RLS after hip surgery

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RLS after hip surgery

Post by bjk »

I am having hip surgery and am very worried how it is going to affect my leg afterwards. Does anyone know anything about it?

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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by Polar Bear »

The Foundation publishes a leaflet on the effects of surgery on a WED sufferer.
This link will take you to a list of their publications and if scroll down you will come to one titled RLS and Surgery, this can be downloaded and printed out.
https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by ViewsAskew »

Several people here have had hip and/or knee replacements. Most have been fine. If you search on hip surgery or hip replacement, you'll likely find their posts and how they handled it.
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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by debbluebird »

bjk wrote:I am having hip surgery and am very worried how it is going to affect my leg afterwards. Does anyone know anything about it?

I had both hips replaced this past fall, two months apart. I had more trouble with my WED/PLM before my surgery. The pain medicine that they gave me kept my WED/PLM at bay afterwards. They only gave me so many, so I spaced them out, finally the last weeks worth I only used one pain med along with my regular WED meds. By the time that was over, my WED had settled down. Now that the hips have healed I have less WED/PLM than I did before the surgeries. Good luck.

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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by badnights »

The critical thing is to speak with everyone on the surgical team beforehand and tell them what medications will make it worse!!! as well as what the symptoms are, and what meds you take. The anesthesiologist is especially important to talk to; make sure he/she gets a copy of the pamphlet on surgery Surgery and RLS/WED (Healthcare Provider Series) (Special Considerations for the Surgical Team when the patient has Restless Legs Syndrome). You DON'T want to be given anti-nausea drugs, or anti-histamines, and both might be added to your IV drip if you say nothing to prevent it.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by debbluebird »

All the drugs that make my WED/PLM worse, I had them listed as allergies.

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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by Maria »

I am having hip surgery and am very worried how it is going to affect my leg afterwards. Does anyone know anything about it?

You didn't mention when your hip replacement was to take place; I hope by now you are enjoying your new hardware and walking well. It's great to live in this age of miracles. I'll just share my experience if this comes up for anyone else.

My first was about 5 years ago -- a total success . . . except for the recall. (It was a Dupuy Johnson & Johnson, sigh)
My total revision (even the stem was loose) was a year ago. Another success!

After each, the pain meds kept symptoms controlled until all pain was gone, then I returned to my usual medication for WED. With each, the symptoms were exacerbated for about three months. I used my standing desk for most "sitting" work, got one of those little sitting pedaling exercisers so I could sit and watch a little TV with my husband, and slept as best as I could.

MOST IMPORTANT - as badnights said:
The anesthesiologist is especially important to talk to; make sure he/she gets a copy of the pamphlet on surgery Surgery and RLS/WED (Healthcare Provider Series)

I conferred with my wonderful fabulous WED doc ahead of the second surgery, as the previous anesthesiologist had brushed me off and condescended. WED doc recommended the following script, which I practiced like a madwoman before hand:

"I have total confidence and I know you know what you are doing. But I do need you to be aware that there are some medications I just cannot have. They are in my chart and I'm giving you a copy. You are my new best friend, but if there are any complications, there will be legal consequences.

"I've just seen my WED doctor and he has had several patients whose very competent and skilled anesthesiologist did not pay attention, with untoward consequences before the surgery was over."

He further recommended that I give the anesthesiologist a copy of my medical alert card (with proscribed meds) and give it to the hospital on admission and put in my chart. The key words here are "put in my chart."

btw - the 2nd time the anesthesiologist was a sweetie and I didn't even need my speech. You will probably be as fortunate as I!

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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by badnights »

Maria, I never thought I would need this information so soon myself. I ripped my knee apart in a game last week and just found out on Friday that I will need surgery. I had a ligament reconstruction on my other knee but that was before the WED got bad (just before), so I have not had to experience surgery with full-blown WED yet. I am very grateful for your cautions and will heed them!

I would never have dreamed the anethesiologist might disregard what I said. I will have to pay attention to be sure he gets it, and I will carry multiple copies of the medical alert card.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by ViewsAskew »

badnights wrote:Maria, I never thought I would need this information so soon myself. I ripped my knee apart in a game last week and just found out on Friday that I will need surgery. I had a ligament reconstruction on my other knee but that was before the WED got bad (just before), so I have not had to experience surgery with full-blown WED yet. I am very grateful for your cautions and will heed them!

