Breastfeeding and RLS

RLS occurs more frequently in certain populations, including people with end-stage renal disease, women during pregnancy, and people with iron deficiency. Also, RLS/WED in the elderly and children brings other challenges. Sharing your experiences may be extraordinarily helpful to others.
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Breastfeeding and RLS

Post by suzannemk »

Has anyone noticed a worsening of RLS symptoms as a result of breastfeeding. I have always had mild RLS (maybe a few times a year) but when my baby was about 6 months old, the problem became much worse. I did not have the problem during pregnancy. I originally thought it was related to nutrient depletion from breastfeeding. However, because the problem started when the baby began solids and is much worse now that I've completely weaned her (after a year), I'm wondering if it is from weaning, almost like withdrawl from the nursing hormones (e.g., oxytocin).
Any information/advice would be appreciated.


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Post by ViewsAskew »

Suzanne, I wish someone had come along with advice for you. I've not heard anything like this. Usually women indicate that as soon as the pregnancy is over, the RLS stops completely (unless it's a primary case in the first place). Since yours seems like it's primary, maybe it's just worsening in general or going through a rough spot and has nothing to do with the breastfeeding. Have you had your ferritin checked?



breastfeeding, rls, and pituitary problem

Post by suzannemk »

I just saw my family doctor today. He thinks the rls may be from a pituitary adenoma (i.e., tumor). I should have mentioned in my first post that I haven't had a period since the birth of my baby 13+ months ago. I thought this was a normal result of breastfeeding but the doc. indicated that it has been too long and there may be an underlying problem. He did some hormone level tests and also tested for ferritin. I'll get the results in a couple days. This kind of tumor is usually benign but can produce hormones that prevent menstruation and can sometimes cause RLS. I'm not excited about having a tumor but knowing that maybe there is something the doc can do gives me hope.

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Post by Kris »

I didn't have any problems at all with breastfeeding, other than my son was a wiggle worm that stayed up half the night nursing. Didn't help the sleep much but actual breastfeeding - it was a great experience for me.

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