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RLS and headches

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:22 pm
by Kyla
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else had an association between the periods they have RLS symtoms and periods of frequent headaches.

RE: RLS and headches

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 1:52 am
by nephriticus
"I was wondering if anyone else had an association between the periods they have RLS symtoms and periods of frequent headaches."

Yes, sort of. Years before I acquired RLS, I began experiencing tension headaches and insomnia during periods of certain atmospheric conditions. Hazy low cloud cover and fog act as caffeine to my body. When RLS came upon the scene, the symptoms seem to be exacerbated by those same conditions.


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:11 am
by Sara
Kyla and Neph--

I wonder if Jumpy will comment on this later, based on the questionnaires he's compiling. It seems to me, just from the bios posted here, and the conversations, that many members have problems with headaches. I have noticed both headaches in general and migraines specifically mentioned.

I used to have migraines and also tension headaches, but don't often now (changes in diet and a few other things) so I've not personally noticed a correlation. But it would not surprise me if there was something.

The only headaches I seem to get now are sinus headaches, which would only probably correlate with RLS when I take antihistimines for them.

I will pay attention, though, now that I'm more aware of my RLS patterns now that I'm having more frequent symptoms. Worth noticing any type of pattern!!



Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:19 am
by jan3213
Kyla, Neph, and Sara--This is Jan

Just noticed your post re migraines and thought I'd add my two cents. I've had migraine since about age 30. I started having full-blown RLS at about 35 years of age (creepy-crawly, having to walk the floor RLS)--not every night, but often enough. I don't remember whether my migraines were happening at the same time as my RLS episodes or not. BUT, during the last 3 or 4 months, my legs have been hurting so badly, I find it difficult to walk in the morning. While I no longer suffer from migraines because I'm taking Topomax, I do have headaches and I DO know there is a direct correlation between my leg pain and the headaches. BTW, not only do my legs hurt, but my elbows, my hands and my back. I have been experiencing quite a lot of stress (famliy problems) and I'm sure that has a lot to do with the flareup of pain in my legs and arms. A trip to my neuro is in the near future for me. Just thought I'd mention my migraines for whatever it's worth.


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:48 pm
by Kyla
Thank you. I need any info I can get. I usually have what I believe to be tension headaches, although some of them are around my eyes, so maybe I also get clusters. I had one migrain, and it was the most painful experience of my life. I am sorry for your pain. I have had headaches all my life, but RLS developed over the last three years. Since it began it is only getting more frequent. The headaches seem to begin around two days before the RLS kicks in. I am seeing a doctor Tuesday, I will let you know what I find. Of course I want to be armed with lots of knowlege before I go to see her. Thank you for your help.


Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 11:19 pm
by Kyla
So I had my doctor visit. She was very nice and did know what RLS was. She is an internist, which I found helpful in her ability to diagnose me. I don't know much yet. I go in tomorrow for blood tests. Hypothyroidism and diabetes are on the list-both run in my family. I am also getting tested for iron, folate, and am having a cbc. I am glad I went but I won't have any real news until after the blood work.


Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:11 pm
by Heronak
Yes, I have had migraines all my life (infrequently, maybe 3-4 times/year), as well as RLS, but the migraines are not associated with increased or decreased RLS symptoms. In general I don't have frequent headaches. FWIW...


Blood tests

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 3:11 am
by jan3213
Hi Everyone, it's Jan again

You know, although I've had RLs for a long time, I've NEVER had a blood test. Maybe they didn't give blood tests (or test iron levels) when I was diagnosed officially (I was self-diagnosed and then went to my GP who referred me to my neuro--they both confirmed that I had RLS--that was approx. 15 years ago). I have noticed that Jumpy and many of you talk about your iron levels. I don't know if that would make any difference at this stage of my life with RLS or not, but perhaps I should mention it to my neuro. I don't know. Just a thought. I'm just "talking out loud".

Hope you all have a good night!!


Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 12:36 pm
by Kyla
Hi Jan,
You should definently have some blood work done. You never know what they may find out. There are a lot of disorders that can cause RLS as a symptom. Maybe your RLS is secondary and can be cured. It is worth a try. I got my first bathc of results back and my TSH levels are high, so it is looking like hypothyroid is a strong possibility. I need to be tested for my T4 levels to be sure. Also my iron levels were low. I think it might be related to the hypothyroid as it can be a symptom. I have always been easily fatigued, but I always figured I just wasn't sleeping enough. It's nice to know I might be expecting some relief in the future.


Blood tests

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 12:39 pm
by jan3213
Hi Kyla it's Jan

Thanks for your reply!!! Do you think any of this could have ANY THING to do with the pain in my legs? I know you're not a dr. by I know your background is in pharmacy, right? Just thought I'd ask.


Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 12:15 am
by Kyla
Hi Jan,
I am only premed, so all my info is from my own on-line research. But I know I that muscle cramps are symptoms of other disorders that have RLS as a symptom. It might do you some good to check in with an internist. They will give you a checklist at the beginning to fill out anything you are feeling. I had a lot of other symptoms of hypothyroid that I dismissed as no big deal. Do some research on your own. Search for RLS on-line and decide which if any other disorders you are likely to have. That is what I did. That way you have more of an idea of what you should be tested for. RLS can be its own disorder, but it could be a symptom of another underlying disorder. It is important to treat the cause and not just the symptom. I can tell you from my experience with doctors, that they don't know everything and don't always make the right decisions. I think it would be a mistake not to get a few blood tests done. Although your doctor may be a perfectly good doctor, however another doctor might have a better idea where to start. Good luck with your research. I hope your search goes well.


Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 12:18 am
by jan3213
Kyla, it's Jan

Thanks, Kyla, I will!!! I'll tell you, even though I've had this for so long, I still keep learning!!!


Hi Jan

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:39 pm
by Kyla
Again I am no doctor... but I do think from looking at your symptoms that hypothyroid is a possibility, the carpel tunnel, muscel soreness and cramps can all be symptoms. You might want to look up the other symptoms of Hypothyroidism and see if they sound like you. When you see the internist I would make sure to bring up a blood test for hypothyroid. That is what the blood tests have shown so far for me. If you have something like hypothyroid a pill a day may reverse your symptoms. Its worth the try.



Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 2:07 pm
by jan3213
Thanks Kyla! It's Jan

Wouldn't it be wonderful it that's what it is? After all these years, a pill a day!!! I'm CETAINLY going to mention all of this to my internist!!! I'm printing it all out. She's VERY approachable (she's a friend of mine and WILL listen). I really appreciate all of you help, Kyla! Thank you so much!


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:56 pm
by Sara
Jan and Kyla-

Hypothyroid is low thyroid, right? (I get this stuff confused! LOL) I have read that you can have thyroid low enough to cause medical problems even when the test says you're "within normal levels". I've been blood tested fairly recently, and the results showed nothing out of the ordinary, but I have a number of symptoms of low thyroid function.

Just was thinking about that reading your discussion.

BTW... I also have suffered both migraines and tension and sinus headaches over the years, but never with any correlation I found to RLS. I still have to wonder if there's something systemic in us that might account for the HIGH percentage of folks here (unscientific sampling, just what I notice in posts-- Jumpy will hopefully have some facts later) with headaches often/serious enough to comment on them. Seems an interesting coincidence if that's all it is.
