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Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:07 pm
by jan3213

I think you're right Sara, because isn't hypoglycemia low blood sugar? You're not talking to a medical expert here!


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:11 pm
by Sara
My mom had hypoglycemia, so yes, I think that's low. Actually she had reactive hypoglycemia (widely swinging blood sugar levels) which later turned into diabetes.

... and "hyper" means too much, too fast, etc., right?


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:28 pm
by jan3213

This so......My mom had....the kind of diabetes you get when you get older.


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 4:30 pm
by Heronak
You're both right,

Hypo = low
Hyper = high (think hyperactive)

That's my huge contribution to this topic...


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 5:17 pm
by Sara
Thanks, Heron, we DO appreciate your "huge contribution"! :D

Ever have a history of headaches or hypothyroidism? :wink:


Hi Sara and Jan

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:48 am
by Kyla
I agree. Maybe it is just that headaches seem to be a symptom of just about everything. RLS also seems to be a symptom of a lot of things. Weird how it works though. Those were definently my two biggest complaints when I went to see the doc. Jan- I am glad you are going to see someone. Have you done any online searches yet? Let me know if you find out anything.


Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 4:26 am
by jan3213
Hi Kyla

No, I haven't. I've been busy getting ready for an art show. But I'm going to ASAP. I should take care of me first, but I got a call from a promoter for the art show and got into first gear really quickly. And, I've got a store In Missouri where I'm a wholesaler, that I have to have an order filled by next Wednesday. Plus, I've got my things in a new store who's grand opening is next Friday. I know that's probably way too much info, but all of a sudden everything has hit the fan, so to speak. Will probably do a search sometime tomorrow. I really appreciate the info. I really feel so much better today. Did I ask you anything about Vitamen E?

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:19 am
by Kyla
Good luck with the art show!

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:46 am
by jan3213
Hi Kyla, it's Jan


I hope I didn't sound like it's a Giant Deal!! I'm really just getting started, but I'm excited and it's going a heck of a lot better than I ever imagined. I'm really just a novice, not in the big time at all--my legs, however, are STILL a lot better. Go figure. I'm not going to complain or say it too loudly. I was actually able to sleep in my own bed for awhile last night until about 1 a.m.--then my left leg and hip started hurting and I had to come downstairs to the family room and sleep on the couch. Of course, my JRT, Willie, had to follow and immediately took over my pillow (and, of course I left him), so, there I am, head half off the couch so I won't disturb Prince William. Ahhhhh, HE'S got the life of Riley, doesn't he? Ha! It really feels good to feel good!! But, I'm still going to call my neuro after this week. Got "life stuff" to handle, then I'll call my neuro. You've gone to a lot of trouble for me, Kyla, and I really appreciate it!!



Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 1:11 am
by blueSchatzy
I get rls when being rehydrated after being very dehydrated. I started having migraines with vomiting before I started 2nd grade but rls didn't start till about 4th or 5th grade.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:47 pm
by jrowley
Well I had child hood growing pains, where after playing my mother would put hot packs on my legs prior to going to bed. Then when about 13 I started having headaches. After several test ect... they ruled the headaches to be stress related and gave me elavil. I took it but it never did do anything for the headache only made me a zobie for two years of my childhood so I quite taking it. I learned to deal with the headaches and when to catch them before they got out of hand. Later I noticed leg jerks at night but they weren't all the time, seemed it was more when I was really tired that it happened. Well now at 39 the jerks are at a regular basis and the headaches are still hanging in there too. So I'm not real sure if they have a corellation or not. And to the folks that have a problem with iron that is what they call secondary rls where some other medical condition is causing it. If you have primary rls which is inherited rls then the iron typically will not do you much good. But it is important to get your blood work done to rule out secondary rls. Something my doctor hasnt done because of the severity of my rls for one and because my father and my mother both talked of rls symtoms. And my grandmother (dad's mom) also talks of it.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 2:11 am
by Guest
Yes, I have headaches and hypothyroidism.
But RLS started at age 20, and the others didn't hit till much later.
Think my headaches and low thyroid are hormonal.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:25 pm
by squirmy
yes, my headaches are at there worst during rls episodes. Tina

Headach anyone?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:59 pm
by carolynsuetoo
I just found the discussion about headaches, and wanted to put my two cents in. I have always had headaches, as well, yet sometimes they are completely gone for a while. I have only had a few migraines, the difference is amazing, to say the least.

I went to Gold Country's support group meeting a couple of months ago. The guest speaker worked at a sleep center, and he talked about sleeping problems with RLS patients. He suggested that the lack of certain sleep stages, in reguards to, sleep apnea, for example, can contributes to many problems: headaches, high blood pressure, etc. Do some simple searches on the internet concerning "sleep apnea" to read more.

When they do a sleep study, they monitor you through the night while you TRY to sleep. Some people have a lot of leg movement during the night, maybe from RLS or another leg jerking movement, sleep apnea, and etc. may keep patients from getting to the neccesary sleep stages.

I just had my first sleep study, and so I do not have the results yet. If you are interested, I will continue to give you feed back about the sleep study. I have been having sleep apnea lately, but I am not sure if I normally have it, or, if I have been having it because of the medication Requip. I am trying to figure that out.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 5:31 pm
by ksxroads
Hello to all! Carolyn I just had my first sleep study too! Haven't gotten the results probably another four weeks. Hopefully we can compare notes!

Jan ********Positive Energy********** Girl you have a lot going on! Sending you more *********Energy**********

As for late in life diabetes... I have always thought that late in life diabetes was actually a life long problem with the endrocrine system that as we age, we are less mobile etc so it becomes more evident! Well my GP stated the same thing recently. Just my two cents!

Hazel - rowing with the others, stirring up hope...