pregnancy and rls

RLS occurs more frequently in certain populations, including people with end-stage renal disease, women during pregnancy, and people with iron deficiency. Also, RLS/WED in the elderly and children brings other challenges. Sharing your experiences may be extraordinarily helpful to others.
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pregnancy and rls

Post by mollhb »

I am 34 and have had rls since my early 20's.When I got pregnant with my first child it became worse.Since then I have been taking requip 0.5mg at night. I want to have another child but I have to go off the requip.I am sooo afraid b/c the requip works great.Did some investigation and permax Is a catagory b medication.Would like to know If there Is anyone In the same boat and could use non-medication tips also.

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Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:49 pm

Post by trevb »

im not sure about the permax. i think that pregnant women can use opiod basd meds during pregnancy if things get bad, i think that this wont harm the baby if used in small quantities so not to cause addiction (you or the baby). best top talk to your doctor about your options but discuss opiods as well in your discussion and see what he says. post his reply it would be interesting to hear!

there are lots of non medicational ways of helping with rls in the 2 sticky posts under the 'new to rls' topic. sift thro the info and you should find some helpful stuff. theres a lots to go thro though :wink: !!

this is the meds section that talks about drugs in pregnancy half way thro.....

have you read the 'pregnancy and rls' sticky in the 'special pops' section? it has a good leaflet you can download on pregnancy, here is the sticky post link....

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