RLS occurs more frequently in certain populations, including people with end-stage renal disease, women during pregnancy, and people with iron deficiency. Also, RLS/WED in the elderly and children brings other challenges. Sharing your experiences may be extraordinarily helpful to others.
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Post by Hollybelle78 »

My neurologist also agreed but won't prescribe it. It's very crazy. No one should have to choose between having a child or not when there are treatment options. It's for nine months. I'm not asking for a lifetime of opioid or methadone treatment. My symptoms are very well controlled by gabapentin. It's so unfair and very stressful.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Hollybelle78 wrote:My neurologist also agreed but won't prescribe it. It's very crazy. No one should have to choose between having a child or not when there are treatment options. It's for nine months. I'm not asking for a lifetime of opioid or methadone treatment. My symptoms are very well controlled by gabapentin. It's so unfair and very stressful.

It really isn't fair.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

So bad - for a medical practitioner to know that a certain treatment will work, will only be required for about 1 year, will help a sufferer have a much loved child, and not do the prescribing........ seems that it would be a good thing that in these medical centres there should be 'special exceptions'.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by badnights »

Hollybelle, I would go see Dr rye and THEN ask him to his face if he is willing to work long distance with you. It might sway him if he was on the fence, it's so much easier to say no to a faceless person. But I don't know how much you're willing to gamble - it would probably be a wasted trip if he didn't agree.

I sure hope you can find a way to beat the system and have that baby ... the system that is supposed to be helping you! But where there's a will, there's a way, that much I've seen in life. Good luck to you.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

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