't know how. This may be why back trauma can cause instant RLS.

There are many other drugs to try besides Requip. Head to the "sticky" posts in the New to RLS section - there is a link to it in my signature. You will find a lot of info there including a link to the Mayo Clinic algorithm. It will explain to both you and your doc the treatment options you have. Mirapex would be next to try. If you can't tolerate a high enough dose, you can also try a "cocktail" of two or three meds at lower doses but the work together to resolve your RLS.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by jan3213 »


Thank you so much for the information about your screw shifting. I really appreciate it. I have 12 screws, two rods and two wire mesh cases in my thoracic spine. I'm four mos. post-op and was very interested in what you had to say.

Here's hoping that that situation will be resolved. I really hope that you don't have to have further back surgery. Please let us know.

And, I hope you find some help with your RLS. You've been given great advice. Please let us know how that is going, as well.

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Post by kt41577 »

my sister also had back surgery about 8 or 9 years ago, her's was a result of a car accident, and her screws remained in tact and nothing shifted, she also did not have RLS. she had some foot and leg problems but not as bad as mine. My cousin had his entire spine fused due to severe scolosis, and he has been fantastic, I never hear him complain of back problems, or leg problems, just to let you know some of the history of screws going loose in the family!! I'm the only one with a screw loose!! ha! yes, the dr, and my husband really enjoyed that one!!
I go to the dr next week, and will talk to him about trying some other medication. Last night was horrible, I was up most of the night tossing and turning, and I took a requip, and thought I was going to throw up most of the night. I need something else! I will keep you posted.

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Post by jan3213 »

Well, my family accuses me of having a screw loose, too! Just hope it's in my head and not my back! LOL

Thanks, again, for explaining that to me. I'm doing fine, so far. I have a CT scan on 2/14/07. I'm using the bone grow stimulator every day for 4 hours. I'm just a little bit skittish, you know! Don't want to go through THAT again!


Sorry about last night..... I hope your doctor finds something else for you to try. I've been on Mirapex for a long time, but would like to get off of it. Don't know if I'll be able to or not. LOL

Take care and keep us posted, please.

No one is alone who had friends.

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