Side effects of ropinirole (Requip)

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Side effects of ropinirole (Requip)

Post by paul9298 »

Since I started using ropinirole Ive had several bad side effects . Im not sure if they are related to the ropinirole or just something else.

Main ones is constant dizzyness and neck pain , there are various other things as well but it would be really helpful if others to relay there side effects
to so I can make a judgement as to continue of stop the ropinirole.

Thank Paul

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Re: Side effects of ropinirole (Requip)

Post by Rustsmith »

There are a number of websites that list side effects for various medications that you can find by searching Ropinirole and Side Effects.

Dizziness is listed as a common side effect for ropinirole. If this is dizziness to the point of risking fainting or falling, then you should call your doctor immediately.

As for the neck pain, it isn't specifically listed but you may see something that describes what you are feeling since pain in other body parts are listed.
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Re: Side effects of ropinirole (Requip)

Post by ViewsAskew »

One thing I have found - for me - is that many times side effects go away over time. It depends on the substance and dose. Of course, they do not always go away. Dizziness seems problematic! And pain is never something I want.

Paul, is this your first time on any prescription for WED/RLS? If so, let us know. There may be different options that are better.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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