I would never have dreamed the anethesiologist might disregard what I said. I will have to pay attention to be sure he gets it, and I will carry multiple copies of the medical alert card.

Oh! I hope they can fix it without too many issues for you.
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my knee (hi-jacking this topic for a post or two)

Post by badnights »

Actually, it's been brutal. I was to go visit my parents on Monday (tomorrow!). When it first happened, during the scream I was already feeling the bitter disappointment that I wouldn't be playing the game (it happened during warm-up! My own teammate stepped on the outside of my knee joint while running at the net. Right on the joint, not near it, on it) Then I realized, as I watched the game from the bench, that I probably couldn't play for the rest of the broomball season, which ends in February. Then after I saw the doctor at Emerg on Monday morning, I learned I would also miss the rest of hockey season, which goes til April.

But I still thought it was just a stretched MCL. I assumed I would be visiting my parents in the middle of winter when no one else wants to go to the snowy blowy Maritimes, I would be breaking up the monotony for them and more important, I would be seeing my Dad who hasn't been well.

Then Friday morning (it's very unusual to get appointments this fast, the Emerg doctor must have written very emphatic referrals) I saw physiotherapy and got my first inkling that it was more serious, but for some reason I didn't follow the thought process. Less than an hour later I saw the orthopedic surgeon. He had to run to OR before I finished asking questions, but he thinks both the ACL and MCL (two of the three main ligaments) are torn completely through ("gone" is the word he used). I need an MRI to be sure, which means travel to Edmonton, and I need surgery within 3 weeks to repair the MCL otherwise it will have to be a re-construction which is more major. So there I was in his office suddenly having to choose between seeing my Dad and fixing my leg.

I cancelled my trip, with much agony, because I hope my Dad is actually fine and my Mom is imagining things.

Given that the ACL probably needs reconstruction too, and just the whole thing, I may not be fixed in time to work in the field this summer. Hockey and working outdoors are what keep me sane, so I am probably going to be insane soon.

On a positive note, the swelling has decreased rapidly and I can almost walk normally, though I still can't bend it all the way (I can get to 90 or even 100 degrees with pain). I have been using a vitafon on it twice a day. (sonic-wave device made in Russia, no scientific proof that it works but it's said to speed healing of all sorts of injuries)

So, I get to experience first-hand having surgery as a WED patient. Actually I felt WED sensations in one of my previous surgeries - ACL in my other knee, in 2007 - and I barely managed to distract myself. Maybe they keep records and I can find out what I was given!
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by ViewsAskew »

Oh, Beth, so sorry. Glad the swelling is better, but missing your trip to see your parents and the extent of the damage both sound awful.
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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by Polar Bear »

Painful and disappointing - and coincidentally we were talking on another post about how to keep our spirits up. :roll:
I know you will do everything possible to get fit as soon as possible.
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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by Rustsmith »

Beth, I am really sorry to hear about your season(s) ending injury and the need for your last minute change in travel plans. Ouch!!!

I completely understand your comment about this leading to potential insanity :D . A part of the reason that I continue to run is that it is a non-pharmaceutical means of treating my tendency to depression. If I cannot run, I start going through bouts of depression within 2 weeks.

I don't know if you have many friends who have been through this surgery. From talking with my friends who have had it as well as my friends who run physical therapy clinics, the key to complete recovery is sticking to the post-op therapy. The people with poor outcomes were the ones to stopped therapy when they thought that they were good enough. The ones who saw it PT through to the end were the ones who made it completely back to normal.

https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by Maria »

Oh boy! Oh girl, rather!! You've probably been through every shade of regret and gratitude since your injury. I'm just chiming in with all who are here, wishing you well, wishing you good and total recovery.

oh, and ... just thought of something my daughter passed along. I'd never heard of Traumeel before; she's using it for carpal tunnel and was recommending to my other daughter who just fractured her tibia snowboarding. It's in the CAM category, has been used in Europe for many years to good effect. I had to look it up: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3085232/
I'm sure it's not strong enough for what ails you, but it might aid recovery in some way.

Come on back for cheering up and moral support. (oh, right; you already knew that ;-> )

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Re: RLS after hip surgery

Post by ViewsAskew »

I looked into Traumeel a bit. It's moderately homeopathic - more this true homeopathy, but less ingredient than a true herbal. Interesting.

I also found this article on homeopathy that I thought did a good job of discussing herbal and homeopathic preps and the differences. It's on arnica as used in homeopathy, but it takes time to explain what all the terms mean.

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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