Itching and RLS?

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Itching and RLS?

Post by Barbee »

I've been suffering with RLS for years and do not have any of the mentioned illness. I do, however, have a myriad of allergies and am presently suffering from itching legs as well as RLS. So you can imagine trying to get a good nights sleep.

I wondered if it could be associated in any way to RLS. It woke me up at 2 this a.m. and I thought I'd go crazy not itching so I went ahead and itched and the more I itched the worse the urge became. My legs are red as beets but no rash. My doctors have no clue what is causing it and we've tried every anti itch remedy and antihistimine there is.

Why do I get all the mysterious maladies?

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Post by mackjergens »

I dont think that the itch is part of RLS, at least I have never read that. But you really need to be careful taking antihistimines those meds are known to make rls alot worse!!
Go to and read all the different things that can make rls worse.

As for your itch, have you recently changed your detergent you use in washing clothes. or tried a new bath soap. just try to think along those lines and see if you come up with anything. Also the foods you are eating, anything new there?

you might research bath products that can be used in your bath water and find something that might help the itch at night.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Several of us have itching as a part of the RLS. Always has been for me, still is. I used to keep the RLS under control simply by putting on lotion. Since it happens to quite a few of us, I think it's related somehow, but it's not in the literature at all.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by mountainbiker »

The itching on top of the RLS symptoms sounds miserable. My feet and ankles itch when I am experiencing RLS symptoms but never my legs. I always wondered if they were related.

Word of caution on the antihistamines. If I take them, my RLS symptoms are much worse.

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Post by runkrun »

Barbee, I'm sorry for the new symptom you have developed. RLS is enough to drive anyone crazy, let alone itching on top of that. You mentioned that you had a "myriad of allergies". I would definately start journaling everything that you eat. See if there is any relationship to certain foods making your symptoms worse. In regards to your meds, has the pharmacy changed up on a different generic of one of your meds? New generics may also make a difference. Have you been checked for diabetes?

Mountain Woman
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Post by Mountain Woman »

I seem to experience itching, like I haven't shaved my legs, or a mans beard that has grown out a bit, before the RLS really kicks in. Lotion seems to help a little but not for long. For me the 2 go together

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Post by Laurachrissy »

Just thought I'd mention that Opioids cause itching because of the histamine release as well as other narcotics like Morphine.
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Post by Rubyslipper »

Isn't it interesting--the strange things you find in common with others. I suffer with itching but I usually associate it with dry skin. However, now that we are talking about it, that isn't always really the reason. Sometimes it just seems like my skin is in an upheaval. Usually if I sit up, rub on some Gold Bond medicated lotion it will go away. Hmmm...

I also have talked about foot reflexology making my RLS go haywire. Other people say the same, either about having had reflexology or a strong foot massage. I actually mentioned this to Dr. Pichetti and he wondered what the connection was also. I think, in my heart of hearts, that this disorder just simply defies understanding!
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Re: Itching and RLS?

Post by lisalu67 »


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Re: Itching and RLS?

Post by ViewsAskew »

I've had the itching since I was a child with WED - it's always been a part of it. No diabetes or other issues. Just weird how we all experience this so differently.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Itching and RLS?

Post by Baffledsilly »

Ok, wow thought it was just me! My legs itch, so yeah, seems to be another side effect of WED. I have hairy legs so always thought it was just my hairs moving around in my socks and tickling me. Now it makes sense...

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Re: Itching and RLS?

Post by cnash962 »

One of the neurologists I had seen told me itching was a fairly common complaint.

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Re: Itching and RLS?

Post by Chipmunk »

This is seriously the strangest disease. I would lament about wanting to have something "normal" like other people but quite frankly I don't want anything!! LOL

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Re: Itching and RLS?

Post by Baffledsilly »

Yes, indeed. I often wished I'd of been born with a 'normal' disease, but none of them are normal. Or at least one that made sense and responded to drugs like it should. Lets just keep up hope they put more money and research into it and finally get us some relief.

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Re: Itching and RLS?

Post by badnights »

Lets just keep up hope they put more money and research into it and finally get us some relief.

They, and us as well. I give my whatever-it-is per month to the foundation. I might be only $10.

But it's gonna take that awareness-raising campaign to get real funds moving.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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